Alright, after the smashing almost-success of the Newbs topic, which was almost instantly derailed into a discussion of people who are in fact prostars, I decided to whip this one out early.
I hate people who forget that everyone starts out as a noob, even themselves, and is a complete dickhead to noobs
This is a prostar, not a noob. I'm glad you hate them, I do too.
You took the words right out of my mouth. I have absolutely no problem with people new to a game (everyone had to have been at some point). It's these people who ruin games for me. They're those assholes back in elementary school who took the recess basketball game WAY too seriously - only all grown up now. I'm playing to have fun and relax after a hard day's work. It's not another job that I'm clocking in for or something.
Ugh. That's why I stopped playing. Look, I can understand if you want a game to go right, but if my friend was in a collision, don't expect me to show up at your raid.
I got my revenge, though. I intentionally wiped a raid in some dungeon, I forget which one, and that was apparently the last straw because half the guild quit. I laughed, and canceled my subscription.
Anyways, the people who take a game way too seriously like that are more newbish, to me, than someone who doesn't know what's going on. It's crazy how many people say "cs/wow/whatever iz my life bro" in complete sincerity.
Also prostars. And you're very right.
In any case, I'm not one to run my mouth off, win or lose, which always makes it funny to see some people's reactions to getting beat. The militant noobs are the only ones that really annoy me. Even in overwhelming victory, it seems, you just can't win with a lot of people. Exploit the heavy weapons, and you have no skill. Use the pistol, and you're a cheap pistol whore. Use the sniper rifle, and you're a camping loser. Use grenades, and you're a nade spammer. And of course, no matter how you won somehow you cheated. After being called every variation of "homo" by this crowd about a hundred thousand times, the only thing that still makes it tolerable is the absence of voice chat.
...And yet some people still wonder why I mostly stick to single-player games.
Prostars. The very definition of.
I'm in the top 40% of people in games I don't learn meticulously, except for those few that I try and try to learn but just plain ol' suck at. Like DotA. Fuck DotA and all that time I spent trying to learn it. How are 14 year old kids raping me so hard at it? Maybe it's the community that makes it so tough, because they're a bunch of "prostars" who think it's the worst sin to be new at something or ask any sort of gameplay question.
But rant and pointlessness off.
I'm now going to start calling assholes who talk shit and are plain bad at the game or hunt down real noobs and brag "twats" and "prostars" because of this thread. Newbs REALLY should be a word designated purely for the new player on the block. As an insult it really is horribly ineffective.
Very good! Prostars suck.
You see, what we have here with this "prostar," is a person who, no matter how good or bad they are as a player, is also an asshole, and often very uptight about how other people may see them as a person while judging them solely on their performance in an online game.
Really, we have two very different camps of people here: The good players and the bad.
The good player is, in an FPS, is either a "Hero" or a "Vulture." They are sometimes difficult to tell apart.
The Hero is often found in round-based games like CS or CTFS. He IS his team, and he knows it. So he'll wait around, biding his time while the rest of his team gets raped. After the rest of his team is nothing more than a pile of spent carcass' he will deign to grace the game with his Uber-Presence and will finally move in for the attack. His major advantage is that he has recognized the horrible flaw present in almost every public server: that most of the other players have a bit of a hero complex themselves. So, when he finally does move in he is being attacked by the other team one, maybe two, at a time. He does have skill, and so he often wins. This person is the absolute worst and thinks only of himself and the awesome scores he gets. Calling him out will get you called a noob. Hate him.
The Vulture is only slightly different from the Hero. He will move in along with his team, but always at the back, always out of the main skirmish. If he is on the other team and you pay careful attention then you will see him. He gets the kills while the others get shot. While this is a fine strategy for a match, or even a scrim, it doesn't belong in a pub. If you call him out he will indicate his awesome score and kill/death ratio, then call you a nwb. Hate him.
There is also a general prostar that exists in every game. Everyone who has played online knows him. He is the elite prostar. Quite simply, you CANNOT BEAT HIM. EVER. If you kill him then he either wasn't trying, wasn't looking, you suck, he was lagged, you're an idiot, he's drunk/high/asleep, you're a newb, or he just changed his sensitivity. Possibly all of the above. He is the one who joins the game as "new mouse," or "my hand hurts," or "new config/sense/monitor/keyboard/whatever." He is the worst kind of player in existence. Hate him.
There are also specific RTS, fighting game and MMO prostars. If you've played the games then you know who they are. Tell me your stories of the prostar. Maybe it'll be a little cathartic.
It's rare for me to see a game of Dota go on without any accusations of map hacking being thrown around. And in FPS games I see the occasional "omg he must have aimbot/wall hack/whatever".
EDIT: Ugh, I hate it when people tell you to stop using a riot shield in multiplayer because they are too dumb to throw a grenade at you and instead decide to unload 3 clips into said shield, then shout at you for using one.
tell me that's a Jay Pinkerton reference
Yeah, at the local cyber cafe where I sometimes play some games, I hear a couple of these little kids insulting each other and everyone they play against/with as either gay/fag/noob. I really just wanna reach over and slap them upside the head a couple of times. Usually just as a reflex when they talk. And mind you these are kids that are hovering around the 6-10th grades. The 11ths/12ths graders aren't too bad.
i would follow you to the ends of the earth
I remember playing one round of RB6:V where some Australian dude (his accent sounded Australian anyways) ranted over the voice chat for the entire 20-30 minute round about people killing him with the Famas. It was glorious - it went from "What the fuck, you stupid fuckers are hacking, theres no way you can kill me with a Famas from that far away." to "Fuck this, this round gave the other team hacked Famas's."
The sad thing is, he was the only one on our team ever saying anything. The only one!
After a while I just gave up playing that game with people I don't know, now its usually me and two or three of my close friends doing four man T-Hunt, and even if were learning the level and getting owned the entire time, its still awesome.
Like when a buddy of mine managed to fall through a hole on the second floor of a building, and die. Didn't live that one down for the rest of the night.
But really, really, the worst are the players who are quite obviously white teenagers who pretend they're black "gangstas". This phenomenon is, in my experience, most often observed while playing shooters on XBL. Running around, throwing the n-word and gay insults all around. They deserve swift judgment.
Wait, what, who? People need to stop saying this kind of stuff to me, it's creepy.
if he catches you, he's gonna fuck you
The dudes who use infinite combos in fighting games
The guys who manage to put their flags inside the walls in Halo CTF matches
Anyone who ever used an Action Replay to give their Pokemon perfect IVs
All of them are worthless idiots
Wii: 5024 6786 2934 2806 | Steam/XBL: Arcibi | FFXI: Arcibi / Bahamut
You know what legendary pokemon should not have 0 IV's in all stats. Espeically the GOD of pokemon.
Besides I share.
You know what's even worse?
White pre-teen rappers. I've lost all faith in our future when I heard a 10 year old start singing Fifty Cent. I want to slap him until he cries, and punch his parents until they become smart.
So. Battlenet. It sucks for you, you say? Try being 48. He doesn't have time for shit, he just wants to play his game, go to bed, and get more money for me to piss away on booze and fast women. So one game, being his first ranked match on BNet, someone calls him out, constantly. Horrible things are said. He is called a noob. My father is not a man that messes around. My father is a man that had built 6 nukes, and had only 2 allies.
My father is a man who nukes someone so hard they lose their entire workforce, nexus, and almost all their production buildings. Twice.
He signed off with "Guys I think I figured something out."
And that is why you should not be a prostar. Even on their first ranked match, if you rile a person they can fuck you a lot harder than they are already. Teach them, people. Make them an asset. Learn from them new and unorthodox strategies. Don't piss them off.
To preface, I am a bit of a nubwaffle. I play a lot of Halo 1/2, but almost entirely single-player and co-op. Halo 3 was the first time I've seriously sat down for a long time to play a multiplayer game on Xbox Live for several hours at a time (I tried it with Gears... but getting grenade tagged every round and having no defence was nowhere near fun. This was pre-grenade tag nerf).
So I'm level 1, and I end up matched with some level 10s and 12s. Oh shit. This will not end well. It was Team Slayer on High Ground, so my first instinct was to grab a Carbine (we started in the fort). For the entire match, this one cocksucker was ragging on me endlessly about how much I suck with the carbine, and how I should just grenade myself, popped a few "fags" here and there. The usual Xbox Live tard. Then when I actually start killing some people, I get "oh look, the newb got lucky," and "you finally killed something you fucking newb," etc. I didn't say a damn thing to him.
After the match, he gave me negative feedback. I returned the favour. Assholes like this (complete with voice-chat!) totally ruin online gaming for me. That's why I try not to play online unless it's with the TBKers now. I'm like 1% of their skill level, and they'll still bring me into games and let me have a good time being a newbie (not that I don't try to help... I just suck). Thus ends my shameless TBK plug!
Starcraft, if I go mass dragoons they go "Oh mass goons, that takes skill." and then die/leave. If I mix zealots and templar "oh mass z and temps, you fucking noob" and then die/leave.
Or warcraft 3, you're having a great game, it goes back and forth, the other guy gets the upper hand then its all "lol you suck" or "learn2play nub" or "lol faggot u suck uninstall". I've even had that quite a bit after the other guy wins one skirmish, and I come back for the win. Afterwards I'll message them "good game, I'm off to uninstall now!" or something similar, when they dont respond I start to tell them not to be douchebags in the future and I get "soandso is not receiving messages 'fuk u nub u got lucky'".
I eventually started playing along, one guy in starcraft called me a retard because I was playing terran and floating an engineering bay around to scout (for fun of course) so I convinced everyone in the match that I autistic (I had just read the seanbaby thing about the autistic kid who loved gameshows) and that I spilled my ear medicine on the keyboard, so I paused the game, and they sat there bitching for a good 10 minutes about it. Later I would ask if I could pause and run down to the gas station quick for potato chips. Other tactics involve asking how to buy bullets for marines, dropping nothing but medics on peoples bases "we're on a mercy mission!" mass observer attacks, covering peoples bases in terran buildings so they cant click on anything, invisible protest lines of dark templar keeping people from attack-walking anywhere, general random shenanigans.
It became much more fun than the actual game due to people being dicks.
" walked straight past three of our creeps and a tower and were plainly in vision of our entire team"
(I noticed the NOBOS typo when I meant to write "NOOBS", but NOBOS sounds like a really funny word so I'm going to leave it in there. If you complain, then you are a nobo.)
I find the most infuriating player to be the one who is always just a little better than I am, keeps voice chat off on principle, never complains, and plays with a comfortable laze, like he has something better he should probably be doing.
I can laugh and shrug off 12 year olds calling me a cheating lizard jew. When a player is just plain better all the time, I get mad at my own inadequacy. I'd never complain to him, only quietly here. I'm no prostar.
Like walking right up to people who are trying to kill me, or pausing for ten minutes then saying "sorry shit pants," or throwing grenades at everyone in sight for no reason, or, if I end up randomly assigned to a team filled with asshats, pretending that I can't aim at all and then repeatedly TKing whoever the biggest or angriest asshole is, while messaging them with "sorry slipped" over and over and over again. If voice chat was involved, even better, because I could hear their blood vessels swelling. Before I gave up on random online play entirely, I used to hope that I would give some conceited GameFAQs poster a stroke. One guy became so incoherent that he couldn't speak complete sentences by the end of the match. He just kept saying broken things in a voice choked with spittle, like "noob... fucker... son of a... whorecockmonger AAGH." I'm sure it makes me an evil, horrible bastard that this made me turn off the mike so I could laugh hysterically at him, and probably I will go to hell when I die.
I don't do this any more because I don't want to ruin it for those players who aren't complete morons, but whenever I saw someone mocking others repeatedly and putting everyone down continually, I figured that sort of elitist humorless dickbag deserved to be jerked around until his ears bled.
I had this really great idea. What you do, is that when you sign up for like, an online gaming service, yeah, then what you could do, right, is ask them whether they like to play with prostars or noobs or something and then people wouldn't always be bothered by fucking dicks calling you "n-word c-word gay bitch" but you wouldn't need to enforce it or anything because I'm sure none of those people would intentionally signup for something else to piss you off and I know that all the games will properly respect the setting in matchmaking and stuff.
You just described me in every XBL game. I just unplug the headset because I fucking hate listening to everyone, and then I beat them and say nothing.
Like Mega Man Legends? Then check out my story, Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends on TMMN and AO3!
If so, there is indeed no justice in the universe.
I'd bet not. Also, thank you. I'd forgotten the name of that show, oh fifteen years ago.
Bo knows Kung Fu.
Nope. I thought the same thing.
and yeah, i also immediately thought of
Ranked games, especially, bring out a special kind of dick, just looking to grow their epeen. Then you end up spending a match listening to a 12 year old call you the n-word, while they dominate the game because you don't have entire days off to play non-stop. And, oftentimes, it's by way of some exploit that complete ruins the fun of the game, since the game is now much less important than the ranking number next to your name.
I am seriously beginning to doubt how important online play is to gaming, simply because people are dicks. Like I said, it's great for playing with friends that don't live near you, but past that, it's just like the internet, where anonymity breeds assholes. I am not against the concept, I love the idea of playing against anyone, anywhere in the world. It's just really unfortunate that people are idiots, which just entirely ruins the fun for me, regardless of my skill level at a particular game. Either you get your ass kicked, and get mocked by someone who plays the game constantly and/or knows all the exploits, or you kick someone's ass, so they treat you like shit, and often disconnect to save their rank. It just seems like such a lose/lose situation. Either way, it's just not fun (for me).
Again, I don't hate online play, I just hate assholes. And online play turns alot of people into assholes. It's one of the reasons I hang out here alot, because I'd rather play you guys than some random dick.
e: And obviously, not every random person you meet is going to be a dick, but the odds seem to be stacked that way. Having only 1 out of 5 matches actually be 'fun' doesn't seem like a very efficient way to enjoy the game. I mean, I still keep trying, but after a while I start thinking 'what's the point?' I want so hard to have fun, but it's taking too much effort.
It doesn't really make me feel that great when I kill a guy who doesn't talk or has no personality one way or the other, but holy christ does it feel good to kill one of these douchebags. Don't get me wrong, I would rather play a game where people are sportsman-like and says things like "Nice Shot!" after you blow their faces off, but I get so charged up when I kill someone that has been pissing me off all game. It's one of my favorite things in online gaming, and the reason why I played Halo 2 so much.
PSN: TheSuperVillain
edit: beat'd
So it'd be something like Albert Pujols, Peyton Manning, LeBron James, David Beckham, Jeff Gordon. (With guest appearances by Tiger Woods.)
I'd like to know as well. Apparently, I'm not hip anymore. Or I'm still hip, but it isn't hip to be hip anymore or something. Half the examples given in the op I would have described as scrubs.
I actually laughed when I saw the thread title because "prostar" is something that my friends and I used to call people who thought they were incredibly amazing in all facets of life, and I hadn't heard that term in about 12 years. But it fits.
PSN: TheSuperVillain