Pretty good stuff this week. My favorites:
Annihilation: Conquest: Wraith
Wraith frees Super Skrull and Praxagora. Mass ownage of Phalanx ensues. :^:
Amazing Spider-Man
Yeah, we saw it in the previews, but it was still fucking raw to see Pete web up Tony so completely.
Incredible Hulk
Pretty much the entire thing. Cho explains a LOT about the deaths Hulk's caused and managed to introduce some doubt into the Hulk. Hell, even with all that Hulk was saying he'd do, Cho stood by his game plan and it looks like it may have worked. There was even a moment in there for Cho haters. :P
And New Warriors
The issue was good, but the part that's awesome to me is they more or less confirmed that the Apocalypse looking dude was Jono Starsmoore. It makes so much sense and is awesome because Chamber was awesome.
When he dies, I hope they write "Worst Affirmative Action Hire, EVER" on his grave. His corpse should be trolled.
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Occupy Tallahassee
PSN: OrneryRooster
"... which one?!"
"Dude, it's under P for Photon now."
First for killing her you son of a bitch, and second for doing it in such a sad sack cliched way. I'm not sure if I'm more pissed that the Sandman of this decade has been spiraling into the toilet ever since it started resolving things, or the fact it was so good I care it's been fucked up.
the whole issue was just an excuse to draw tits
they didn't even look nice
Diana looked pretty bad in that lingerie panel
and Ollie is a blond
I thought that was neat, in a way.
Still sucks, she was awesome.
and so cocky.
PSN: OrneryRooster
PSN: OrneryRooster
Besides that little nod you pointed out, I could have cobbled the end together if I was just trying to fit in evey cliche I could.
I might just be bitchy because the quality has really tanked and I loved the hell out of the book, but this really struck me as especially piss poor.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
"Tell my head wife I have love her head very much!"
"She knows, Head. She knows."
The end of New Warriors was pretty crazy as well. Looks like Tony was right about untrained minors trying to play at superheroing.
The one with the burnt face is a New Warrior member.
As for Hulk:
Also, concerning Cho, I can see him knowing all the angles and how to do some of the shit he can do. I cannot understand how he is fucking Bullseye and can hit the pin of a needle from a mile away when hes a scrawny runt with no athletic ability or proper training to do the shit he does. Flicking a pebble several metres and hitting something dead on the exact critical point? Youd be hard pressed to do something like that from a foot away, let alone the distance he flicked it. He does shit like that all the time and its getting annoying. Either give him super powers or make his shit at least somewhat believable.
The art on NW really bugs me sometimes.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Actually, i couldnt figure out who that girl was. I thought Jubilee, but shes shown in her Wondra mask. She doesnt look like Angel either. Not sure who she is. Anyone know off hand?
They're also desperate to undo the She-Hulk getting nailed by Juggernaut thing aren't they?
Unlikey, but a neat idea - as if Banner is looking over Hulk's shoulder and working out all these equations that keeps the Hulk from killing anybody.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
I really want to like NW because I want to know what my mang Thrash is up to.
But it isn't working.
I don't like or care about any of the characters. Most if the book is about Tony and the cops. The writing is weird and awkward. Like that girl just mentioned who we don't know who she is yet. I dunno. And the art has its moments but mostly blows goats.
I think the first sign of trouble was when I realized that this is the dude who wrote Underworld i.e. managed to get their ass sued by Whit Wolf not just fo the whole universe deal but apparently it lifted from a very specific short story. Anyway.
I'll probably pick up the next few issues just to see what's happening with Thrash but it better get good fast.
And I'm basically done with New Warriors.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
They seem like they take ten issues per story
This arc is only five issues.
Then two months of Ra's.
PSN: OrneryRooster
I know
they're just so slow
it feels like 10 issues
All of it.
That is all
Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Heatwave#11356
Any claim by any character to the contrary is nonsensical at best.
I concur. My only complaint was that it seemed 8 pages long, I actually had to go back and count them to make sure. Even if it felt damn short it was still quality, I have a feeling this will be better suited for reading when a trade hits.
Meh, I like that Cho had a plausible idea about it that more or less corresponds with past remarks about the Hulk (in continuity and by Marvel editorial). It's only really recently that he's "conclusively" killed thousands. It makes sense that he's killed some, but since no one ever draws this happening, and because the stance was for decades that Hulk didn't kill anyone, I think it's fair to allow some skepticism.
Also, lol moral relativism, but if Hulk has killed thousands, pretty much every hero ever has some blood on his or her hands. With all this big street destroying fights they get up to, no sane person would assume that no bystander was ever killed.
I'm liking New Warriors so far, but Medina's art is kinda off in some places. I hope he tightens up on the next issue.
And also disputed, in continuity, by Slott and She-Hulk.
If I'm correct in understanding Cho's idea, then I'm sorry but that's not plausible at all. Hulk's intelligence has never been anything more than a clever, normal human. The idea that somehow he was able to do the same calculations Cho is doing, but on a radically larger scale (to cover the thousands of city blocks he damages at a time) is insane.
It doesn't matter if it's been the party line since Hulk's conception, or if it was just introduced as canon today: in Marvel 616, the Hulk HAS killed, and it's not debatable anymore. I'm sorry, but if editorial AND in-universe characters explicitly state that he's incontrovertibly killed thousands then he's killed thousands. This is silly to even debate it, it's the stated reality. That's like debating whether it's possible for a gamma-irradiated ass to transform into a living avatar of rage; the very debate violates the rules of the fictional universe.
You read Civil War, right? I mean, I'm not trying to sound insulting, but that concept was in fact at the core of SHRA and in fact the conclusion of CW: they explicitly talked about the hundreds of people injured in the process of Cap's little revolution. The Marvel 616 canon right now is that superhero fights cause damage and injuries. The fact that some heroes have caused more collateral damage than others is obvious though we don't have hard numbers on anyone but Hulk. However, given the reaction of the Illuminati to the numbers on Hulk, I think it's safe to assume that the in-universe numbers for everyone else are lower (though we know Wolverine has killed hundreds in his latest insanity).
I completely agree with you. My 9 year old cousin is a better artist than Chaykin. I didn't look inside the book when I was in the comic shop but once I got home I leafed through it. I was so disgusted with the art that I literally threw the comic out once I had looked through it, I didn't even read it. I find it insulting that Chaykin is considered a "professional".
The faces were pretty expressive though. Except they were kinda all the same expression...