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TerraDrive Live... 08! How can we make it MORE AWESOMER?



  • sneakymo7osneakymo7o Registered User new member
    edited August 2007
    I just want to start out by saying i had a blast playing this game. As fun as PAX was by itself, i would NEED to go next year, at least for all three days, only if there was Terra Drive Live again.

    First off, a shout out to hoonan for that kill. That was the one after we chased him down, right? That kill was in the true spirit of the Radicals. Fighting the man and his corporate funding with your limited resources. A true underdog victory.

    Things for making it more accessible:
    I really like the idea of quests to get powerups.

    Also, maybe instead of including powerups in the loot bag, you get powerups from kills that you turn in, on a random basis, a kind of loot drop. Turn in a kill, roll that giant fuzzy d20, get a rare for a 20, an uncommon for 17-19, and a common for 11-16, and nothing for below that. Or for two kills, or whatever odds work.

    Make the rules clear that you can accept any challenge on house rules, especially no powerups. I fought 95% of my battles against random people with a no powerups rule, because it just wouldn't be fair for me to throw those in while they didn't have any. It would have just made them want to not play it at all. My powerup battles were against equally well equipped corpers for the most part.

    Rules that need clarified or revised (if they even still exist next year):
    If you lose on the 2nd throw, is an equipped powerup taken then, or on an irrelevant 3rd throw in which you would obviously not equip powerups? I think it should be that if you lose on the 2nd throw, it is like you got so completely blasted away that there is nothing left to take.

    I am pretty sure that when you play target of opportunity, they pick which powerup, which means they would never give you the weapon.

    For card rarity, i think badass should be uncommon, and deadeye perhaps common.

    We definitely need some ways to have faction leaders not be just a liability, and color leaders even more so. i

    When playing powerups, to make defenders a little more balanced, and add even more strategy, why not equip powerups one at a time? Attacker equips 1st powerup, then defender equips 1st powerup, then attacker equips 2nd, and so on.

    While a faction leader must accept a challenge, i think the challenger should also get to choose the amount of life tokens wagered, instead of having to agree on an amount. This is kind of a selfish one, as i only got 2 hours of sleep Friday night because i expected that killing McKay would be a 5 powerup battle, and i stayed up studying odds and counters for 5 powerups, only to get my butt kicked on 2 or 3 powerup battles. LOL at me.

    This game was definitely my favorite part of PAX. I think i was playing the game for a good chunk of my time there, and thinking about it and looking at peoples wrists and badges the rest of the time. Well done Tony.

    One last thing, if nobody sees me here or on the wiki for a while, it will be because my internet is turned off, from a chain of unexpected and unforseen circumstances that i do not entirely understand and control even less, and may or may not have anything to do with velociraptors.

    I am also very tired right now, and i don't proofread for errors or insanity when i am tired because it usually only makes it worse.

    sneakymo7o on
    -O- Radicals For The Win -O-
  • JackKieserJackKieser Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Hmm... I know that Faction Leaders are already pretty influential, what with the tapping of fighters and such... but that's a purely defensive ability. Maybe they could get some type of offensive ability that affects the tide of battle; you could even make it so that Faction Leaders could only use one of them per engagement, though maybe not only once per engagement, if that makes sense.

    I'll think about any good ideas for any alt. faction leader powers, but if anyone has a good one, please tell.

    --Jack Kieser

    JackKieser on

  • ZarluneZarlune Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    For me, the game wasn't about the fighting, or the powerups, or anything like that, it was about the overall feel and energy. I don't know what anyone says, nothing beats having 5 or so people all searching for a way to sneak their protesting faction leader (and his family, who were protesting even louder about having "a coward" in their bloodline) away from a smaller, but better equipped, group from the enemy faction.

    You only get out of the game what you put into it. Yeah, it costs money, and yeah, I know that some people hate that fact... but I spent maybe 10 dollars on powerups and had a great time. I'm actually working on getting another faction (or at least a sub-faction) set up in the wiki so I can throw even more energy into the game, because if being a bodyguard for my faction leader gave me this much of an awesome time, then dude, imagine what being the leader itself could do.

    Also, from what I saw, if you joined a faction, chances are you wouldn't walk off without powerups, I know I gave out at least half of mine, not counting extra life tokens that I won in battles and could have turned in for kill points, I saw at least a good half dozen of my faction buddies trading their powerups, and I know that the Corpers gave their recruits some. So it's not as money orientated as it may seem to outsiders.

    But yeah, that's my two cents worth.

    -- Zarlune

    Zarlune on
  • Tony HellmannTony Hellmann Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Good points, all.

    Next year this game is going to blow the doors off the joint.

    I am listening to ALL your feedback and this will be taken into consideration as I design v2.


    Tony Hellmann on
    Tony Hellmann
    CEO, Technomancer Press

    Check out TerraDrive Live...its happening at PAX, and everyone's playing
  • TehBugTehBug Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I've spent a short time figuring some things out about TerraDrive Live, and that of course has spawned some questions! Like for instance:
    While reading the rules I came across the part saying that you rethrow the first throw if it comes out as a tie, I'm not sure if I was reading that wrong or what? A clearer explanation on that would be greatly appreciated.
    Ties are re-thrown as part of the first throw.
    With Cybernetically Enhanced Reflexes [Type: EQUIPMENT; Frequency: Uncommon; Effect: Neutralizes all cards that neutralize things (Cards E, I, H)] do the effects last all round, as in from that point until after the round has be determined a win/loss/tie? Does it counter your own cards as well? If a Cybernetically Enhanced Reflexes is played right after the opponents Cybernetically Enhanced Reflexes does that mean it counters the first one and the cards null each other out with no effect? The same question for Proximity Alarm [Type: EQUIPMENT; Frequency: Rare; Effect: Nothing can be stolen from player (neutralizes Target of Opportunity)]
    If both players have chosen to equip a Target of Opportunity card, who gets to steal first? Shouldn't this card also have a cap on it, to limit it to something like this: Max Powerups - 1 ? (I'll explain later further on my thought on that one). Also, if you use a Target of Opportunity in the last round of a battle, it is an option for a reward for winning at the end, correct?
    Badass card should either have its text changed from stating neutralizes, to something like counters one of your oppenents badass cards, OR it should be included in the Cybernetically Enchanced Reflexes cards which it can neutralize.
    Effect: Win ties. This card neutralizes one other of its type (this means if I have two and you have one, I win ties).
    Less of a question... We should have a video of a common run through from basic to advanced gameplay on the technomancer/wiki/terradrive website to help explain the rules? Maybe even a drawing/flash?

    On to the rest of the post...
    Being the geek that I am, I actually drew out a flowchart of how the cards play out and what can top them. I am working on making a digital drawing of it so that others can check my work and maybe benefit from it as well (hope to have it finished by tonight so look later in the thread for it). I'll explain further thoughts in that post as well.

    Target of Opportunity = Overpowered.
    I have a feeling I'll get flamed for stating that, but if you sit down and think about it logically you should see it plain as day. There is only -one- card that can cap a T.o.O., and that is the Proximity Alarm (which can be nulled with a Cybernetically Enhanced Reflexes). While I know that you do end up giving the card to the opponent for keeps, you do end up with a card in trade, AND you have a huge advantage over knowing the opponent's strategy for that throw.

    Any thoughts would be nice, also like I said I should have that drawing up later tonight (gaw... I hope).

    TehBug on
  • TehBugTehBug Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Well there is the image^, done rather quick and sloppy like, but it addresses the flow rather accurately.
    (Frequency/Rarity: Green = Common, Blue = Uncommon, Red = Rare)

    Arrows, obviously meaning that the previous thing is nerfed/nulled/neutralized.

    The dashed line is in reference to this:
    Badass card should either have its text changed from stating neutralizes, to something like counters one of your oppenents badass cards, OR it should be included in the Cybernetically Enchanced Reflexes cards which it can neutralize.
    Effect: Win ties. This card neutralizes one other of its type (this means if I have two and you have one, I win ties).
    As you can see, Target of Opportunity actually is insane, being that only another ToO or Prox Alarm (which also is nerfed down when Cybernetically Enhanced Reflexes is in play).

    Well that is all I have for right now, I'll work on the other part of my ideas and update later.

    TehBug on
  • leafleaf Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    I lost my power hammer thingy card that I won at the pax dinner :\

    I have a billion life tokens however.

    leaf on
  • sneakymo7osneakymo7o Registered User new member
    edited September 2007
    Wow, i feel smarter just looking at that thing. That is pretty sweet.
    I didn't quite understand Target of Opportunity when we were playing, and i still don't completely. It seemed like it was played a different way each time i played it/had it played against me.

    The way i originally understood it was that i was play it after the throw, they chose one powerup to give, the ToO goes to their scrapyard, and the thing they hand over goes to your scrapyard, with the best time to use it being after they maybe play an armor and badass to beat or tie you, and have only their weapon left equipped, so it automatically takes that one, making it worth the trade, and the name target of opportunity quite accurate. If you play it at the wrong time, they give you armor, and it's not worth the trade.

    The way i had it played against me was that they played it immediately after the throw and now had my stuff equipped. Making it pretty deadly when a guy plays 3 of 'em (*cough**cough*the corper known as creeper*cough*)

    Tony, which way was it intended to be played?

    sneakymo7o on
    -O- Radicals For The Win -O-
  • TehBugTehBug Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    sneakymo7o wrote: »
    Wow, i feel smarter just looking at that thing. That is pretty sweet.
    I didn't quite understand Target of Opportunity when we were playing, and i still don't completely. It seemed like it was played a different way each time i played it/had it played against me.

    The way i originally understood it was that i was play it after the throw, they chose one powerup to give, the ToO goes to their scrapyard, and the thing they hand over goes to your scrapyard, with the best time to use it being after they maybe play an armor and badass to beat or tie you, and have only their weapon left equipped, so it automatically takes that one, making it worth the trade, and the name target of opportunity quite accurate. If you play it at the wrong time, they give you armor, and it's not worth the trade.

    The way i had it played against me was that they played it immediately after the throw and now had my stuff equipped. Making it pretty deadly when a guy plays 3 of 'em (*cough**cough*the corper known as creeper*cough*)

    Tony, which way was it intended to be played?

    As far as I can tell, ToO is made to be used BEFORE any throw.
    Here is the step by step.
    1. Challenge is made... Challenge is accepted. (Amount of life tokens to be wagered are decided)
    2. Challenger choses Powerups (Max Powerups per person equal to your life tokens wagered + 1)
    3. Challenged player choses Powerups. (Huge advantage here, because the Challenger has to actually hold his powerups behind his life tokens, so that you see the Type that they are (Armor, Weapon, Equipment, etc). That means you already have a grand advantage to making a plan (or you ought too...))
    4. Target of Opportunity is played (Not sure what happens if BOTH players have ToO, -Tony please help clarify that one!-). e.i. You play ToO, the opponent selects one of his/her powerups CURRENTLY equipped and you get that (now equipped to your hand as a powerup (it now belongs to you, for keeps, yes, seriously), and your ToO now goes in their scrapyard (it now belongs to them, permanently (at least until they lose it or use it some other time))
    5. Throw is made!!!
    6. Armor, Equipment, Weapon cards are used in a strategic ploy to ensure victory.
    7. Repeat steps 1-6 for Round 2 AND 3. Any cards equipped for powerups go to your scrapyard and are not able to be played for the rest of the battle. The Challenger becomes the Challenged for Round 2, then Round 3 they switch sides again. (Challenger has two times at showing their Powerup types first, Challenged only has one.)
    8. Concluding the battle the winner is awarded ALL of the wagered life tokens AND one powerup of HIS/HER choice that the opponent had equipped for Round 3. The Battle is over, all scrapyard cards return to your hand and are able to be used again.

    If I have anything wrong or anything needs to be added, TELL ME! I am going to make a flash video/game of this to help out with understanding as well (I hope).

    TehBug on
  • Tony HellmannTony Hellmann Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    TehBug wrote: »
    sneakymo7o wrote: »
    Wow, i feel smarter just looking at that thing. That is pretty sweet.
    I didn't quite understand Target of Opportunity when we were playing, and i still don't completely. It seemed like it was played a different way each time i played it/had it played against me.

    The way i originally understood it was that i was play it after the throw, they chose one powerup to give, the ToO goes to their scrapyard, and the thing they hand over goes to your scrapyard, with the best time to use it being after they maybe play an armor and badass to beat or tie you, and have only their weapon left equipped, so it automatically takes that one, making it worth the trade, and the name target of opportunity quite accurate. If you play it at the wrong time, they give you armor, and it's not worth the trade.

    The way i had it played against me was that they played it immediately after the throw and now had my stuff equipped. Making it pretty deadly when a guy plays 3 of 'em (*cough**cough*the corper known as creeper*cough*)

    Tony, which way was it intended to be played?

    As far as I can tell, ToO is made to be used BEFORE any throw.
    Here is the step by step.
    1. Challenge is made... Challenge is accepted. (Amount of life tokens to be wagered are decided)
    2. Challenger choses Powerups (Max Powerups per person equal to your life tokens wagered + 1)
    3. Challenged player choses Powerups. (Huge advantage here, because the Challenger has to actually hold his powerups behind his life tokens, so that you see the Type that they are (Armor, Weapon, Equipment, etc). That means you already have a grand advantage to making a plan (or you ought too...))
    4. Target of Opportunity is played (Not sure what happens if BOTH players have ToO, -Tony please help clarify that one!-). e.i. You play ToO, the opponent selects one of his/her powerups CURRENTLY equipped and you get that (now equipped to your hand as a powerup (it now belongs to you, for keeps, yes, seriously), and your ToO now goes in their scrapyard (it now belongs to them, permanently (at least until they lose it or use it some other time))
    5. Throw is made!!!
    6. Armor, Equipment, Weapon cards are used in a strategic ploy to ensure victory.
    7. Repeat steps 1-6 for Round 2 AND 3. Any cards equipped for powerups go to your scrapyard and are not able to be played for the rest of the battle. The Challenger becomes the Challenged for Round 2, then Round 3 they switch sides again. (Challenger has two times at showing their Powerup types first, Challenged only has one.)
    8. Concluding the battle the winner is awarded ALL of the wagered life tokens AND one powerup of HIS/HER choice that the opponent had equipped for Round 3. The Battle is over, all scrapyard cards return to your hand and are able to be used again.

    If I have anything wrong or anything needs to be added, TELL ME! I am going to make a flash video/game of this to help out with understanding as well (I hope).

    You've got it right, TehBug. Although I did tell a player that since it wasn't specified, ToO could be played before or after the throw, but I think we'll alter the text a little to specify before, as it just makes sense.

    Two players Having ToO wasn't something I anticipated...but offhand, I think I may create a rule that says the person who equipped first gets to play ToO first, to offset the advantage the defender has by seeing the challenger's powerup types first.

    If you are serious about making a video game of this, contact me at and I'll supply you with art and whatever else you may need!


    Tony Hellmann on
    Tony Hellmann
    CEO, Technomancer Press

    Check out TerraDrive Live...its happening at PAX, and everyone's playing
  • TehBugTehBug Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    Two players Having ToO wasn't something I anticipated...but offhand, I think I may create a rule that says the person who equipped first gets to play ToO first, to offset the advantage the defender has by seeing the challenger's powerup types first.

    There is also one other thing that came to mind, right after I posted that...
    Who goes first after the throw? If both people have powerups who is it that gets to start the chain of events that are hopefully soon to follow?

    TehBug on
  • Tony HellmannTony Hellmann Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    TehBug wrote: »
    Two players Having ToO wasn't something I anticipated...but offhand, I think I may create a rule that says the person who equipped first gets to play ToO first, to offset the advantage the defender has by seeing the challenger's powerup types first.

    There is also one other thing that came to mind, right after I posted that...
    Who goes first after the throw? If both people have powerups who is it that gets to start the chain of events that are hopefully soon to follow?

    Are there situations where it makes a difference? There may be, I'd just like an example before I make a decision.


    Tony Hellmann on
    Tony Hellmann
    CEO, Technomancer Press

    Check out TerraDrive Live...its happening at PAX, and everyone's playing
  • josh shadowfaxjosh shadowfax Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    The target of opportunity can change the throw if played beforehand. I don't remember the exact game, but I played a target of opportunity and my opponent was forced to give me either of his cards, both of which caused him to lose. However, if I had played the target of opportunity beforehand, he could have switched from his planned throw, and possibly changed the outcome.

    As for the priority, this situation arose when we were fighting McKay out on the street. One person had two Target of Opportunitys equipped and the other person had one Target of Opportunity and a badass. The throw was a tie, so we had to try and figure out how to work out the order in which the Target of Opportunitys were played.

    josh shadowfax on
  • TehBugTehBug Registered User regular
    edited September 2007
    TehBug wrote: »
    Two players Having ToO wasn't something I anticipated...but offhand, I think I may create a rule that says the person who equipped first gets to play ToO first, to offset the advantage the defender has by seeing the challenger's powerup types first.

    There is also one other thing that came to mind, right after I posted that...
    Who goes first after the throw? If both people have powerups who is it that gets to start the chain of events that are hopefully soon to follow?

    Are there situations where it makes a difference? There may be, I'd just like an example before I make a decision.


    I haven't found one just yet, but I'll know by the end of my weekend (Tue/Wen), going to end up going through every possible play (yea, I know I know...).
    It would matter if ToO is allowed to be played before and after the throw, else as of right now I can't think of one off the top of my head.

    TehBug on
This discussion has been closed.