So in a week's time, the fall TV season will start. Oh joy, old favorites make their truimphant return and new shows get a chance to capture our fancy. So let us all bask in television's warm glowing warming glow.
Here is a handy schedule of when shows will be premiering and whatnot, with handy notes:
Here's a few personal highlights to start things off:
Dexter Season 2
This show had an amazing first season and I can't wait to see what'll happen this time around. Will our favorite lovable serial killer keep killing those baddies in painful and amusing ways? How much of his inner monologue can we listen to before we tune out? Premieres sept. 30
How I Met Your Mother
This show was consistently one of the funniest shows last season. Last season's highlights included Robin Sparkles, the slap bet, and Inara from Firefly guest-starring. This upcoming season has Mandy Moore guest-starring as a bad girl that Ted falls in with. It has all the makings of being LEGEN....
wait for it... DARY. New episode Sept. 24
The Office
So they seemed to have answered the whole will-they-won't-they between Pam and Jim. How will their blooming romance deal with the whole wacky office hijinks we all tune in for? Will Karen still be there (please yes, soooo hot), considering she has a
FOX midseason replacement show that looks godawful? Tune in sept. 27 for an hour long premiere episode.
So uhh, he fired all his little worker drones at the end of the season finale. You gotta wonder where the show is going to go. On the one hand, going back to the status quo seems like a cop out, but man, Omar Epps is delicious. Hopefully, all this new drama brings a dose of newness to the whole "mysterious case, not lupus, realize solution through something unrelated thing" they have down pat. Worth watching just for Hugh Laurie. Sept. 25
Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Seriously one of the funniest shows on tv. Kinda like a retarded, filthy version of Seinfeld. Basic cable definitely has a few good shows out, but this one takes the cake. New season starts next Wednesday, i think.
As for new shows, I have high hopes for
Bionic Woman, because man, how can they screw up that formula? Hot chick + hotter bad guys + action + waa-waa = hit
starring Cole Hauer and Anthony Anderson looks promising. Cops in New Orleans spouting jokes and busting the bad guys. I'm a sucker for Miami Vice-type buddy cop shows, and feel like this show could fill that campy, amazing, funny void that hasn't been filled since Fastlane.
So what new and returning shows are you looking forward to watching, dissecting, analyzing, and obsessing over, fellow zombies of the magic box?
both return in the same week
It starts on September 28th at 10pm.
The Biggest Loser. I like to use the exercise bike or elliptical while it is on because it motivates me to try harder than the fatties. Plus, the show has apparently ruined the personal lives of a couple contestants and I am all for that.
Survivor: China. They're taking the premise of "Americans trying to survive where people already live comfortably" to a whole new level. Delicious. I'm going to apply when they do Survivor: Canada
King of the Hill, Drawn Together, American Dad, Family Guy, Avatar: the last Airbender, Frisky Dingo, Venture Bros, Tim and Eric: Awesome Show Great Job, South Park, Underfist, etc. Many animated programs. If that Saul of the Mole Men show comes back I will enjoy seeing it some more.
Beauty and the Geek. I wasn't going to watch this, but there was a promo on tv right now where a blond girl justified getting a boob job by saying that she made up for the cost by having guys buying drinks for her. Outstanding.
Redi will probably get me to watch the 9th season of America's Next Top Model. Stuff like this makes it worth the pain.
I'll try to watch Heroes but I still need to see the last six or seven episodes of season 1
Have I been misled?
when the fuck does it come back
shit i just drank a can of tab
ETA - This is in response to everything
She said they did 6 episodes that'll air in the fall and another 10 that will air next spring
I think October?
I will be eagerly awaiting it's fall return.
okay that does look kind of interesting
i'll give it a shot if I remember
Wait, what?
You actually watch and enjoy this shit fest?
Good God, Fiz.
I hate Tim and Eric so much
Didn't they break up and that was it? So she wasn't the mother?
I'm confused.
on House
I think Kumar is a new guy on there
I watched the Heroes 2 hour premiere thing from season 1 on the dvds and oh shit, different stories and characters. guess they went a whole new direction when they were told no 2 hour premiere.
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
one of them
it is pretty good
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PSN ID : Theidar
Behold the annhilation of the extraterrestrial and the rise of the machines.
Hail Satan!
according to wiki, he says Robin isn't the mother in the pilot episode
if I got teevee I would watch it
it was even on my plane to seattle
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
Jesus is Magic was okay
a lot of it was super dumb
but there were some parts that had me crying
Hahahaha are you serious?
then how to the fuck did that whole season have anything to do with meeting the mother goddamnit i am so mad now
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
it was shown after Lucky You
it redeemed the flight