I didn't see this in search, and I went back a few pages, so if it's there and I missed it I apologize and I will edit or a mod can lock....
Track and Field on XBLA is damn fun...... Anyone else playing, if so, post the gamertag and we can get a game going. I've been on it since launch and I'm in the top 2000 or better on pretty much every event, so I can givez the pointerz.
-A classic game that plays well ported to arcade
-Only 400 points
-Very little lag problems, even when playing with people all over the world
-Around 40,000 people playing, so there's always a game up
-Listening to people click the stick back and forth is entertaining because you can make "can you fap any louder?" jokes
-Very, Very repetative
-Takes forever if you're in a good game, but still fun
-A*Holes who like to host then quit if they're loosing, so you still win (if you're in the lead) but you can't go for a high score.
-Cheaters (on the hurdles only, there's a glitch, and there's a lot of cheaters on that in particular)
P.S. It's a lot easier if you're left handed
Go download it....now