I know I'm new, but I have a suggestion.

Man AfraidMan Afraid Registered User regular
edited July 2005 in H.Q. Reception Desk
Why don't we have a music forum? Where people can talk about bands they like, or their own bands? It only makes sense, we have a forum for writing and a forum for visual art.

Man Afraid on


  • stiliststilist Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    ... or you could just go into a one of the Sub-forums (such as Debate & Discourse) and post to the music thread there.

    stilist on
    I poop things on my site and twitter
  • DameonBrassDameonBrass Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    can we talk about Banana Phone? It's slightly musical when being sung about

    DameonBrass on
    Formatted for this board by placing it on a piece of wood and banging a few nails through it...
  • stiliststilist
    staps himself in the eye

    For future reference, stupidity belongs in SE++, not the admin forum. They'll ban your arse

    Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    staps himself in the eye

    For future reference, stupidity belongs in SE++, not the admin forum. They'll ban your arse

    stilist on
    I poop things on my site and twitter
  • Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    edited July 2005
    It's been suggested, and declined because it's unnecessary.

    Garlic Bread on
  • RohaqRohaq UKRegistered User regular
    edited July 2005
    Simple, because:
    a) Not many forum users are into music creation themselves.
    b) Topics concerning other people's music can be easily discussed in single threads. These topics are generally either debates regarding music, and as such belong in the Debate & Discourse forum, threads about game music, which belong in Games & Technology, or simply threads listing what people are listening to, which are generally limited to a single thread in Social Entropy.
    c) As the result of a and b, not enough new threads are created related to music to warrant the creation of a dedicated forum.
    d) As a result of a, b, and c, it's unlikely a dedicated music forum will be created ;)
    e) As a result of a, b, c and d, I think this thread is now over, and as such, can be locked.

    Got it? ;)

    Rohaq on
  • Man AfraidMan Afraid Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    So, if I were to want critismon my band or something like that (which I don't, at least not at the moment) I would create a thread in... linksville? Or post in teh music thread in D&D?

    Man Afraid on
  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited July 2005
    Couldn't it, technically, be put in AC? As music is a form of art...right? :o

    Legacy on
    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited July 2005
    I dont know where it would go, but I know it wont be going into Linksville.

    Unknown User on
  • Bebop7Bebop7 Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited July 2005
    Artist's Corner is the accepted place to put your musical creations (for critique, not for sitewhoring). I know there are several people there who do already.

    Bebop7 on
  • RohaqRohaq UKRegistered User regular
    edited July 2005
    Man Afraid wrote:
    So, if I were to want critismon my band or something like that (which I don't, at least not at the moment) I would create a thread in... linksville? Or post in teh music thread in D&D?
    Artists Corner, I'd say, hell, if we have more msucians that we thought, you could even create an amateur musicians thread in AC, and, I dunno, congregate.

    Rohaq on
  • WeaverWeaver Breakfast Witch Hashus BrowniusRegistered User regular
    edited July 2005
    stilist wrote:
    /me staps himself in the eye

    For future reference, stupidity belongs in SE++, not the admin forum. They'll ban your arse

    Hey, we ban this kind of stupidity too.

    Weaver on
  • tynictynic PICNIC BADASS Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited July 2005
    Man Afraid wrote:
    So, if I were to want critismon my band or something like that (which I don't, at least not at the moment) I would create a thread in... linksville? Or post in teh music thread in D&D?

    Take it to AC. We get a few music threads from creators, but not enough to warrant a whole forum.

    tynic on
  • Man AfraidMan Afraid Registered User regular
    edited July 2005
    Alright, cool, thanks.


    Man Afraid on
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    edited July 2005
    Weaver wrote:
    stilist wrote:
    /me staps himself in the eye

    For future reference, stupidity belongs in SE++, not the admin forum. They'll ban your arse

    Hey, we ban this kind of stupidity too.

    Oh we do, do we?

    Tube on
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