Sept 19 (tomorrow) IS International Talk Like A Pirate Day, but this isn't just limited to talking. Dress up, pirating, pirate ship-car, etc. Post of stories of shenanigans, mateys!
(Please, for the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, do not post the "Rated ARRR!" joke.)
did you just get on the internet a few months ago?
Because it was rated ARRRR!
now now Dru, not everybody's as old as you are
Because it was rated PG-13GHGHGHHGGGGGH
great informative thread
also who the fuck are you to tell people how to post
Take a walk in the opposite direction please.
this was on the website he posted
what the fuck
Two of them, for me
So I don't have to look at that horrible photograph
there's no way i can get my beard that long by tomorrow
I really don't think it's fair to blame their costumes
I mean, look at them
can you guess what everybody's not doing?
hey those are some of australia's pre-eminent comedians there
Talk like a pirate day is cancelled
Thanks a lot
i just wanted to pay tribute to Brink
how I miss you
you're still here
go away already fucking damnit