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[IC] Clone Wars (Attack of the Revenge of the Menace)



  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited January 2011

    In a blur of skilled swordsmanship, Nar severed the trooper's arm from his body, and he fell to the ground unconscious.

    "You have the det?"

    "I have it, Master Nara'val."

    "Good. We need to lock this area down and get to the hangar... drat."


    "Well, if that trooper hadn't been so stubborn we might've gotten some codes out of him. Pity."

    "But what do I --"

    "You already know Ahsoka. Don't think. Feel."

    Nar was already fiddling with the computer, leaving Ahsoka to contemplate the detonator situation.

    "Lady Retrac," he called out, strangely calm in the midst of a great storm, "I may require your assistance with this panel!"


    Deep in the sub-levels of the Temple, the man once known as Casso Antilles stalks his Jedi prey. Suddenly, breaking his silent searching of the Force, his comlink sparked to life.

    "Lord Vader! Priority Citizen, Sheltay Retrac, has been spotted aiding the Jedi. Citizen is armed, dangerous, and firing upon Republic Troops. Permission to use lethal force."

    "NO! Permission denied, Lieutenant. Complete your mission... and leave the woman to me."

    "Yes, my Lord."

    One again, the spectral voice of the Dark Woman pierced the void of the room.

    "Such passion. It is unfortunate, young one. So misled, so blinded, by... love?"

    Rage surged within Vader's veins, and immediately his blade struck out, barely parried by the Jedi Master.

    "Poor boy... your master will take everything from you. Even her..."

    "Enough lies, witch. Your distraction will no longer hinder the purge of your kind. We shall end this now."

    "So be it... Vader."


    "We have no choice... they're making for the munitions! We have to stop them until the door is open and we're clear!" shouted Ioto, "Forward!"

    Ioto, with the recklessness of desperation, charged the demolitionist closest to the door.

    The demolitionists were pressing on toward their targets, despite being harried by the jedi. They seemed bent on their objective at all costs. That which had been an asset to the Jedi had now been turned against them... and the efficiency of it, while expected, was intimidating to behold.

    Nar heard a scream echo within the hangar... he felt it... Padawan Chion was now one with the force, gunned down valiantly trying to keep the younglings safe.
    P1 - Padawan Chion - (37/57) continues to attack Heavy Weapons Guys, Rapid Strike: 1d20+5 7 3d8+2 18 eek

    C1 - (0/41) - KTFO

    P6 - (youngling) (5/5) - continues to hide

    P5 - (Padawan Kylini) 57/57 - charges D4, Padawan Kylini: 1d20+10 27 2d8+2 11

    P3 - (5/5) - continues to hide with the other youngling P3

    K (Jedi Knight Ioto) - 94/104 - charges D2, Ioto: 1d20+15 32 2d8+7 21 damn Ioto.

    P4 - (youngling) (5/5) - stays hidden.

    P7 - Padawan Lanath'arak - (57/57) surges, acrobatics (avoid AoO): 1d20+9 10, D1 tries to unarmed attack: 1d20+10 17padawan attack: 1d20+7 8 2d8+2 6 swing and a miss

    D1 - shove: 1d20+10 27 1d6+3 7... after of course moving and acrobatics (avoid AoO): 1d20+8 22

    P8 - bravely blocks the door, acrobatics (avoid AoO): 1d20+8 19, fight defensively: 1d20+2 21 2d8+2 13 dang! force point = force point: 1d6 2 man that sucks

    D2 - Demolitions Specialist 2 - (62/62) - sets timed explosive charges for two rounds and provokes AoO (AoO: 1d20+15 17 2d8+7 13... Ioto don't play that so AoO: 1d20+15 17 2d8+7 13 that makes it a hit. Demo specialist has no standard action or swift action... and can't do much with a move 'cuz he needs to get out before the place blows.

    H1 - Heavy Weapons Guy Squad - (74/74) autofire: 1d20+11 23 3d10+1 22 oh snap... that is the end of padawan chion

    D3 - I'm going to allow D3 to try to shove P8 out of the way with a force point, because drama. shove: 1d20+10 17 1d6+3 5 unsuccessful!

    D4 - Demolitions Specialist 1 - (32/62) - withdraws from Padawan, takes a shot at Ioto, autofire: 1d20+2 19 3d6+3 13 and Ioto takes 6 damage.

    H2 - Exits Turbolift
    Nara'val - (103/135)

    Sheltay Retrac - (69/83)

    Ahsoka Tano- (38/67)

    P1 - Padawan Chion - (0/57), dead

    C1 - KO

    P6 - (youngling) (5/5)

    P5 - (Padawan Kylini) 57/57

    CS1 - (6/81), condition -1

    P3 - (5/5)

    K (Jedi Knight Ioto) - 88/104

    P4 - (youngling) (5/5) - holds position, full defense

    P7 - Padawan Lanath'arak - (57/57)

    D1 - Demolitions Specialist 1 - (50/62)

    P8 - Padawan - (51/57)

    D2 - Demolitions Specialist 2 - (22/62), condition -1

    H1 - Heavy Weapons Guy Squad - (74/74)

    D3 - Demolitions Specialist 3 - (62/62)

    D4 - Demolitions Specialist 4 - (51/62)


    PC & Ally Statblocks

    Nar Aval

    Medium Male Twi'lek Jedi 8/Jedi Knight 4/Jedi Master 1
    Force 13 Destiny 1
    Init +15; Perception +12
    Languages Basic, Ryl, Lekku, Huttese
    Defense Reflex: 30 (flat-footed 26); Fortitude: 30; Will: 28
    Hit Points: 123 Threshold: 30
    Speed 6 squares
    Base Attack Bonus +13, Grp +14
    Melee Unarmed +17 (1d4+7) or
    Melee Lightsaber +20 (2d8+10) or
    Melee Lightsaber (2h) +20 (2d8+14), or
    Melee Lightsaber (2h) Double Attack +17/+17 (2d8+14, 2d8+14)
    Atk Options Whirlwind Attack, Melee Defense, Double Attack
    Special Abilities Deceptive, Low-light Vision, Serenity, Fearless
    Abilities: Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 16
    Talents: Dark Side Sense, Dark Side Scourge, Resist the Dark Side, Damage Reduction 10, Ataru Form Mastery, Multiattack Proficiency, Improved Weapon Focus
    Feats: Force Sensitive, Weapon Proficiency [Lightsabers, Simple], Melee Defense, Force Training x3, Weapon Finesse, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Focus, Double Attack
    Force Powers: Battle Strike x2, Mind Trick, Sever Force x2, Surge, Force Slam, Force Stun, Move Object
    Force Techniques: Force Point Recovery, Mind Trick Mastery
    Skills: Acrobatics* +15, Endurance +8, Initiative* +15, Jump +7, Knowledge () +8, Mechanics +8, Pilot +10, Perception* +13, Use the Force* +16
    Possessions: Self-Made Lightsaber


    Sheltay Retrac

    Medium Human noble 2/soldier 6/elite trooper 4
    Init +14; Senses Perception +8
    Languages Basic, Binary, Durese, High Galactic, Mon Calamarian, Shyriiwook
    Defenses Ref 30 (flat-footed 24), Fort 26, Will 26
    hp 83; DR 2; Threshold 26
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee combat gloves +15 (2d10+6) or
    Melee combat gloves +15/+15 (2d10+6) with Dual Weapon Mastery IIIor
    Melee combat gloves +10/+10 (2d10+6) with Double Attack or
    Melee combat gloves +10/+10/+10/+10 (2d10+6) with Double Attack and Dual Weapon Mastery III or
    NOTE: with her unarmed attacks, Sheltay can make multiple attacks as a standard rather than a full-round action due to her martial arts Talents
    Ranged hold-out blaster +14 (3d4+6) or
    Ranged hold-out blaster +14/+14 (3d4+6) with Dual Weapon Mastery III or
    Ranged blaster carbine +14 (3d8+6) or
    Ranged hold-out blaster +14/+14 (3d8+6) with Dual Weapon Mastery III or
    Ranged blaster carbine +9 (3d8+6) with autofire
    Ranged blaster carbine +9/+9 (3d8+6) with autofire and Dual Weapon Mastery III
    Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square
    Base Atk +11; Grp +14
    Atk Options autofire (blaster carbine), Double Attack (simple), Dual Weapon Mastery, Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Draw Fire, Harm's Way
    Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16
    Special Qualities delay damage
    Talents Draw Fire, Educated, Harm's Way, Teräs Käsi Basics, Teräs Käsi Mastery, Weapon Specialization
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Double Attack (simple), Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery II, Dual Weapon Mastery III, Linguist, Martial Arts I, Martial Arts II, Martial Arts III, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (simple), Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple)
    Primary Skills Deception +14, Gather Information +14, Initiative +14, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +13, Persuasion +14, Pilot +14, Ride +14, Treat Injury +13, Use Computer +13
    Secondary Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +6, Endurance +6, Jump +6, Knowledge (galactic lore) +8, Knowledge (life sciences) +8, Knowledge (physical sciences) +8, Knowledge (social sciences) +8, Knowledge (tactics) +8, Knowledge (technology) +8, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Stealth +9, Survival +8, Swim +6
    Possessions all-temperature cloak, blaster carbine, combat gloves, hold-out blaster, utility belt (3 day food supply, medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, glow rod, comlink, liquid cable dispenser), binder cuffs, 2 concealed holsters, credit chip, credit chip, datapad, encrypted long-range comlink, personal holoprojector

    Padawan Ahsoka Tano
    "Wait! Just because there haven't been any survivors before doesn't mean there won't be any this time!"
    Medium Toguta Jedi 5/Noble 1
    Destiny 3; Force 6;
    Init +6; Senses Perception 8
    Languages Basic, Togruti, Binary [understand], Kel Dor, Zabrak
    Defenses Ref 20 (Flatfooted 17), Fort 17, Will 17, Elusive Target, Lightsaber Block, Lightsaber Deflect
    hp 67; Threshold 17
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +9 (2d8+2)
    Ranged by Weapon +8
    Base Attack +5, Grp +8
    Atk Options Pack Hunter: Ahsoka gains +2 damage v. opponents she flanks
    Special Actions Sneaky: Ahsoka can choose to re-roll any stealth check to sneak, but the result of the re-roll must be accepted even if it is worse. Spacial Awareness: Ahsoka can sense thir surroundings using passive echolocation. She ignores all cover and concealment when making perception checks to notice targets within 10 squares.
    Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 10) Move Object, Surge, Shien Deflection [Lightsaber Form]
    Abilites Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
    Talents Born Leader, Elusive Target, Lightsaber Block, Lightsaber Deflect
    Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Linguist, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Simple)
    Skills Acrobatics +11, Perception +8, Use the Force +10
    Possessions Lightsaber, Girly Jedi Outfit (with tube top), Comlink

    Jedi Knight
    "The Force is my ally."
    Medium Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5
    Force 5
    Init +13 Senses Perception +9
    Languages Basic, 1 other
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 24), Fort 17, Will 17, Deflect
    hp 104; Threshold 17
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +15 (2d8+7)
    MeleeLightsaber +13 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12/+12 (2d8+7) with Double Attack
    base attack +12
    Attack Options Battle Meditation, Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Power Attack, Rapid Strike
    Special Actions Lightsaber Defense, Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Force powers known Battle Strike (2), Farseeing, Force Thrust, Mind Trick, Move Object, Surge (2)
    Force techniques Force point Recovery, Force Power Mastery (mind trick)

    Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
    Feats Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Skill Training (Endurance), Weapon Focus (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Simple Weapons)
    Talents Battle Meditation, Deflect, Force Fortification, Lightsaber Defense, Multiattack Proficiency (Lightsabers), Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Skills Acrobatics +13, Endurance +13, Initiative +13, Perception +9, Use the Force +11
    Posessions Lightsaber (self-built), Jedi Robes, Encrypted Comlink.

    Jedi Padawan
    "One day... I will be a knight."
    Medium Jedi 5
    Force 5
    Init +4 Senses Perception +8
    Languages Basic, 1 other
    Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 16), Fort 17, Will 17, Deflect
    hp 57; Threshold 17
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +7 (2d8+2)
    Ranged [/B}Lightsaber +5 (3d8+2) with Rapid Strike
    base attack +5
    Special Actions Equilibrium
    Force powers known Move Object, Surge

    Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 12
    Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Rapid Strike, Skill Training (Pilot), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Simple Weapons)
    Talents Deflect, Equilibrium, Telekinetic Savant
    Skills Acrobatics +9, Perception +8, Pilot +9, Use the Force +8
    Posessions Lightsaber, Padawan Robes, Comlink.

    Enemy Statblox:
    501st Legion Clone Trooper
    The elite troopers of the G.A.R.
    Medium Human nonheroic 9/soldier 1/elite trooper 2
    Dark Side 5
    Init +12 Senses low-light vision; Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 19), Fort 19, Will 13
    hp 41; Threshold 19
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Unarmed +11 (1d6+3)
    Ranged blaster rifle +11 (3d8+3) or
    Ranged blaster rifle +9 (5d8+3) with controlled burst or
    Ranged frag grenade +9 (4d6, 2-square burst)
    Attack options autofire (blaster rifle), burst Fire, Controlled Burst, Point Blank Shot
    Abilities Str 9, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
    Special Qualities delay damage
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Martial arts I, Point blank Shot, Skill Training (Initiative), Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, rifles, simple weapons)
    Talents Controlled Burst, Weapon Specialization (rifles)
    Skills Endurance +11, Initiative +12, Mechanics +12, Perception +13
    Posessions stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, frag grenade, utility belt with medpac

    501st Legion Clone Squad
    Strength in numbers, Skill and Valor, Vode An!
    Medium Human nonheroic 9/soldier 1/elite trooper 2
    Dark Side 5
    Init +12 Senses low-light vision; Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 20), Fort 19, Will 13
    hp 82; Threshold 29
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Unarmed +15 (1d6+3)
    Ranged blaster rifle +15 (3d8+3/ 1 square splash) or
    Ranged blaster rifle +13 (5d8+3; 1 square splash) with controlled burst or
    Ranged frag grenade +13 (4d6, 2-square burst, 1 square splash)
    Attack options autofire (blaster rifle), burst Fire, Controlled Burst, Point Blank Shot
    Abilities Str 9, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
    Special Qualities delay damage
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Martial arts I, Point blank Shot, Skill Training (Initiative), Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, rifles, simple weapons)
    Talents Controlled Burst, Weapon Specialization (rifles)
    Skills Endurance +11, Initiative +12, Mechanics +12, Perception +13
    Posessions stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, frag grenade, utility belt with medpac
    Squad Traits - The melee attack of a squad is an area attack that can effect any or all enemies within reach. The ranged attacks of a squad are considered to have a 1-square splash. Area attacks deal an extra 2 dice of damage against a squad. A squad cannot be grabbed or grappled.

    Clone Demolition Specialist
    "If you're not fighting fire with fire... you aren't using enough fire."
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged light repeating blaster rifle +7 (3d8+3, 2x2 autofire)
    Ranged missile launcher +12 (6d6+3, 2-square burst)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armor Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles) Weapon Focus (Heavy Weapons)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac, missile launcher with 4 missiles

    "Heavy" Clone Trooper Squad
    "Shock? Awe? We can do that."
    Medium Human nonherioc 6/ solider 2
    Init +9; Senses Perception +4
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 18), Fort 15, Will 10
    hp 74; Threshold 30
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d4+2)
    Ranged rotary blaster cannon (braced) +11 (3d10+1, 1-square splash) or
    Ranged rotary blaster cannon (braced) +7 (5d10+1, 1-square splash) with Burst Fire
    Base Atk +6; Grp +9
    Atk Options autofire (rotary blaster cannon), Careful Shot
    Special Actions Point Blank Shot
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
    Talents Devastating Attack (heavy weapon)
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Burst Fire, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles, simple weapons), Weapon Focus (Heavy Weapon) , Improved Damage Threshold
    Skills Initiative +9, Perception +4
    Possessions Clone trooper armor (+6 armor, +2 equipment), rotary blaster cannon*, comlink
    Squad Traits - The melee attack of a squad is an area attack that can effect any or all enemies within reach. The ranged attacks of a squad are considered to have a 1-square splash. Area attacks deal an extra 2 dice of damage against a squad. A squad cannot be grabbed or grappled.

    Horseshoe on
  • QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Sheltay cursed inwardly, but realized that Nar would likely be better equipped to defend the younglings anyway. She darted into the room and examined the computer, ignoring the unconscious trooper.

    "Let's see if this does it," she murmured, her fingers lightly tapping a command sequence into the panel.
    Use Computer 1d20+13=20

    Quoth on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Sheltay's computer skills efficiently broke the security encryption on the door controls... command of the hanger was now at her fingertips.
    Heir's turn, then INNS

    Horseshoe on
  • HeirHeir Ausitn, TXRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Seeing Ioto shouting, the two Jedi's eyes darted to the demolitionists who were intent on getting to the munitions. He was right, they had to be stopped. However, there was still the matter of the thermal detonator. Ahsoka played with the idea of trying to blow up the demolitionists with it, but in all likelyhood she would kill Iota and some of the padawans as well.

    As she scanned the hangar, her eyes settled on the two heavy weapons squads who were intent on wiping out the hiding group of initiaties locked behind a door. It wouldn't be long before those troopers were through and made short work of them.

    Raising her hand, she flings the severed arm and its deadly package towards the two squads. It fell neatly between them in the doorway they were in. Both of them stopped to glance at it. One of the troopers began to yell out in panic, but the explosion cut it short. The blast was enough to knock several of the other combatants onto the ground. For a moment, there was a lull in the battle as everyone stood (or sat) dazed. Ahsoka tried to peer into the clearly smoke. She hoped she'd eliminated them as a threat.
    Use the Force (Move Object and Move Light Object) (1d20+10=27, 1d20+10=26)

    And here's an attack roll if needed:

    Throw detonator (1d20+8=27, 8d6+3=33).

    I don't think that's enough to kill them is it Shoe? I rolled the correct damage amount I hope.

    Heir on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    The trooper's severed hand went limp and the thermal detonator exploded before the troops could even yell in alarm.

    The explosion rocked the hangar, and alarm klaxons began to sound. The detonation had caused the fuel tanks to rupture. The squad within the hangar were thrown by the primary blast before the one remaining was knocked against the wall from the flaming burst that came from the LAAT/i. Only a single trooper remained near the turbolift, which was now scorched and inoperative.

    Nara'val's eyes narrowed. The window for escape had begun to open, but he sensed it would soon close. The Jedi Master's next move would need to be decisive.
    Thermal Det explodes, causing damage and also causing the nearby LAAT/i to burst (and from here on become an environmental hazard... you might not want to get close to either of them) and take what little hit points H2 had left and extinguish them.



    Horseshoe on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Nar hesitated a moment when he saw the woman take over at the controls -- he recognized her. Wasn't she there when Casso cut off his arm? But he decided, for the moment, that she couldn't be as much of a threat as the remaining clones harassing the padawans. Ahsoka would make sure she doesn't cause any damage.

    He patted Ahsoka on the shoulder as he passed her by, rushing out of the door to the control room and becoming a blue-yellow blur for a moment as he exploded from the ground and covered nearly the full length of the room in a single leap -- he landed with a loud thump as his plasteel knee hit the ground.

    The yellow beam of his saber hissed, and he prepared to remove another threat to the younglings.
    Surge: 1d20+17=31, +6 movement speed, +30 to jump checks
    Jump: With +30 to Jump, can't fail to leap over the burning LAAT/i.

    Nar double-moves and ends his movement 1 square north of D3.

    INeedNoSalt on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    As Nara'val leaped over the exploding LAAT/i, Ioto could feel the same moment of escape.

    "Younglings! Now!"

    The door opened and the younglings took flight as Ioto and the padawans pressed their attack. Sensing the danger they found themselves in, the clones became more desperate to set off their explosive charges. The young knight cut down one before seeing the charge set upon a cargo pod full of thermal detonators. His blood ran cold as he examined it, wondering if disarming it was even possible.

    The brashness of the padawans outside held no such caution. No sooner had one of the clones ducked beneath their lightsabers and slapped a charge on a crate of Tibanna gas, than one of them lifted it with the force and dragged it away from the other munitions and into the hangar.

    "Master Nara'val, look out!" she cried, as it sailed past the Jedi Master.

    Nar could see the crate clearly... and also that a mere three seconds were left upon the explosive timer. The world slowed as the clone trooper before him raised a pistol, a desperate attempt to complete an objective, but one that might spell disaster if successful...

    ...Nar's saber had already begun to move toward the clone trooper...
    P6 - (youngling) (5/5) - opens door, runs

    P5 - (Padawan Kylini) 57/57 - charges D4 to put herself between him and the fleeing padawans, charge!: 1d20+10 26 2d8+2 10

    P3 - (5/5) - running with other padawans

    K (Jedi Knight Ioto) - 94/104 - rapid strikes @ D2, Rapid Strike: 1d20+11 19 which he force points to a hit, damage: 3d8+7 22 and D2 is down. Moves into room an inspects charge.

    P4 - (youngling) (5/5) - runnin' with the other padawans

    P7 - Padawan Lanath'arak - (57/57) flanks D3, lightsaber: 1d20+7 18 2d8+2 15, force point: 1d6 6 makes that a hit

    D1 - opens door, provokes two AoO's by moving. attacks: 2#1d20+7 26 16 one hit, damage: 2d8+2 13. Sets demolition charge to go off...?

    P8 - uses moved object on the crate with the charge on it. Use the Force (Move Object): 1d20+8 21 + FP, which klonks D1, knocking him prone and deals move object damage: 6d6 23 damage... luckily this does not destroy the crate as she moves it.


    D4 - Demolitions Specialist 4 - (32/62) - withdraws from Padawan, takes a shot at her, autofire: 1d20+12 21 3d8+3 16

    H2 - Stands up, leans on doorway.
    Nara'val - (103/135)

    Sheltay Retrac - (69/83)

    Ahsoka Tano- (38/67)

    P1 - Padawan Chion - (0/57), dead

    C1 - KO

    P6 - (youngling) (5/5)

    P5 - (Padawan Kylini) 41/57

    CS1 - (6/81), condition -1

    P3 - (5/5)

    K (Jedi Knight Ioto) - 88/104

    P4 - (youngling) (5/5) - holds position, full defense

    P7 - Padawan Lanath'arak - (57/57)

    D1 - Demolitions Specialist 1 - (14/62), condition -1

    P8 - Padawan - (51/57)

    D3 - Demolitions Specialist 3 - (47/62)

    D4 - Demolitions Specialist 4 - (41/62)

    H2 - Heavy Weapons Guy Squad - (8/74), condition -1


    PC & Ally Statblocks

    Nar Aval

    Medium Male Twi'lek Jedi 8/Jedi Knight 4/Jedi Master 1
    Force 13 Destiny 1
    Init +15; Perception +12
    Languages Basic, Ryl, Lekku, Huttese
    Defense Reflex: 30 (flat-footed 26); Fortitude: 30; Will: 28
    Hit Points: 123 Threshold: 30
    Speed 6 squares
    Base Attack Bonus +13, Grp +14
    Melee Unarmed +17 (1d4+7) or
    Melee Lightsaber +20 (2d8+10) or
    Melee Lightsaber (2h) +20 (2d8+14), or
    Melee Lightsaber (2h) Double Attack +17/+17 (2d8+14, 2d8+14)
    Atk Options Whirlwind Attack, Melee Defense, Double Attack
    Special Abilities Deceptive, Low-light Vision, Serenity, Fearless
    Abilities: Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 16
    Talents: Dark Side Sense, Dark Side Scourge, Resist the Dark Side, Damage Reduction 10, Ataru Form Mastery, Multiattack Proficiency, Improved Weapon Focus
    Feats: Force Sensitive, Weapon Proficiency [Lightsabers, Simple], Melee Defense, Force Training x3, Weapon Finesse, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Focus, Double Attack
    Force Powers: Battle Strike x2, Mind Trick, Sever Force x2, Surge, Force Slam, Force Stun, Move Object
    Force Techniques: Force Point Recovery, Mind Trick Mastery
    Skills: Acrobatics* +15, Endurance +8, Initiative* +15, Jump +7, Knowledge () +8, Mechanics +8, Pilot +10, Perception* +13, Use the Force* +16
    Possessions: Self-Made Lightsaber


    Sheltay Retrac

    Medium Human noble 2/soldier 6/elite trooper 4
    Init +14; Senses Perception +8
    Languages Basic, Binary, Durese, High Galactic, Mon Calamarian, Shyriiwook
    Defenses Ref 30 (flat-footed 24), Fort 26, Will 26
    hp 83; DR 2; Threshold 26
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee combat gloves +15 (2d10+6) or
    Melee combat gloves +15/+15 (2d10+6) with Dual Weapon Mastery IIIor
    Melee combat gloves +10/+10 (2d10+6) with Double Attack or
    Melee combat gloves +10/+10/+10/+10 (2d10+6) with Double Attack and Dual Weapon Mastery III or
    NOTE: with her unarmed attacks, Sheltay can make multiple attacks as a standard rather than a full-round action due to her martial arts Talents
    Ranged hold-out blaster +14 (3d4+6) or
    Ranged hold-out blaster +14/+14 (3d4+6) with Dual Weapon Mastery III or
    Ranged blaster carbine +14 (3d8+6) or
    Ranged hold-out blaster +14/+14 (3d8+6) with Dual Weapon Mastery III or
    Ranged blaster carbine +9 (3d8+6) with autofire
    Ranged blaster carbine +9/+9 (3d8+6) with autofire and Dual Weapon Mastery III
    Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square
    Base Atk +11; Grp +14
    Atk Options autofire (blaster carbine), Double Attack (simple), Dual Weapon Mastery, Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Draw Fire, Harm's Way
    Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16
    Special Qualities delay damage
    Talents Draw Fire, Educated, Harm's Way, Teräs Käsi Basics, Teräs Käsi Mastery, Weapon Specialization
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Double Attack (simple), Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery II, Dual Weapon Mastery III, Linguist, Martial Arts I, Martial Arts II, Martial Arts III, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (simple), Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple)
    Primary Skills Deception +14, Gather Information +14, Initiative +14, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +13, Persuasion +14, Pilot +14, Ride +14, Treat Injury +13, Use Computer +13
    Secondary Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +6, Endurance +6, Jump +6, Knowledge (galactic lore) +8, Knowledge (life sciences) +8, Knowledge (physical sciences) +8, Knowledge (social sciences) +8, Knowledge (tactics) +8, Knowledge (technology) +8, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Stealth +9, Survival +8, Swim +6
    Possessions all-temperature cloak, blaster carbine, combat gloves, hold-out blaster, utility belt (3 day food supply, medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, glow rod, comlink, liquid cable dispenser), binder cuffs, 2 concealed holsters, credit chip, credit chip, datapad, encrypted long-range comlink, personal holoprojector

    Padawan Ahsoka Tano
    "Wait! Just because there haven't been any survivors before doesn't mean there won't be any this time!"
    Medium Toguta Jedi 5/Noble 1
    Destiny 3; Force 6;
    Init +6; Senses Perception 8
    Languages Basic, Togruti, Binary [understand], Kel Dor, Zabrak
    Defenses Ref 20 (Flatfooted 17), Fort 17, Will 17, Elusive Target, Lightsaber Block, Lightsaber Deflect
    hp 67; Threshold 17
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +9 (2d8+2)
    Ranged by Weapon +8
    Base Attack +5, Grp +8
    Atk Options Pack Hunter: Ahsoka gains +2 damage v. opponents she flanks
    Special Actions Sneaky: Ahsoka can choose to re-roll any stealth check to sneak, but the result of the re-roll must be accepted even if it is worse. Spacial Awareness: Ahsoka can sense thir surroundings using passive echolocation. She ignores all cover and concealment when making perception checks to notice targets within 10 squares.
    Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 10) Move Object, Surge, Shien Deflection [Lightsaber Form]
    Abilites Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
    Talents Born Leader, Elusive Target, Lightsaber Block, Lightsaber Deflect
    Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Linguist, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Simple)
    Skills Acrobatics +11, Perception +8, Use the Force +10
    Possessions Lightsaber, Girly Jedi Outfit (with tube top), Comlink

    Jedi Knight
    "The Force is my ally."
    Medium Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5
    Force 5
    Init +13 Senses Perception +9
    Languages Basic, 1 other
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 24), Fort 17, Will 17, Deflect
    hp 104; Threshold 17
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +15 (2d8+7)
    MeleeLightsaber +13 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12/+12 (2d8+7) with Double Attack
    base attack +12
    Attack Options Battle Meditation, Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Power Attack, Rapid Strike
    Special Actions Lightsaber Defense, Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Force powers known Battle Strike (2), Farseeing, Force Thrust, Mind Trick, Move Object, Surge (2)
    Force techniques Force point Recovery, Force Power Mastery (mind trick)

    Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
    Feats Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Skill Training (Endurance), Weapon Focus (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Simple Weapons)
    Talents Battle Meditation, Deflect, Force Fortification, Lightsaber Defense, Multiattack Proficiency (Lightsabers), Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Skills Acrobatics +13, Endurance +13, Initiative +13, Perception +9, Use the Force +11
    Posessions Lightsaber (self-built), Jedi Robes, Encrypted Comlink.

    Jedi Padawan
    "One day... I will be a knight."
    Medium Jedi 5
    Force 5
    Init +4 Senses Perception +8
    Languages Basic, 1 other
    Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 16), Fort 17, Will 17, Deflect
    hp 57; Threshold 17
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +7 (2d8+2)
    Ranged [/B}Lightsaber +5 (3d8+2) with Rapid Strike
    base attack +5
    Special Actions Equilibrium
    Force powers known Move Object, Surge

    Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 12
    Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Rapid Strike, Skill Training (Pilot), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Simple Weapons)
    Talents Deflect, Equilibrium, Telekinetic Savant
    Skills Acrobatics +9, Perception +8, Pilot +9, Use the Force +8
    Posessions Lightsaber, Padawan Robes, Comlink.

    Enemy Statblox:
    501st Legion Clone Trooper
    The elite troopers of the G.A.R.
    Medium Human nonheroic 9/soldier 1/elite trooper 2
    Dark Side 5
    Init +12 Senses low-light vision; Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 19), Fort 19, Will 13
    hp 41; Threshold 19
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Unarmed +11 (1d6+3)
    Ranged blaster rifle +11 (3d8+3) or
    Ranged blaster rifle +9 (5d8+3) with controlled burst or
    Ranged frag grenade +9 (4d6, 2-square burst)
    Attack options autofire (blaster rifle), burst Fire, Controlled Burst, Point Blank Shot
    Abilities Str 9, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
    Special Qualities delay damage
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Martial arts I, Point blank Shot, Skill Training (Initiative), Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, rifles, simple weapons)
    Talents Controlled Burst, Weapon Specialization (rifles)
    Skills Endurance +11, Initiative +12, Mechanics +12, Perception +13
    Posessions stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, frag grenade, utility belt with medpac

    501st Legion Clone Squad
    Strength in numbers, Skill and Valor, Vode An!
    Medium Human nonheroic 9/soldier 1/elite trooper 2
    Dark Side 5
    Init +12 Senses low-light vision; Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 20), Fort 19, Will 13
    hp 82; Threshold 29
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Unarmed +15 (1d6+3)
    Ranged blaster rifle +15 (3d8+3/ 1 square splash) or
    Ranged blaster rifle +13 (5d8+3; 1 square splash) with controlled burst or
    Ranged frag grenade +13 (4d6, 2-square burst, 1 square splash)
    Attack options autofire (blaster rifle), burst Fire, Controlled Burst, Point Blank Shot
    Abilities Str 9, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
    Special Qualities delay damage
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Martial arts I, Point blank Shot, Skill Training (Initiative), Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, rifles, simple weapons)
    Talents Controlled Burst, Weapon Specialization (rifles)
    Skills Endurance +11, Initiative +12, Mechanics +12, Perception +13
    Posessions stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, frag grenade, utility belt with medpac
    Squad Traits - The melee attack of a squad is an area attack that can effect any or all enemies within reach. The ranged attacks of a squad are considered to have a 1-square splash. Area attacks deal an extra 2 dice of damage against a squad. A squad cannot be grabbed or grappled.

    Clone Demolition Specialist
    "If you're not fighting fire with fire... you aren't using enough fire."
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged light repeating blaster rifle +7 (3d8+3, 2x2 autofire)
    Ranged missile launcher +12 (6d6+3, 2-square burst)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armor Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles) Weapon Focus (Heavy Weapons)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac, missile launcher with 4 missiles

    "Heavy" Clone Trooper Squad
    "Shock? Awe? We can do that."
    Medium Human nonherioc 6/ solider 2
    Init +9; Senses Perception +4
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 18), Fort 15, Will 10
    hp 74; Threshold 30
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d4+2)
    Ranged rotary blaster cannon (braced) +11 (3d10+1, 1-square splash) or
    Ranged rotary blaster cannon (braced) +7 (5d10+1, 1-square splash) with Burst Fire
    Base Atk +6; Grp +9
    Atk Options autofire (rotary blaster cannon), Careful Shot
    Special Actions Point Blank Shot
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
    Talents Devastating Attack (heavy weapon)
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Burst Fire, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles, simple weapons), Weapon Focus (Heavy Weapon) , Improved Damage Threshold
    Skills Initiative +9, Perception +4
    Possessions Clone trooper armor (+6 armor, +2 equipment), rotary blaster cannon*, comlink
    Squad Traits - The melee attack of a squad is an area attack that can effect any or all enemies within reach. The ranged attacks of a squad are considered to have a 1-square splash. Area attacks deal an extra 2 dice of damage against a squad. A squad cannot be grabbed or grappled.

    Nar's attack of opportunity or disarm is next!

    Horseshoe on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Nar's lightsaber lashed out and caught the clone on the arm -- the soldier had enough awareness to avoid taking the blade of the lightsaber full-on, though, but the immediate heat when the weapon connected caused him to lose hold of his blaster, and it clattered to the ground. There was a misfire, but the beam pewed harmlessly into the wall.

    Most importantly, however, the crate of Tibanna gas, soaring unhindered past them.

    INeedNoSalt on
  • QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Sheltay glanced up from her typing in time to see the horrified faces watching the crate float through the air. Was that... gas?

    "Drop it in the turbolift shaft!" she shouted, tapping the controls to move the lift platform down. She only hoped the explosion wouldn't hurt anyone else trying to escape. Or them, for that matter.

    In case they had to make a hasty exit, she lowered the force shields that had kept them in that part of the hangar. Now they could get to the other ships and escape... if she could get the docking rings disabled once they broke atmosphere. But that would mean...

    Later. Holding her breath and hoping that the next few moments wouldn't end in fire, she did her best to make sure that no one else could regain control of this console remotely. It was their only chance to get everyone out safely.
    Use Computer = 1d20+13=33

    Quoth on
  • HeirHeir Ausitn, TXRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Seeing the mass of younglings and padawans make for the hangar exit, Ahsoka started after them. She wasn't sure what they would find outside, but she knew she had to help in any way she could. She kept her lightsaber in a defensive position in front of her, prepared for any oncoming attacks.

    Glancing back at Nar, she whispered to herself. "Stay safe Master..."
    Standard: Fight Defensively, no chance for AOO (+10 to ref def to next turn).
    Move: 3 South, 3 East. She would make a full round run action but damn those straight lines.
    Swift: Using a FP to recover Move Object. 2 left.

    Heir on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    "Padawans, move!" Nar nearly shouted at those still lingering back; playing with the tibanna box was taking too long, and it was time they couldn't afford to spend in here.

    He kicked the trooper he'd just disarmed, slamming his foot into the clone's chest and staggering him just long enough to move away. "Ioto, let's go! Help me cover the padawans to safety!"
    No fancy stuff for Nar this turn ... he's withdrawing and then using a moving action to move away from the disarmed D3 and putting himself into melee with D4 in the space between D4 and P5.

    INeedNoSalt on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Guided by the combined powers of the jedi, the crate dropped down the shaft, exploding and sending shockwaves throughout the hangar as gouts of flame billowed from the turbolift.

    Almost simultaneously, Ioto charged out of the room, pointing at the pistol that had been disarmed by Nar. He threw it just in time to hit the door switch before the charge inside exploded. The ordanince inside ignited simultaneously, buckling the door... the metal of the walls and door glowed bright red, but the disaster had been narrowly averted.

    The commander of the demolitionists cursed, deactivated the charge and pulled his blaster rifle.

    "No chance of backup now! Forget the charges, boys... smoke 'em!"

    The room ignited with fire from all directions as the disarmed clone pulled a grenade, headed toward the already damaged LAAT/i gunships.
    P6 - (youngling) (5/5) - fights defensively without attacking, moves

    P5 - (Padawan Kylini) 57/57 - uses The Force to move the crate of gas, then books out as instructed by Nar.

    P3 - (5/5) - moves, fights defensively without attacking

    K (Jedi Knight Ioto) - 94/104 - runs out of the room when he sees the charge about to explode, activates the door switch by throwing the disarmed pistol at it with Use The Force.

    P4 - (youngling) (5/5) - moves, fights defensively without attacking

    P7 - Padawan Lanath'arak - (57/57) uses the force to move the crate, drops it down the shaft. withdraws.

    D1 - deactivates charge and pulls blaster rifle

    P8 - (51/57) flanks D4, attacks with lightsaber: 1d20+7 17 2d8+2 15, misses

    D3 - gets some distance from the jedi and pulls some sort of grenade from his belt.

    D4 - Demolitions Specialist 4 - (32/62) - fights defensively, no attack

    H2 - can't move without getting away from flaming wreckage of ship, fires on P7, Burst Fire: 1d20+7 20 5d10+1 24 so P8 takes 24 damage and moves down the condition track, P7 takes 12 damage.
    Nara'val - (103/135)

    Sheltay Retrac - (69/83)

    Ahsoka Tano- (38/67)

    P1 - Padawan Chion - (0/57), dead

    C1 - KO

    P6 - (youngling) (5/5)

    P5 - (Padawan Kylini) 41/57

    CS1 - (6/81), condition -1

    P3 - (5/5)

    K (Jedi Knight Ioto) - 88/104

    P4 - (youngling) (5/5) - holds position, full defense

    P7 - Padawan Lanath'arak - (45/57)

    D1 - Demolitions Specialist 1 - (14/62), condition -1

    P8 - Padawan - (28/57), condition -1

    D3 - Demolitions Specialist 3 - (47/62)

    D4 - Demolitions Specialist 4 - (41/62)

    H2 - Heavy Weapons Guy Squad - (8/74), condition -1


    PC & Ally Statblocks

    Nar Aval

    Medium Male Twi'lek Jedi 8/Jedi Knight 4/Jedi Master 1
    Force 13 Destiny 1
    Init +15; Perception +12
    Languages Basic, Ryl, Lekku, Huttese
    Defense Reflex: 30 (flat-footed 26); Fortitude: 30; Will: 28
    Hit Points: 123 Threshold: 30
    Speed 6 squares
    Base Attack Bonus +13, Grp +14
    Melee Unarmed +17 (1d4+7) or
    Melee Lightsaber +20 (2d8+10) or
    Melee Lightsaber (2h) +20 (2d8+14), or
    Melee Lightsaber (2h) Double Attack +17/+17 (2d8+14, 2d8+14)
    Atk Options Whirlwind Attack, Melee Defense, Double Attack
    Special Abilities Deceptive, Low-light Vision, Serenity, Fearless
    Abilities: Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 16
    Talents: Dark Side Sense, Dark Side Scourge, Resist the Dark Side, Damage Reduction 10, Ataru Form Mastery, Multiattack Proficiency, Improved Weapon Focus
    Feats: Force Sensitive, Weapon Proficiency [Lightsabers, Simple], Melee Defense, Force Training x3, Weapon Finesse, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Focus, Double Attack
    Force Powers: Battle Strike x2, Mind Trick, Sever Force x2, Surge, Force Slam, Force Stun, Move Object
    Force Techniques: Force Point Recovery, Mind Trick Mastery
    Skills: Acrobatics* +15, Endurance +8, Initiative* +15, Jump +7, Knowledge () +8, Mechanics +8, Pilot +10, Perception* +13, Use the Force* +16
    Possessions: Self-Made Lightsaber


    Sheltay Retrac

    Medium Human noble 2/soldier 6/elite trooper 4
    Init +14; Senses Perception +8
    Languages Basic, Binary, Durese, High Galactic, Mon Calamarian, Shyriiwook
    Defenses Ref 30 (flat-footed 24), Fort 26, Will 26
    hp 83; DR 2; Threshold 26
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee combat gloves +15 (2d10+6) or
    Melee combat gloves +15/+15 (2d10+6) with Dual Weapon Mastery IIIor
    Melee combat gloves +10/+10 (2d10+6) with Double Attack or
    Melee combat gloves +10/+10/+10/+10 (2d10+6) with Double Attack and Dual Weapon Mastery III or
    NOTE: with her unarmed attacks, Sheltay can make multiple attacks as a standard rather than a full-round action due to her martial arts Talents
    Ranged hold-out blaster +14 (3d4+6) or
    Ranged hold-out blaster +14/+14 (3d4+6) with Dual Weapon Mastery III or
    Ranged blaster carbine +14 (3d8+6) or
    Ranged hold-out blaster +14/+14 (3d8+6) with Dual Weapon Mastery III or
    Ranged blaster carbine +9 (3d8+6) with autofire
    Ranged blaster carbine +9/+9 (3d8+6) with autofire and Dual Weapon Mastery III
    Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square
    Base Atk +11; Grp +14
    Atk Options autofire (blaster carbine), Double Attack (simple), Dual Weapon Mastery, Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Draw Fire, Harm's Way
    Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16
    Special Qualities delay damage
    Talents Draw Fire, Educated, Harm's Way, Teräs Käsi Basics, Teräs Käsi Mastery, Weapon Specialization
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Double Attack (simple), Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery II, Dual Weapon Mastery III, Linguist, Martial Arts I, Martial Arts II, Martial Arts III, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (simple), Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple)
    Primary Skills Deception +14, Gather Information +14, Initiative +14, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +13, Persuasion +14, Pilot +14, Ride +14, Treat Injury +13, Use Computer +13
    Secondary Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +6, Endurance +6, Jump +6, Knowledge (galactic lore) +8, Knowledge (life sciences) +8, Knowledge (physical sciences) +8, Knowledge (social sciences) +8, Knowledge (tactics) +8, Knowledge (technology) +8, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Stealth +9, Survival +8, Swim +6
    Possessions all-temperature cloak, blaster carbine, combat gloves, hold-out blaster, utility belt (3 day food supply, medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, glow rod, comlink, liquid cable dispenser), binder cuffs, 2 concealed holsters, credit chip, credit chip, datapad, encrypted long-range comlink, personal holoprojector

    Padawan Ahsoka Tano
    "Wait! Just because there haven't been any survivors before doesn't mean there won't be any this time!"
    Medium Toguta Jedi 5/Noble 1
    Destiny 3; Force 6;
    Init +6; Senses Perception 8
    Languages Basic, Togruti, Binary [understand], Kel Dor, Zabrak
    Defenses Ref 20 (Flatfooted 17), Fort 17, Will 17, Elusive Target, Lightsaber Block, Lightsaber Deflect
    hp 67; Threshold 17
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +9 (2d8+2)
    Ranged by Weapon +8
    Base Attack +5, Grp +8
    Atk Options Pack Hunter: Ahsoka gains +2 damage v. opponents she flanks
    Special Actions Sneaky: Ahsoka can choose to re-roll any stealth check to sneak, but the result of the re-roll must be accepted even if it is worse. Spacial Awareness: Ahsoka can sense thir surroundings using passive echolocation. She ignores all cover and concealment when making perception checks to notice targets within 10 squares.
    Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 10) Move Object, Surge, Shien Deflection [Lightsaber Form]
    Abilites Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
    Talents Born Leader, Elusive Target, Lightsaber Block, Lightsaber Deflect
    Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Linguist, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Simple)
    Skills Acrobatics +11, Perception +8, Use the Force +10
    Possessions Lightsaber, Girly Jedi Outfit (with tube top), Comlink

    Jedi Knight
    "The Force is my ally."
    Medium Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5
    Force 5
    Init +13 Senses Perception +9
    Languages Basic, 1 other
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 24), Fort 17, Will 17, Deflect
    hp 104; Threshold 17
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +15 (2d8+7)
    MeleeLightsaber +13 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12/+12 (2d8+7) with Double Attack
    base attack +12
    Attack Options Battle Meditation, Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Power Attack, Rapid Strike
    Special Actions Lightsaber Defense, Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Force powers known Battle Strike (2), Farseeing, Force Thrust, Mind Trick, Move Object, Surge (2)
    Force techniques Force point Recovery, Force Power Mastery (mind trick)

    Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
    Feats Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Skill Training (Endurance), Weapon Focus (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Simple Weapons)
    Talents Battle Meditation, Deflect, Force Fortification, Lightsaber Defense, Multiattack Proficiency (Lightsabers), Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Skills Acrobatics +13, Endurance +13, Initiative +13, Perception +9, Use the Force +11
    Posessions Lightsaber (self-built), Jedi Robes, Encrypted Comlink.

    Jedi Padawan
    "One day... I will be a knight."
    Medium Jedi 5
    Force 5
    Init +4 Senses Perception +8
    Languages Basic, 1 other
    Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 16), Fort 17, Will 17, Deflect
    hp 57; Threshold 17
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +7 (2d8+2)
    Ranged [/B}Lightsaber +5 (3d8+2) with Rapid Strike
    base attack +5
    Special Actions Equilibrium
    Force powers known Move Object, Surge

    Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 12
    Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Rapid Strike, Skill Training (Pilot), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Simple Weapons)
    Talents Deflect, Equilibrium, Telekinetic Savant
    Skills Acrobatics +9, Perception +8, Pilot +9, Use the Force +8
    Posessions Lightsaber, Padawan Robes, Comlink.

    Enemy Statblox:
    501st Legion Clone Trooper
    The elite troopers of the G.A.R.
    Medium Human nonheroic 9/soldier 1/elite trooper 2
    Dark Side 5
    Init +12 Senses low-light vision; Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 19), Fort 19, Will 13
    hp 41; Threshold 19
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Unarmed +11 (1d6+3)
    Ranged blaster rifle +11 (3d8+3) or
    Ranged blaster rifle +9 (5d8+3) with controlled burst or
    Ranged frag grenade +9 (4d6, 2-square burst)
    Attack options autofire (blaster rifle), burst Fire, Controlled Burst, Point Blank Shot
    Abilities Str 9, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
    Special Qualities delay damage
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Martial arts I, Point blank Shot, Skill Training (Initiative), Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, rifles, simple weapons)
    Talents Controlled Burst, Weapon Specialization (rifles)
    Skills Endurance +11, Initiative +12, Mechanics +12, Perception +13
    Posessions stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, frag grenade, utility belt with medpac

    501st Legion Clone Squad
    Strength in numbers, Skill and Valor, Vode An!
    Medium Human nonheroic 9/soldier 1/elite trooper 2
    Dark Side 5
    Init +12 Senses low-light vision; Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 20), Fort 19, Will 13
    hp 82; Threshold 29
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Unarmed +15 (1d6+3)
    Ranged blaster rifle +15 (3d8+3/ 1 square splash) or
    Ranged blaster rifle +13 (5d8+3; 1 square splash) with controlled burst or
    Ranged frag grenade +13 (4d6, 2-square burst, 1 square splash)
    Attack options autofire (blaster rifle), burst Fire, Controlled Burst, Point Blank Shot
    Abilities Str 9, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
    Special Qualities delay damage
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Martial arts I, Point blank Shot, Skill Training (Initiative), Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, rifles, simple weapons)
    Talents Controlled Burst, Weapon Specialization (rifles)
    Skills Endurance +11, Initiative +12, Mechanics +12, Perception +13
    Posessions stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, frag grenade, utility belt with medpac
    Squad Traits - The melee attack of a squad is an area attack that can effect any or all enemies within reach. The ranged attacks of a squad are considered to have a 1-square splash. Area attacks deal an extra 2 dice of damage against a squad. A squad cannot be grabbed or grappled.

    Clone Demolition Specialist
    "If you're not fighting fire with fire... you aren't using enough fire."
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged light repeating blaster rifle +7 (3d8+3, 2x2 autofire)
    Ranged missile launcher +12 (6d6+3, 2-square burst)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armor Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles) Weapon Focus (Heavy Weapons)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac, missile launcher with 4 missiles

    "Heavy" Clone Trooper Squad
    "Shock? Awe? We can do that."
    Medium Human nonherioc 6/ solider 2
    Init +9; Senses Perception +4
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 18), Fort 15, Will 10
    hp 74; Threshold 30
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d4+2)
    Ranged rotary blaster cannon (braced) +11 (3d10+1, 1-square splash) or
    Ranged rotary blaster cannon (braced) +7 (5d10+1, 1-square splash) with Burst Fire
    Base Atk +6; Grp +9
    Atk Options autofire (rotary blaster cannon), Careful Shot
    Special Actions Point Blank Shot
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
    Talents Devastating Attack (heavy weapon)
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Burst Fire, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles, simple weapons), Weapon Focus (Heavy Weapon) , Improved Damage Threshold
    Skills Initiative +9, Perception +4
    Possessions Clone trooper armor (+6 armor, +2 equipment), rotary blaster cannon*, comlink
    Squad Traits - The melee attack of a squad is an area attack that can effect any or all enemies within reach. The ranged attacks of a squad are considered to have a 1-square splash. Area attacks deal an extra 2 dice of damage against a squad. A squad cannot be grabbed or grappled.

    Horseshoe on
  • QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Sheltay slid back into a cooler analytical place. She had locked down the computers securely, but they could still be compromised by someone better skilled than her. However, someone had to cover the Jedi retreat. She looked up at the trooper with the grenade and considered how much harder that retreat would be if he managed to blow up the gunships.

    Drawing her blasters, she ran out and slid to a halt next to Ahsoka, shooting at the clone. One blast glanced off his armor but the other hit him squarely.
    Move to uh... next to Ahsoka

    Attack D3
    1d20+14=23, 1d20+14=26


    Quoth on
  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    edited March 2011
    Nar's lightsaber didn't hesitate; the trooper seemed to put up more of a fight than he had anticipated, but he cut him down where he stood, sending the trooper's severed arm flailing before another slice cut into the soldier's armor, inflicting a deadly wound that cauterized itself as quickly as it formed.

    Before the trooper was even down, Nar was turning on his heel and propelling himself toward another, ready to put an end to the immediate threat to the lives of these children. He had to focus to keep his rage from welling up and distracting him. Monsters.

    Idly, he hoped that Alpha-40 hadn't taken part in this tragedy.
    Nar uses Double Attack, that feat he's used like twice before.

    He inexplicably deals exactly 51 points of damage, putting D4 down.

    1d20+18;2d8+15 → [8,18] = (26)
    1d20+18;2d8+15 → [8,4,15] = (27)
    1d20+18;2d8+15 → [7,18] = (25)
    1d20+18;2d8+15 → [2,7,15] = (24)

    INeedNoSalt on
  • HeirHeir Ausitn, TXRegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Ahsoka examined the situation. There was the squad of troopers behind the flaming wreckage, still causing problems for the fleeing jedi. There was also the disarmed trooper who was slowly making his way towards the remaining LAAT/i. She didn't know what his intentions were, but they couldn't be good. Judging the distance between the lone trooper and the squad between the wreckage, an idea popped into the padawan's mind.

    "I hope this works," she whispered as she closed her eyes and reached out in the Force. Nar had told me that I can't move the ship...I have to feel the Force and let it move the flow of the river moves a boulder...I just have to direct it...feel it flow through me...through the ship.

    Suddenly her senses were alive, open completely to the Force...probably more so than ever before. She could detect every square centimeter of the hangar, the temple....even the planet as a whole. It was overwhelming...her legs started to buckle from the overload. Gritting her teeth, she narrowed her focus and found her target...the remaining intact LAAT/i. Letting the Force do the work, she directed its power and lifted the ship. At first it seemed like nothing was happening, but slowly it started to rise in the air. Sweat was running down Ahsoka's face from the level of concentration, but she had a good grip on it for now.

    The disarmed trooper froze midstep as he watched the ship rise. As it floated towards him, he looked to Ahsoka...she could imagine the horror on his face behind his mask as he realized what she was going to do.

    Once she thought she had it in the right spot, she whispered a quick prayer to anyone that was listening, and let go.

    Move Object (1d20+14=24)

    Ok so Ahsoka is going to spend a Destiny Point here to increase the object size 3 categories and add 6d6 of damage. That should make the total damage 10d6.

    She is moving the LAAT/i 5 or 6 squares West. I'm hoping the resulting explosion will be enough to take out D3 and possibly H2....if nothing else it will put another barrier between H2 and their targets.

    Damage roll: Move Object Damage (10d6=41)

    I'm imagining this thing is going to explode and cause even more havoc.

    Heir on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited April 2011

    The LAAT/i smashed down upon the trooper, and the ensuing explosion left it in flames. The squad of heavy troopers was now completely blocked in the doorway of the lift, and only one of the demolitionists remained. As the Jedi began to run toward the landing platform, he fired a few vain shots as he shouted into his comlink.

    "The Jedi have taken the hangar! Repeat: The jedi have taken the hangar! Deploy troops to the landing platform!"

    Master Nara'val, Ahsoka, and the padawans fell out of his view into the smoke as he cursed in the Mandalorian tongue, his shots wildly firing into nothingness.
    hangar encounter won by the PC's! excellent job!


    Ceiling panels smashed to the ground, and rapelling cables descended. Four heavily armed troopers slid down and hit the floor.

    "Blast it, Fixer... this is as close as you could get us?"

    "Someone's been messing with the duct system, Sir. It's a miracle we even got this close."

    Commander Taung and Delta Squad took in the scene. They had descended into the Holocron Chamber, not far from the Archives. Fixer, Torch, and Sev touched down near him. The room was empty but for the bodies of several dead troops, and one living clone trooper, who clawed at the sides of his helmet in agony.

    Taung immediately recognized the markings on the helmet. It was Rex.
    zap back to the holocron room map if necessary, but basically yeah... Taung is in the holocron room, Arcanis, and you can take it from there.


    Horseshoe on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    "Bloody hell..."

    Taung knelt by the trooper who seemed to be having a mix between a seizure and an anxiety attack.

    "The Jedi did this," he said quietly, trying to pull Rex's hands from his helmet. His friend was in a panic and struggling.

    "Start working on that karking door and one of you help me restrain him, dammit!" he barked. Sev grunted and tried to help get Rex's hands into some binders while the other two began working on getting the door cracked.

    When Rex was properly restrained he fished out his medikit, pulling out the small injection pen and jabbing it into his friend's neck. Rex's tortured cries and frantic clawing slowed and started to ebb and eventually he slumped over.

    "If the Jedi who did this isn't dead, he will be soon," Taung said.
    treat injury (IS REX OKAY!?): 1d20+9 28 go to sleeeeep Rex, sleeeeep

    Super Namicchi on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Rex was barely alive, but managed to spit out a final name before falling unconscious.


    Taung growled beneath his helmet.


    "What is it, Torch?"

    "Well... Sev wants to crack the door," Torch said, shrugging his shoulders and holding an explosive charge in each hand, "and... c'mon isn't that kind of boring?"

    Horseshoe on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Taung stood up and moved over to the door, examining both it and the computer console. A skilled slicer had been harrying them the whole way, so that was out. And if there were any surprises waiting on the other side a heavy explosion would at least negate some of their preparedness and positioning.

    "We're blasting the door. I'll set the bloody charges myself," Taung growled, stepping forward and taking the bricks of detonite. "Get to work on rigging up the detonator sequence Scorch. We're going in as soon as this nut is cracked."

    The two took only a few moments to get the explosives rigged. They braced themselves on the other side of the room and Taung gripped the detonator.

    "Three," he said. The room was quiet.

    "Two. Get ready, brothers."

    He counted to three silently and clicked the button.



    The heavy metal door rocketed off its mounting and sailed across the archives, smashing into glass displays and datacard shelves with a not-entirely-expected cacophony of noise. The four commandos darted in after it, their weapons locked and loaded and prepared to ventilate anything that stood in their way.

    Super Namicchi on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    The doors blew open, and Delta Squad entered the Archives. As the smoke cleared, they saw a Jedi Master standing before them. Jocasta Nu, keeper of the Archives. They were close to their objective, which lay in the room just to their left... but A-40 got the feeling that they weren't getting in without some sort of fight.

    "You may take this Temple, soldiers," Master Nu said calmly, "but one day you will remember the suffering you have caused. We are Jedi. We do not fear death. Strike us down, and we shall still triumph."

    Her blue lightsaber flared to life, and the buzz of two others near her sounded as well. Taung had to hand it to the old gal... she was more of a fighter than she had appeared.
    Bix: give me a Use Computer check in the OOC before the encounter starts.

    Arc: roll a perception check for 40 on your turn.

    Initiative Order: (as it turns out, the jedi rolled crap but not as crap as bix, and delta squad rolled nearly as well as A-40

    A-40 and Delta Squad (Arcanis)

    Jocasta Nu

    Jedi Knight 1

    Jedi Knight 2

    R4-B6 (Steelhawk)



    Taung - aka Advanced Recon Commando Alpha-40
    Medium Human soldier 7/scout 3/elite trooper 3
    Destiny 3; Force 12
    Init +20; Senses low-light vision, Perception +15
    Languages Basic, Mando'a, Binary, 1 untrained
    Defenses Ref 34 (30 flat-footed), Fort 32, Will 26
    hp 116; DR 1; Threshold 32
    Speed 8 squares
    Melee unarmed +13 (1d6+7)
    Ranged blaster pistol, heavy +16 (3d8+6)
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +17 (3d10+6) or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +15 (3d10+6) with autofire or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +15 (5d10+6) with Burst Fire or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +12/+12 (3d10+6) with Double Attack or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +10/+10 (5d10+6) with Double Attack and Burst Fire
    Base Atk +12; Grp +16
    Atk Options Burst Fire, Double Attack (rifles), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
    Special Actions Tough as Nails, Delay Damage, Shake it Off, Full Advance
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 13
    Talents Long Stride, Evasion, Armored Defense, Armor Mastery, Improved Armored Defense, Tough as Nails, Controlled Burst, Full Advance
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Double Attack (rifles), Improved Defenses, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Shake it Off, Skill Focus (Initiative), Skill Training (Stealth), Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (simple, pistols, rifle, heavy)
    Skills Endurance +13, Initiative +20, Knowledge (Tactics) +14, Mechanics +14, Perception +15, Pilot +15, Stealth +15, Use Computer +14
    Possessions heavy blaster pistol, heavy blaster rifle, ARC trooper armor (Internal Comlink, short-range, Helmet Package), utility belt, security kit
    RC-1262, aka Delta-62 aka "Scorch"
    "If we're all clones, why am I the only one with a sense of humor?"
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged light repeating blaster rifle +7 (3d8+3, 2x2 autofire)
    Ranged missile launcher +12 (6d6+3, 2-square burst)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armor Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles) Weapon Focus (Heavy Weapons)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac, missile launcher with 4 missiles

    RC-1140, aka Delta-40 aka "Fixer"
    "Keep the comm clear, and watch the master at work."
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged light repeating blaster rifle +7 (3d8+3, 2x2 autofire)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armored Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles), Skill Training (Mechanics)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13, mechanics +11
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, 4 detonation charges, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac

    RC-1207 aka Delta-7 aka "Sev"
    "Just point me at the enemy... and stay out of my way."
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged sniper rifle with targeting scope +12 (3d10+3)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armored Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles), Skill Training (Stealth)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13, Stealth +12
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac

    Master Jocasta Nu
    "There is more knowledge here than anywhere else in the galaxy."
    Medium Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 3
    Destiny 1, Force 5
    Init +10 Senses Perception +12
    Languages Basic, Bocce, High Durese, High Galactic, Huttese, Mando'a, Binary
    Defenses Ref 23 (flat-footed 23), Fort 17, Will 17, Deflect
    hp 89; Threshold 24
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +11 (2d8+5)
    base attack +10
    Attack Options Improved Disarm
    Special Actions Adept Negotiatior, Coordinated Attack, Lightsaber Defense, Melee Defense, Scholarly Knowledge, Skilled Advisor
    Force powers known Farseeing, Force Thrust, Rebuke
    Force techniques Force point Recovery, Improved Sense Force

    Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
    Talents Adept Negotatior, Deflect, Force Persuasion, Lightsaber Defense, Scholarly Knowledge, Skilled Advisor
    Feats Coordinated Attack, Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Improved Defenses, Improved Disarm, Linguist, Melee Defense, Skill Focus (Knowledge - Galactic Lore), Skill Training (knowledge - bureaucracy), Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple weapons)
    Skills Initiative +10, Knowledge (bureacracy) +13, Knowledge (galactic lore) +18, Knowledge (social sciences) +13, Perception +12, Use the Force +12 (can sub for Persuasion Checks)
    Posessions Lightsaber (self built), JediRobes, Datapad.

    Jedi Knight
    "The Force is my ally."
    Medium Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5
    Force 5
    Init +13 Senses Perception +9
    Languages Basic, 1 other
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 24), Fort 17, Will 17, Deflect
    hp 104; Threshold 17
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +15 (2d8+7)
    MeleeLightsaber +13 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12/+12 (2d8+7) with Double Attack
    base attack +12
    Attack Options Battle Meditation, Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Power Attack, Rapid Strike
    Special Actions Lightsaber Defense, Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Force powers known Battle Strike (2), Farseeing, Force Thrust, Mind Trick, Move Object, Surge (2)
    Force techniques Force point Recovery, Force Power Mastery (mind trick)

    Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
    Feats Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Skill Training (Endurance), Weapon Focus (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Simple Weapons)
    Talents Battle Meditation, Deflect, Force Fortification, Lightsaber Defense, Multiattack Proficiency (Lightsabers), Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Skills Acrobatics +13, Endurance +13, Initiative +13, Perception +9, Use the Force +11
    Posessions Lightsaber (self-built), Jedi Robes, Encrypted Comlink.

    ...and featuring our special guest:
    the damndest little fellow
    Small Droid (2nd-degree) nonheroic 2/scoundrel 1
    Force 1
    Init +3 Senses darkvision; Perception +1
    Languages Binary, Basic (hear, not speak)
    Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 11), Fort 9, Will 11
    hp 18; Threshold 9
    Immune droid traits
    Speed 6 squares (wheeled), 4 squares (walking)
    Melee electroshock probe +0 (1d8 ion damage)
    Abilities Str 9, Dex 14, Con --, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
    Feats Skill Focus (Mechanics), Skill Focus (Use Computer), Skill training (Pilot), Dodge
    Talents Gimmick
    Skills Mechanics +14, Pilot +8, Use Computer +12
    Systems wheeled locomotion, walking locomotion, heuristic processor, tool appendages, claw appendage, diagnostics package, integrated comlink, internal storage (8kg), darkvision
    Posessions circular saw, electric arc welder, electroshock probe, tool kit

    Horseshoe on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    "Scorch, get that door open. Sev, Fixer, cover me!"

    Taung moved forward towards his enemy. Jedi or not, old or not, this woman and her two allies were obstacles in the ARC's path, and he intended to deal with them quickly and efficiently. Fixer began laying down a sheet of fire to distract her while Sev lined up a shot. Her blue blade whipped around in delicate, precise arcs, batting the shots away.

    Not bad.

    Taung aimed at her head, fired, then jerked the gun downward, holding down the trigger. The trajectory of his shots taxed the old librarian, but she still stood after the first salvo.

    The next barrage he was certain would end her.
    shooting an old person (Sev): 1d20+12 15 3d10+3 17

    what a lamer, he missed. fixer's just going to Aid Taung and can't really fail, so:

    shooting an old person die die die: 1d20+17 31 5d10+6 29

    taung is going to force point because fuck deflect: 2d6 6 (4, 2)

    Master Nu takes 29 points of damage and goes -1 on the condition track

    move action for my dudes will be spent advancing left 3 squares each (save for Scorch who will move over to the door and begin trying to pop that open with Bombs)

    Super Namicchi on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    As Master Nu batted away the blasts, she took a deep breath, keeping her center and holding her saber aloft, and in front of her closed eyes.

    She seemed to speak softly, and her words passed silently amid the laser blasts. The two knights guarding her surged forward, pressing Taung back as their blades nearly hewed him in two. He had not expected such resolve of character from them... they seemed truly unafraid in the face Delta Squad's infamy.
    Jocasta Nu (60/89, condition -1) full round action: Serenity

    Jedi Knight 1 (104/104) Surge; Battle Strike (with force point to deal additional 2d6 on next attack): 1d20+11 13 1d20+11 27 so move + charge @ Taung, lightsaber: 1d20+18 34; damage: 2d8+7+3d6 31 oooh Taung's sweet clone armor keeps him outta condition track territory

    Jedi Knight 2 (104/104) Surge; Battle Strike (with force point to deal additional 2d6 on next attack): 1d20+11 19 1d20+11 21 move + charge @ Taung, lightsaber: 1d20+18 35; damage: 2d8+7+2d6 20

    R4-B6 (Steelhawk) is up NOW!



    Taung - aka Advanced Recon Commando Alpha-40
    Medium Human soldier 7/scout 3/elite trooper 3
    Destiny 3; Force 12
    Init +20; Senses low-light vision, Perception +15
    Languages Basic, Mando'a, Binary, 1 untrained
    Defenses Ref 34 (30 flat-footed), Fort 32, Will 26
    hp 116; DR 1; Threshold 32
    Speed 8 squares
    Melee unarmed +13 (1d6+7)
    Ranged blaster pistol, heavy +16 (3d8+6)
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +17 (3d10+6) or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +15 (3d10+6) with autofire or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +15 (5d10+6) with Burst Fire or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +12/+12 (3d10+6) with Double Attack or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +10/+10 (5d10+6) with Double Attack and Burst Fire
    Base Atk +12; Grp +16
    Atk Options Burst Fire, Double Attack (rifles), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
    Special Actions Tough as Nails, Delay Damage, Shake it Off, Full Advance
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 13
    Talents Long Stride, Evasion, Armored Defense, Armor Mastery, Improved Armored Defense, Tough as Nails, Controlled Burst, Full Advance
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Double Attack (rifles), Improved Defenses, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Shake it Off, Skill Focus (Initiative), Skill Training (Stealth), Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (simple, pistols, rifle, heavy)
    Skills Endurance +13, Initiative +20, Knowledge (Tactics) +14, Mechanics +14, Perception +15, Pilot +15, Stealth +15, Use Computer +14
    Possessions heavy blaster pistol, heavy blaster rifle, ARC trooper armor (Internal Comlink, short-range, Helmet Package), utility belt, security kit
    RC-1262, aka Delta-62 aka "Scorch"
    "If we're all clones, why am I the only one with a sense of humor?"
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged light repeating blaster rifle +7 (3d8+3, 2x2 autofire)
    Ranged missile launcher +12 (6d6+3, 2-square burst)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armor Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles) Weapon Focus (Heavy Weapons)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac, missile launcher with 4 missiles

    RC-1140, aka Delta-40 aka "Fixer"
    "Keep the comm clear, and watch the master at work."
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged light repeating blaster rifle +7 (3d8+3, 2x2 autofire)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armored Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles), Skill Training (Mechanics)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13, mechanics +11
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, 4 detonation charges, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac

    RC-1207 aka Delta-7 aka "Sev"
    "Just point me at the enemy... and stay out of my way."
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged sniper rifle with targeting scope +12 (3d10+3)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armored Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles), Skill Training (Stealth)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13, Stealth +12
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac

    Master Jocasta Nu
    "There is more knowledge here than anywhere else in the galaxy."
    Medium Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 3
    Destiny 1, Force 5
    Init +10 Senses Perception +12
    Languages Basic, Bocce, High Durese, High Galactic, Huttese, Mando'a, Binary
    Defenses Ref 23 (flat-footed 23), Fort 17, Will 17, Deflect
    hp 89; Threshold 24
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +11 (2d8+5)
    base attack +10
    Attack Options Improved Disarm
    Special Actions Adept Negotiatior, Coordinated Attack, Lightsaber Defense, Melee Defense, Scholarly Knowledge, Skilled Advisor
    Force powers known Farseeing, Force Thrust, Rebuke
    Force techniques Force point Recovery, Improved Sense Force
    Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14
    Talents Adept Negotatior, Deflect, Force Persuasion, Lightsaber Defense, Scholarly Knowledge, Skilled Advisor
    Feats Coordinated Attack, Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Improved Defenses, Improved Disarm, Linguist, Melee Defense, Skill Focus (Knowledge - Galactic Lore), Skill Training (knowledge - bureaucracy), Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple weapons)
    Skills Initiative +10, Knowledge (bureacracy) +13, Knowledge (galactic lore) +18, Knowledge (social sciences) +13, Perception +12, Use the Force +12 (can sub for Persuasion Checks)
    Posessions Lightsaber (self built), JediRobes, Datapad.

    Jedi Knight
    "The Force is my ally."
    Medium Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5
    Force 5
    Init +13 Senses Perception +9
    Languages Basic, 1 other
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 24), Fort 17, Will 17, Deflect
    hp 104; Threshold 17
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +15 (2d8+7)
    MeleeLightsaber +13 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12/+12 (2d8+7) with Double Attack
    base attack +12
    Attack Options Battle Meditation, Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Power Attack, Rapid Strike
    Special Actions Lightsaber Defense, Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Force powers known Battle Strike (2), Farseeing, Force Thrust, Mind Trick, Move Object, Surge (2)
    Force techniques Force point Recovery, Force Power Mastery (mind trick)
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
    Feats Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Skill Training (Endurance), Weapon Focus (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Simple Weapons)
    Talents Battle Meditation, Deflect, Force Fortification, Lightsaber Defense, Multiattack Proficiency (Lightsabers), Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Skills Acrobatics +13, Endurance +13, Initiative +13, Perception +9, Use the Force +11
    Posessions Lightsaber (self-built), Jedi Robes, Encrypted Comlink.

    ...and featuring our special guest:
    the damndest little fellow
    Small Droid (2nd-degree) nonheroic 2/scoundrel 1
    Force 1
    Init +3 Senses darkvision; Perception +1
    Languages Binary, Basic (hear, not speak)
    Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 11), Fort 9, Will 11
    hp 18; Threshold 9
    Immune droid traits
    Speed 6 squares (wheeled), 4 squares (walking)
    Melee electroshock probe +0 (1d8 ion damage)
    Abilities Str 9, Dex 14, Con --, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
    Feats Skill Focus (Mechanics), Skill Focus (Use Computer), Skill training (Pilot), Dodge
    Talents Gimmick
    Skills Mechanics +14, Pilot +8, Use Computer +12
    Systems wheeled locomotion, walking locomotion, heuristic processor, tool appendages, claw appendage, diagnostics package, integrated comlink, internal storage (8kg), darkvision
    Posessions circular saw, electric arc welder, electroshock probe, tool kit

    Horseshoe on
  • SteelhawkSteelhawk Registered User regular
    edited April 2011
    *WOOOOOOOO!!!!* R4-B6 exclaims happily, his turret dome spinning wildly and rocking back and forth on his stubby legs, as he watches Master Nar'Aval battle the clones, explosions rocking the hanger bay. Explosions that send clone trooper bodies every which way. The temple was lost, of that there could be no doubt, but every small victory needed to be celebrated.

    It was looking like the smaller and cuter Jedi were going to be saved! In no small part due to the arrival of Master Nar, and then a warrior lady that Bix did not know. Re-B6 immediately set to work on making sure that the Hyperspace rings were ready to accept the Jedi Starfighters and that escape coordinates were pre-loaded. There wasn't much more Bix could do for them here, but he was determined to try. He enjoyed his tenure working for the jedi. They were always polite to droids. Skywalker especially, Maker rest him.

    So caught up in the events in the hanger, R4-B6 had no idea that the clones he suspected to be in the ventilation system where now right outside the door. Not until the explosion out in the hallway blew in the archive doors. *Woot de woo!?*

    *BLAAAT!!!* Turning his attention back to the here and now. Bix frantically brings up the power distribution command program governing the archives and library. Tapped into the holofeeds, Bix is amazed that the elderly Master Nu still had some fight left in her. Lamenting the loss of data, Bix sends a surge of power into the databank directly behind the invading commandos. With a hiss and a pop, a few lights blow out.


    Steelhawk on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited April 2011
    Master Nu had to slow down these commandos as much as possible--as soon as she saw one of them plant the demolition charges on the security center door, Jocasta Nu that their target was the communications and security hubs. If the troopers gained control of it...

    Feeling the Force buoy her mind, body, and spirit, she emerged from her meditation. She raised her blade.

    Instead of seeing the sapphire blade raise in an opening strike, she felt her grip inexplicably loosen. The lightsaber fell to the ground, switching off with a shhhhp and clattering on the floor. Jocasta Nu's eyes darted around, she reached out with the Force--was there a Dark Jedi in their midst?--and suddenly the smoke filled her vision.

    She looked down at the two blaster burns on her robes, both neatly centered over her heart, each one a handful of millimeters apart. She raised her eyes for a final time as the commandos switched their targets to her students.

    Jocasta wanted to help them... but it was too late. The Force was carrying her away. It was time to become one with the current.
    shooting the old lady: 1d20+15 28 5d10+6 32 1d20+15 35 5d10+6 30

    master Nu is dead, long live master Nu (go go gadget critical hit)

    shootin them durn Jedi (Sev with Fixer's aid): 1d20+17 32 3d10+4 20

    jedi 1 takes 20 damage and goes -1 step on the track.

    republic: 1
    evil jedi boooo: 0

    Super Namicchi on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited May 2011

    Jocasta raised her eyes to the two young knights.

    "The Force will be with you..."

    As she fell, her physical form seemed to utterly evaporate. A pile of robes fell to the ground next to her lightsaber as one last word rang in her students' minds.


    As Torch ducked the explosion from the door, the two jedi somersaulted forward, getting right into the middle of Delta Squad... and if not for Taung's quick reflexes he'd have had more than just a saber burn on his armor.

    "Fall back while you still have your lives, Clone. So long as we draw breath, you will never take control of the beacon!"

    Sev growled through the voice filter of his helmet.

    "Poor choice of words, Jedi."
    Opportunity attacks with lightsabers because of them short range pa-pew both miss.

    Jocasta Nu (one with the force... Jocasta fulfills her Denstiny. Her allies gain +2 to all attacks for 24 hours... and she gives her destiny point to Jedi Knight 2.)

    Jedi Knight 1 (84/104, condition -1)) uses an acrobatics check to move one to the right, made. Uses Battle Strike to gain a +1 to hit and +1d6 to damage. lightsaber: 1d20+17 28 2d8+7+1d6 19. Fails to turn that into a hit with a force point. 3 of his FP's remain.

    Jedi Knight 2 (104/104) uses an acrobatics check to move one to the right, made. Uses Battle Strike to gain a +1 to hit and +1d6 to damage. Is flanking Taung, aaaand... lightsaber: 1d20+18 33 2d8+7+1d6 25 that hits a flanked Taung and deals 25 minus his damage reductionof 1 so... 24. JK2 spends a force point to regain battle strike, 3 of his FP's remain.

    R4-B6 (Steelhawk) is up NOW!



    Taung - aka Advanced Recon Commando Alpha-40
    Medium Human soldier 7/scout 3/elite trooper 3
    Destiny 3; Force 12
    Init +20; Senses low-light vision, Perception +15
    Languages Basic, Mando'a, Binary, 1 untrained
    Defenses Ref 34 (30 flat-footed), Fort 32, Will 26
    hp 116; DR 1; Threshold 32
    Speed 8 squares
    Melee unarmed +13 (1d6+7)
    Ranged blaster pistol, heavy +16 (3d8+6)
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +17 (3d10+6) or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +15 (3d10+6) with autofire or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +15 (5d10+6) with Burst Fire or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +12/+12 (3d10+6) with Double Attack or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +10/+10 (5d10+6) with Double Attack and Burst Fire
    Base Atk +12; Grp +16
    Atk Options Burst Fire, Double Attack (rifles), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
    Special Actions Tough as Nails, Delay Damage, Shake it Off, Full Advance
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 13
    Talents Long Stride, Evasion, Armored Defense, Armor Mastery, Improved Armored Defense, Tough as Nails, Controlled Burst, Full Advance
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Double Attack (rifles), Improved Defenses, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Shake it Off, Skill Focus (Initiative), Skill Training (Stealth), Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (simple, pistols, rifle, heavy)
    Skills Endurance +13, Initiative +20, Knowledge (Tactics) +14, Mechanics +14, Perception +15, Pilot +15, Stealth +15, Use Computer +14
    Possessions heavy blaster pistol, heavy blaster rifle, ARC trooper armor (Internal Comlink, short-range, Helmet Package), utility belt, security kit
    RC-1262, aka Delta-62 aka "Scorch"
    "If we're all clones, why am I the only one with a sense of humor?"
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged light repeating blaster rifle +7 (3d8+3, 2x2 autofire)
    Ranged missile launcher +12 (6d6+3, 2-square burst)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armor Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles) Weapon Focus (Heavy Weapons)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac, missile launcher with 4 missiles

    RC-1140, aka Delta-40 aka "Fixer"
    "Keep the comm clear, and watch the master at work."
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged light repeating blaster rifle +7 (3d8+3, 2x2 autofire)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armored Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles), Skill Training (Mechanics)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13, mechanics +11
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, 4 detonation charges, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac

    RC-1207 aka Delta-7 aka "Sev"
    "Just point me at the enemy... and stay out of my way."
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged sniper rifle with targeting scope +12 (3d10+3)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armored Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles), Skill Training (Stealth)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13, Stealth +12
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac


    Jedi Knight
    "The Force is my ally."
    Medium Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5
    Force 5
    Init +13 Senses Perception +9
    Languages Basic, 1 other
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 24), Fort 17, Will 17, Deflect
    hp 104; Threshold 17
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +15 (2d8+7)
    MeleeLightsaber +13 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12/+12 (2d8+7) with Double Attack
    base attack +12
    Attack Options Battle Meditation, Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Power Attack, Rapid Strike
    Special Actions Lightsaber Defense, Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Force powers known Battle Strike (2), Farseeing, Force Thrust, Mind Trick, Move Object, Surge (2)
    Force techniques Force point Recovery, Force Power Mastery (mind trick)
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
    Feats Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Skill Training (Endurance), Weapon Focus (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Simple Weapons)
    Talents Battle Meditation, Deflect, Force Fortification, Lightsaber Defense, Multiattack Proficiency (Lightsabers), Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Skills Acrobatics +13, Endurance +13, Initiative +13, Perception +9, Use the Force +11
    Posessions Lightsaber (self-built), Jedi Robes, Encrypted Comlink.

    ...and featuring our special guest:
    the damndest little fellow
    Small Droid (2nd-degree) nonheroic 2/scoundrel 1
    Force 1
    Init +3 Senses darkvision; Perception +1
    Languages Binary, Basic (hear, not speak)
    Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 11), Fort 9, Will 11
    hp 18; Threshold 9
    Immune droid traits
    Speed 6 squares (wheeled), 4 squares (walking)
    Melee electroshock probe +0 (1d8 ion damage)
    Abilities Str 9, Dex 14, Con --, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
    Feats Skill Focus (Mechanics), Skill Focus (Use Computer), Skill training (Pilot), Dodge
    Talents Gimmick
    Skills Mechanics +14, Pilot +8, Use Computer +12
    Systems wheeled locomotion, walking locomotion, heuristic processor, tool appendages, claw appendage, diagnostics package, integrated comlink, internal storage (8kg), darkvision
    Posessions circular saw, electric arc welder, electroshock probe, tool kit

    Horseshoe on
  • SteelhawkSteelhawk Registered User regular
    edited May 2011

    A second explosion blew in the doors to the security suite and it was now open to the invading 501st. R4-B6, his dome rotating towards the source of the explosion lets out a high pitched squeal of fear and alarm that is carried both audibly in the room and across the open comlink frequency to Master Nar'Aval.

    There was no time left. With his droid brain, Bix ran though all the possible scenarios to buy the jedi more time in a nanosecond. It always came up short. There just wasn't anything else he could do. With a resigned tweet, Bix ramped up the encryption on the control program for the Beacon and, after disconnecting, fried the console with his electro-shock probe. (It turns out that Bix fried nothing more than the droid interface socket, but don't tell him that. He's liable to start leaking oil...)

    Turning his body around, Bix extends his probe once more, ready to defend the jedi temple with his very last circuits.

    Use Computer to Encrypt Beacon software = 29
    Mechanics Check to foul the console itself = Natural 1! (15)

    Steelhawk on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited May 2011
    "Plan B! Go go go!"

    Scorch grinned underneath his helmet. "I love plan B."

    He dropped his repeater and reached over his shoulder to free the mounted missile launcher. Lining up the targeting reticle in his visor, he gripped down the firing trigger when he heard the dwee-dwee announcing a lock.

    The missile flew forward and detonated behind one of the Jedi, nearly engulfing him entirely in the explosion while Sev and Fixer's blasterfire pinned him down.

    Taung used the distraction to weave between their lightsaber strikes, heading into the beacon room where he found... a droid? The same droid he'd worked with during the Battle of Coruscant.

    Damn clankers.

    With little ceremony Taung put a set of blaster bolts into the droid's metallic dome. It squealed and then fell over with a heavy clunk.
    Scorch's Missile!: 1d20+13 16 6d6+4 28

    Sev's Sniper Round (With Fixer's Aid): 1d20+17 35 3d10+4 14

    edit: forgot to add that JK1 takes 28 damage total.

    taung's just gonna totes ignore these fools and move a full 8; 1 right, 7 down.

    JK Attacks of Opportunity: 1d20+16 34 1d20+17 20 2d8+7 9 2d8+7 11

    taung takes a massive 9 damage from the AoO's.

    DIE BIX DIE.: 1d20+16 23 5d10+7 29

    see ya later bix

    Super Namicchi on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited May 2011
    Swatting flames from his robe one of the knights staggered back. His compatriot vaulted backwards and pointed an outstretched hand at Sev. Having seen the gesture before, Sev didn't have time to react... or get two complete words from his mouth.

    "Oh, ka--"

    Sev flew across the room, smashing into Taung, sending both of them to the floor (amidst the scorched remains of B6).

    "Too many of them! Get the younglings out of here!" the knight shouted at his wounded companion, "I'll hold them off and hope help arrives!"

    Jedi Knight 1 (56/104, condition -1)) Withdraws one square, tries to do something with the force and fails. 3 of his FP's remain.

    Jedi Knight 2 (104/104) uses an acrobatics check to move one to the right, Move Object: 1d20+11 26 on Sev to throw him like a rag doll at Taung, spends an FP to up the damerge and Move Object Demedge: 8d6 31 ouch to Sev and Taung, both of whom are now prone.

    2 of his FP's remain.



    Taung - aka Advanced Recon Commando Alpha-40
    Medium Human soldier 7/scout 3/elite trooper 3
    Destiny 3; Force 12
    Init +20; Senses low-light vision, Perception +15
    Languages Basic, Mando'a, Binary, 1 untrained
    Defenses Ref 34 (30 flat-footed), Fort 32, Will 26
    hp 116; DR 1; Threshold 32
    Speed 8 squares
    Melee unarmed +13 (1d6+7)
    Ranged blaster pistol, heavy +16 (3d8+6)
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +17 (3d10+6) or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +15 (3d10+6) with autofire or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +15 (5d10+6) with Burst Fire or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +12/+12 (3d10+6) with Double Attack or
    Ranged blaster rifle, heavy +10/+10 (5d10+6) with Double Attack and Burst Fire
    Base Atk +12; Grp +16
    Atk Options Burst Fire, Double Attack (rifles), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
    Special Actions Tough as Nails, Delay Damage, Shake it Off, Full Advance
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 13
    Talents Long Stride, Evasion, Armored Defense, Armor Mastery, Improved Armored Defense, Tough as Nails, Controlled Burst, Full Advance
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Double Attack (rifles), Improved Defenses, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Shake it Off, Skill Focus (Initiative), Skill Training (Stealth), Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (simple, pistols, rifle, heavy)
    Skills Endurance +13, Initiative +20, Knowledge (Tactics) +14, Mechanics +14, Perception +15, Pilot +15, Stealth +15, Use Computer +14
    Possessions heavy blaster pistol, heavy blaster rifle, ARC trooper armor (Internal Comlink, short-range, Helmet Package), utility belt, security kit
    RC-1262, aka Delta-62 aka "Scorch"
    "If we're all clones, why am I the only one with a sense of humor?"
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged light repeating blaster rifle +7 (3d8+3, 2x2 autofire)
    Ranged missile launcher +12 (6d6+3, 2-square burst)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armor Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles) Weapon Focus (Heavy Weapons)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac, missile launcher with 4 missiles

    RC-1140, aka Delta-40 aka "Fixer"
    "Keep the comm clear, and watch the master at work."
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged light repeating blaster rifle +7 (3d8+3, 2x2 autofire)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armored Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles), Skill Training (Mechanics)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13, mechanics +11
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, 4 detonation charges, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac

    RC-1207 aka Delta-7 aka "Sev"
    "Just point me at the enemy... and stay out of my way."
    Medium Human nonheroic 6/soldier 4/elite trooper 2
    Force 4
    Init +13; Senses low-light vision, Perception +13
    Languages Basic, Mando'a
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat footed 21), Fort 23, Will 16, +6 armor
    hp 62, Shoulder to Shoulder (6hp); DR 2; Threshold 23
    Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
    Melee unarmed +11 (1d6+4)
    Melee vibrodagger +11 (2d4+4)
    Ranged blaster pistol +12 (3d6+3) or
    Ranged sniper rifle with targeting scope +12 (3d10+3)
    Base Atk +10; Grp +12
    Attack Options Point Blank Shot
    Special Actions Coordinated Attack, delay damage
    Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
    Talents Armored Defense, Shoulder to Shoulder, Improved Armored Defense
    Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Careful shot, Coordinated Attack, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, running Attack, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, heavy, pistols, rifles), Skill Training (Stealth)
    Skills Initiative +13, Perception +13, Stealth +12
    Posessions Clone trooper armor, blaster pistol, light repeating blaster rifle, 2 frag grenades, 2 ion grenades, 2 stun grenades, vibrodagger, utility belt with medpac


    Jedi Knight
    "The Force is my ally."
    Medium Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5
    Force 5
    Init +13 Senses Perception +9
    Languages Basic, 1 other
    Defenses Ref 24 (flat-footed 24), Fort 17, Will 17, Deflect
    hp 104; Threshold 17
    Speed 6 squares
    Melee Lightsaber +15 (2d8+7)
    MeleeLightsaber +13 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12 (3d8+7) with Rapid Strike or
    MeleeLightsaber +12/+12 (2d8+7) with Double Attack
    base attack +12
    Attack Options Battle Meditation, Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Power Attack, Rapid Strike
    Special Actions Lightsaber Defense, Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Force powers known Battle Strike (2), Farseeing, Force Thrust, Mind Trick, Move Object, Surge (2)
    Force techniques Force point Recovery, Force Power Mastery (mind trick)
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
    Feats Cleave, Double Attack (lightsabers), Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Power Attack, Rapid Strike, Skill Training (Endurance), Weapon Focus (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers, Simple Weapons)
    Talents Battle Meditation, Deflect, Force Fortification, Lightsaber Defense, Multiattack Proficiency (Lightsabers), Redirect Shot, Soresu
    Skills Acrobatics +13, Endurance +13, Initiative +13, Perception +9, Use the Force +11
    Posessions Lightsaber (self-built), Jedi Robes, Encrypted Comlink.

    ...and featuring our special guest:
    the damndest little fellow
    Small Droid (2nd-degree) nonheroic 2/scoundrel 1
    Force 1
    Init +3 Senses darkvision; Perception +1
    Languages Binary, Basic (hear, not speak)
    Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 11), Fort 9, Will 11
    hp 18; Threshold 9
    Immune droid traits
    Speed 6 squares (wheeled), 4 squares (walking)
    Melee electroshock probe +0 (1d8 ion damage)
    Abilities Str 9, Dex 14, Con --, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
    Feats Skill Focus (Mechanics), Skill Focus (Use Computer), Skill training (Pilot), Dodge
    Talents Gimmick
    Skills Mechanics +14, Pilot +8, Use Computer +12
    Systems wheeled locomotion, walking locomotion, heuristic processor, tool appendages, claw appendage, diagnostics package, integrated comlink, internal storage (8kg), darkvision
    Posessions circular saw, electric arc welder, electroshock probe, tool kit

    Horseshoe on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited May 2011
    As the Jedi turned to flee, Taung shot him in the back. He fell to the ground, his lightsaber skittering away, leaving his companion to face the full wrath of Delta Squad.

    "Take him down, Deltas!" Taung shouted, and the three troopers moved like one entity, coordinating their fire for maximum effect. Another explosion rocked the archives as one of Scorch's missiles nearly consumed the Jedi Knight.
    Taung -
    Free: Stand
    Move: FULL ADVANCE (me and all my buddies gain +2 morale to damage rolls)
    Standard: Taung burst fires JK1: 1d20+16 [strike]18[/strike] 36 5d10+9 37 gonna spend 1 of my 3 remaining destiny points to crit and kill JK1. no runners.

    time for my squadmates!

    SEV -
    Move: Stand
    Standard: Aid Scorch

    SCORCH -
    Move: Reload missile launcher
    Standard: Scorch's Big-Ass Missile (With Sev's Aid): 1d20+16 29 6d6+5 29, JK2 goes -1 on the track.

    FIXER -
    Move: 3 Right, 2 Up
    Standard: Fixer's Autofire Extravaganza: 1d20+8 18 3d8+6 10, JK2 takes 5 damage. d'oh.

    Super Namicchi on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited May 2011
    "NO!" The remaining Knight's cry of angish sounded over the archives as his compatriot fell. He called out to the cowering students. "Run, younglings.... RUN!"

    The lone knight batted away blaster fire, covering the escape of the younglings as they emerged from underneath Jocasta's desk and took cover behind the archive shelves.

    "That idiot's going to cut a hole through the karking floor, Boss," rasped Fixer, lapsing into his old commander's callsign. "Seen it at least twice just today. I betcha all the drink you can stomach he will."

    okay that was a bit much but here's the map I THINK



    Nara'val and what remained of his cadre of Jedi younglings and padawans emerged onto the platform. A small number of fighters could be seen through the smoke billowing from the lower levels of the Temple.

    "Ahsoka!" he shouted, "make sure that... Ahsoka? Ahsoka!"

    The Jedi Master's padawan was nowhere to be seen. He feared... and sensed... that her feet were already carrying her back into the temple.
    Note: the next hangar encounter is not happening just yet. the encounter in the archives is evolving. there is a pokemans joke here that i cannnot make because i don't know shit about pokemans. it's like... shitachu is evolving into shitzar? dunno.

    So at the moment 'tis ARC'S TURN AGAIN

    Horseshoe on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited May 2011
    "Leave him be," Taung said to his comrades. "Keep me covered while I re-configure the beacon."
    kay gonna move over and start doing my thing to reconfigure the emergency beacon or whatsit, gonna have sev and scorch aid me on the computer use if necessary

    Super Namicchi on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    Meanwhile, in a lower hangar...

    What remained of a blast door ripped inwards, as though some invisible and silent explosion had blown it apart. Lord Vader stepped through the ruined metal door into the hangar. He could feel that several floors above him, Master Nara'val was about to escape. Twice the Jedi's trickery had caused him to show mercy. Weakness. It had kept him from victory. But now, no such pity remained to be exploited. He stalked toward the few remaining starfighters.

    He was so focused upon his former master that he did not feel another presence nearby until a canister flew through the air knocked him to the ground. He heard light footsteps speed past him. As he rose up to one knee, he could see a small jedi padawan running toward the ships. He could feel her fear... and her hope that she could outrun him. As she approached the ships, her pace began to slow... and then it came to a stop. She looked up, feeling the same presence that Vader felt.

    Ahsoka Tano had been running her entire life. She had fled slavery. She had fled from superior numbers. She had fled from the likes of Asajj Ventress and General Grievous. And now, this... thing. Whatever it was, it was dressed as a Jedi... but its true nature was what her Master had always warned her against. There, in one of the Temple's smoke-filled hangars, she stopped running. And then, though every reflex in her body was telling her to run, she turned. Though her body shook and she bit down upon her lower lip to keep it from quivering, her eyes flashed defiantly as she faced the Dark Side.

    "I will not run from you!" she shouted of the explosions that rocked the Temple. She had wanted to say that she wasn't afraid. She pulled a second lightsaber from her belt and activated it, dropping into a readied stance.

    "Wise." Vader rose to his feet and ignited his lightsaber. "There will be no escape for you, and no escape..."

    He felt her reaction to the presence of Nara'val... and for now, it was satisfying enough.

    "...for your Master."

    He moved toward her swiftly, and it seemed as though she was rooted to the ground with fear as his saber descended. It met nothing but the metal floor, and there was a sudden white-hot pain upon the side of his face. The wound on his face burned, and bits of molten armor fell into his mask. While he could have cursed himself for underestimating her, he instead drew anger from the fact that she had struck him with one of Nar's preferred Ataru techniques.

    Before Ahsoka could catch her breath, the Sith Lord was upon her. He moved too fast for a man of his size, and his ferocity was terrifying. The vocabulator on his mask sounded with a deep guttural static as he roared in fury. One of her sabers was knocked away by sheer force as she attempted to parry one of his strikes. Holding the blade in both hands, he harried her with undisciplined strikes. She fell to her knees, struggling to keep the lightsaber above her head beneath the thundering blows. She attempted to focus, to find an opening amidst the storm.

    Vader halted his assault only when his rage began to clear and he realized there was no more resistance to his attack. He deactivated his lightsaber and returned it to his belt, then stepped over what remained of Ahsoka Tano and stepped toward the starfighters. Before he could climb into one, he felt the presence of Master Nara'val disappear. It was a distinct feeling. Hyperspace. His visored eyes looked up into the ash-choked skies of Coruscant.

    His muscles ached. His wounds burned. His heart pounded. But his mind was fixed only upon vengeance.

    "Run. I will find you. There will no escape for you... my Master."

  • INeedNoSaltINeedNoSalt with blood on my teeth Registered User regular
    The escape from the hangar was a hellish one, and Nar fought as best he could against the Republic Fighters; without his astromech droid, he was at a disadvantage that was only exacerbated by his ever-present frustration with starship piloting. While the Republic Fighters chased them down, Nar tried to figure the jump coordinates for the crew of padawans who followed close behind, each in their own fighters. It wasn't easy, it wasn't a skill Nar had mastered, and he had to work on it while trying not to die.

    One of his Padawans shouted at him through the comm -- "Alderaan, we go to Alderaan!" -- and Nar agreed. It was as neutral as they were going to get for the moment, and with a little bit of luck, they might be able to lay low and find a less distinct way off-world once they arrived. One glance out of starboard window showed him Ali-Allan's cruiser, under heavy fire and mostly unable to defend themselves.

    Master Aval swallowed his pride once more, and gave the order to make the jump -- and as his ship escaped into hyperdrive alongside the small unit of Padawan fighters, he felt Ahsoka's presence in the Force falter and go dim.

  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited December 2011
    A-40 and Delta Squad stood at attention in the ruined hangar. Commander Rex and other officers in the 501st were present as well. Lord Vader walked along the line of troops, as though he were inspecting them... though he did not seem to actually be looking at them. He was clearly a Jedi... apparently the only one that that had remained loyal to the Republic. And like a good soldier, he had led the attack on the Temple. Jedi were a difficult presence in the military, but Vader seemed far beyond the unconventional. The operation should have been considered a success. There had been hundreds of them in the Temple, and only a handful had escaped. But as Rex briefed him on the operation, he could only ask questions about the escapees... and though his face was obscured his anger was all too clear.

    He walked back down the line to Rex, who stood next to 40.

    "Repeat that last detail, Commander."

    "I..." Rex stuttered, " mean about Sheltay Retrac, sir?"


    "I did not detain her, sir."

    "You let her go."

    "Yes, sir. Orders of the Chancellor, sir. You said --"

    "You failed!" Vader's retort boomed in the hangar. He continued with less volume but equal intensity. "You failed to capture a Jedi Master. You allowed him to take a Holocron from the Archives. You allowed him to escape and you allowed a citizen aiding him to flee the Temple as well."

    40 could hear Rex trying to respond. The Commander grasped at his own throat, unable to breathe... and it seemed his toes were no longer touching the ground.

    "I cannot tolerate your incompetence."

    There was a snapping sound, and Rex fell to the floor in a heap. Lord Vader took a step to the side and addressed 40, leaning down very slightly, as if they were looking one another in the eye behind their visors.

    "You are an Alpha-class?"

    "Yes, Sir. Designation 40."

    Vader paused for a moment.

    "You are in command, Alpha-40. Prepare the Legion for deployment."

    "Yes, Sir."

    "Organize a squad," he continued, and pointed at 40's face with a large gloved hand. "and find her."

    "Are we to capture --"

    "Leave that to me."

    "Yes, Sir."


    Horseshoe on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    edited December 2011
    Coruscant, 500 Republica...

    Sheltay quietly slipped into Padme's apartment. Perhaps not as quietly as she had thought... she was very quickly greeted by the barrel of a pistol.

    "Sheltay! I'm so glad it's you."

    Padme lowered her weapon. It seemed as though the adversity of the moment had motivated her. She had changed into a practical suit of clothes, outfitted with a few pieces of equipment, most notably weapons. The clothes, however, did nothing to hide her pregnancy. She carried herself a bit differently, a bit more tense perhaps. It reminded Sheltay that Padme had been well-trained as well. In fact, it even made a little bit of sense that she could be mistaken for a bodyguard instead of a queen.

    "I don't know what's going on... but I don't think I should stay here. I don't know where Senator Organa is... I can't get through to him at all."

    Sheltay could see the cracks in her training as she spoke. Padme had survived assassination attempts and violent uperisings, but hadn't learned to deal with those things alone. She had always had the protection of jedi, bodyguards, and women who were much like Sheltay. Padme paused, and then said a little more gently:

    "Are you alright?"

    Horseshoe on
  • Super NamicchiSuper Namicchi Orange County, CARegistered User regular
    edited January 2012

    Taung broke his salute. He gestured to his men to take care of Rex's body, Lord Vader's budding reputation be damned. Whatever Rex did or didn't do with regards to Sheltay Retrac, he deserved the respect given to every soldier who died in the line of duty. Alpha 40 shook his head slightly and made his way back to the airspeeder and droid pilot that had been assigned as temporary conveyance to and from Mission HQ in Corusca Square. Climbing into the vehicle he removed his helmet and retrieved the datapad from his pack.

    Analyzing intel was a duty he was expressly trained for, but compared to the events leading up to the Fall of the Jedi Temple it was a welcome diversion. He began inputting commands to subordinates involving the deployment of troops; most of those duties would be handled by delegation.

    Find Sheltay Retrac.

    He remembered her well; their last encounter had been a memorable one. Why was Sheltay so important to the Republic? Was she still with Antilles? He scanned intel reports.

    Last seen with Senator Amidala.

    That's as good a place as any to start, thought Taung as the speeder joined the Coruscanti air traffic.

    Super Namicchi on
  • QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    edited February 2012
    Sheltay resisted the urge to adjust her headdress and shot a look at Padme. The senator was doing a surprisingly good job at carrying herself like any other girl out for a night at the club, but then again, she had a lot of experience at skulking about in disguise. It had been a challenge to obscure Padme's obvious pregnancy; ultimately, Sheltay opted to make them both look heavy, since she assumed the troopers would be looking for a pregnant woman and a slim one, and she could only hope that their demeanor would ward off anything more than casual scrutiny. They listened to the subdued talk of the other people on the air bus, who speculated about what was happening with the Jedi and the Senate, the vast armies of identical soldiers in their white armor, the ships overhead fighting and exploding and...

    "Did you see what Dyemma was wearing the other night?" Padme asked.

    "Hideous," Sheltay responded. "As if those shoes would make her legs look longer."

    "And her hair? What was she thinking with that color?"

    Sheltay pursed her lips and shook her head. "She wasn't. I guess her jacket wasn't so bad, though."

    They continued the idle chatter every so often, pausing to stare out the windows at a city that was almost normal despite what they'd just been through. If their contact couldn't get them off-world, she wasn't sure what she would do. Could she risk a message to Organa? Beg for help from Mon Mothma? She didn't want to put anyone else in danger, but neither did she want to let the bastards get Padme. Being a senator would only grant her so much protection, if any, given what had happened to the Jedi.

    Focus, Sheltay, she told herself sternly. Mission objective: escape. Secondary objective: establish safe haven for Padme.

    Quoth on
  • HorseshoeHorseshoe Registered User regular
    Sheltay and Padme walked through the bustle of the Entertainment District, never stopping their conversation. Padme's ability to conjure small talk was quite impressive, even if it did have a few tells here and there that only someone actively listening in might find strange.

    The large, hairy bouncer at the Outlander Club only casually glanced at their identification, waving them in as though he'd seen them before. Sheltay's memory of the place and the dress of its patrons was photographic in a way that made blending in quite easy.

    She shepherded Padme through the main floor of the sprawling, crowded club. The senator had clearly never been in it before, and had probably not seen many places like it. One had to act accustomed to the colorful lights, competing sounds, shouted conversations (in many languages), and surprising smells. One also had to avoid dancers, pickpockets, overly-enthusiastic gamblers, purveyors of temporary companionship, your average pushy and intoxicated patron... the usual crowd at the Outlander. As always, it was amazing how easy it was to simply act like you belonged and greet strange faces as if they were familiar.

    Sheltay even remembered the right spot at the bar. Keeping Padme in her peripheral vision, she leaned in and pretended to look at a screen showing some distant pod-race as if she were waiting for the bartender. At this time of the evening, Elan was sure to be there. She remembered his type, and she looked just enough like it that it wouldn't take long to --

    "Wanna buy some death sticks?"

    She didn't even need to look. The short, scratchy voice and shambling approach had been enough.

  • QuothQuoth the Raven Miami, FL FOR REALRegistered User regular
    "Ooh, death sticks," Sheltay replied, turning to face Elan with a giggle. "I don't know..." She leaned in closer. "I may be interested in something a bit more expensive."

    Elan's eyes widened along with his grin. "Hey, yeah, I could probably help you out with that. I've got, uh--" He rifled through his pockets, his expression pensive but eager. Then he blinked and looked at her more carefully. "Oh, hey, Sh--"

    "You do?" Sheltay answered just loud enough to be overheard. "Oh, my." More quietly, she added, "Don't look around. I need to get off-planet with a VIP, quickly. Don't bother asking who, because I won't tell you." She added another giggle and a shy, furtive glance at the nearest patrons. None of them paid her more attention than anything else in the club.

    Now Elan's smile turned uneasy, his shoulders hunched as if he expected to be hit. "Well, that uh, that might be more complicated. I heard a lot of the ports are getting locked down, some kinda crazy stuff happening up top..."

    His tone was questioning, but she ignored it. "Too crazy for, say... 15,000 credits?"

    "That, uh." He swallowed. "That would certainly buy a lot of crazy."

    She ran a hand along his arm. "5,000 now, the rest when we're sipping spicebrews in another sector."

    "20,000," he countered, his skin breaking out in a cold sweat. "Half now, half the instant you're out of hyperspace."

    "17,000, half at the port, the other half when we're safely away." She flashed a smile at the bartender as he passed.

    Elan couldn't contain himself anymore, and looked around furtively. "This VIP must be very, uh, IP."

    "To some, yes. Are you in?"

    Sheltay could see the struggle in his features, but as usual, money won.

    "I'm in. Let me get a hold of my, uh, contact. Wait here."

  • jimninjajimninja Registered User regular

    "Send an order to the Terrible Storm. Admiral Vureekut is to advance immediately, with all her strength, and retake Makem Te."

    "My lord, Admiral Vureekut's forces are too few, and the Storm itself needs repairs. We must wait for reinforcements from--"

    "The Separatist presence around Makem Te is a screen. The greater part of their force and all their capital ships were sent to the battle at Felucia. The admiral's forces will be sufficient. Now send the order."

    "I... yes, my lord."

    The officer turned from Lord Vader and stepped down to a comm operator. The command center was abuzz with the frenetic babble of war. Vader turned to the galactic map spinning gently atop a pedestal in the center of the room. The bridge cities of Cato Neimoidia would fall before the Grand Army soon, and forces would be freed from the defense of Rendili. He spun the map idly with a wave of his hand.

    "Lord Vader!" A white-haired old human strode briskly towards him.

    "Admiral Oneind."

    "Lord Vader, I demand to know why you have diverted Vice Admiral Grike's forces to Togoria. Without those ships, Kwenn cannot be taken."

    "Kwenn is a prize of no value, Admiral. The Separatists are gathering forces at Togoria in secret. They hope to reinforce their invasion fleet at Kashyyyk. They will not succeed. From now on, Vice Admiral Grike will answer to Admiral Tren, and Admiral Tren to me."

    Oneind gestured wildly. "And who will you answer to, my Lord? Do you think that you can burst in here and play at war? You are chasing ghosts at Togoria, when we could seize Kwenn within the week! I will not stand for th--" Oneind looked as if someone had caught him around the throat with a wire. His fingers clawed helplessly at his collar as Vader raised his hand.

    "I grow tired of your disrespect, Admiral." Oneind's eyes bugged grotesquely. Vader clamped his hand, and the admiral shuddered, and then fell to the floor. Vader regarded the body with cool contempt as, below him, a pair of aides gawked and stared, apparently torn between the need to remove the body from the room and the desire to stay as far from Vader as possible. He stepped down and left the room.

    He hoped that, by killing Oneind, he had demonstrated what would happen to those of the old guard who would not cooperate with the new order of things. Word would spread. Nobody was so valuable to the war effort that their death would stop the roll of the war machine of the Republic. No--the Empire. Those who opposed him would fall before him, foe or friend.

    And yet... he felt a certain disquiet within him. He was not invincible. When Taung had said, 'Designation 40,', Vader had been reminded of that. For the briefest of moments, he had teetered on the brink of murder--almost killed Taung for daring to remind him that he had once been a scared little boy in a dark cave half a galaxy away who had feared for a man's life. But Taung was not the problem. Nara'val had escaped, and with the Great Holocron in tow. He had failed. The loose ends of his former life had dangled tantalizingly before him and he had let them go. The burn on his face where the child had struck him throbbed with a deep ache, in time with his heart, as if to remind him: you failed; you failed; you failed. His master would be... displeased.

    And as he thought on these failures one by one, he found that each of them burned him again, except the escape of Sheltay Retrac. He could only imagine what bravery had led her into the Jedi Temple today. It was a very Sheltay thing to do. The thought was bile in his throat, and a well of anger splashed up within him, but a different anger than had led him through the Temple. He went back into the command center. The admiral's body had been removed from the platform. A hundred pairs of eyes dodged away from him as he swept his gaze around the room. They feared him. Good. Let it serve them--and him--well.

    He took up his post at the galactic map again and began to give orders.

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