This is pretty obviously not legal outside of France. However, I'm going to leave this thread open for a discussion about the issues surrounding the site, and not for advocating it's use.
It's pretty interesting that the music industry in France is embracing this instead of following in the footsteps of the inquisition lead by the RIAA.
(that means if the rest of this thread is just "OH MY GOD IM SO LISTENING TO DEVO FOR FREE RIGHT NOW" it will be locked)
So I was over at
redflagdeals and I stumbled across the mention of a site named
Deezer, formerly known as blogmuik.net. Deezer allows you to
legally listen to music on demand.
They have recieved permission from SACEM, the French version of the RIAA and pay the music artists through advertising protecting copyright royalties --
I googled for abit more information and it appears that
Universal at least is NOT happy with Deezer ... it's unclear to me however who has jurasdiction ...
The site itself is pretty cool, the jukebox you can make playlists, it's perfect for the office.
So ... um is this legal? Music artists are being paid through advertising, and SACEM has given the site it's blessing.
I'm abit conused to be honest. Does this mean the site is legal in France but illegal in Canada/US? Or is it a big grey murky area? I'm no fan of pirating music, however, it seems in this case the artists are actually being paid through a legally recognized body.
Could somebody shed more light on this?
utterly fucking awesome.
This is like, future technology. I am never more than a click away from a complete Radiohead discography.
edit: Also, this is one of the few sites I'm willing to disable Adblock Plus for.
See this is the crux of the issue for me ... as long as the artists are getting paid and a recording body (SACEM) has agreed to this arrangement, it seems fairly legal to me.
Seriously, that is awesome.
Sounds cool.
They get their money through advertisements, how did you suppose it would work like that?
This site seems to have a much better selection though.
All they would have to do is require that the user watch a few ads before each download, it's not that far-fetched.
That and you're geting the whole song anyway by streaming it, the only difference is you have to then keep replaying it on the site rather than having downloaded it. A HUGE bulk of advertisements plus a download limit of maybe 5 songs a day or 25 a week would make it feasible.
As it is now its similar to internet radio except no interruptions on the start and end to songs and we get to pick our own playlist.
Downloads would be good too, but it is hella unrealistic.
The first cheap wi-fi device to be compatible with this will get my money.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
I've seen sites, which admittedly I hated, but forced you to look at the adverts for a timed period. If you looked at anything else other than the page, the timer froze till you came back.
It seems I can set up an account, but if I try to sign in I het a blank screen with the ad-bar at the side.
I'm going to give it a try in Firefox.
EDIT: Holy shit this is awesome.
Fixed(for me, anyways).
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
*edit*Is there a way to add a song to your playlist besides searching for it? Possibly through that music player?
*edit2*Jesus, this site rocks, I've found a bunch of remixes to old songs I've always loved, but never heard of. Thanks op!
Being able to listen to a full album at least once is such a great way to discover music.
Does anyone have some tampons for my pockets?
Podcast 0207: Sinking to new depths
Preview: Is Uncharted: Golden Abyss the Vita’s killer launch title?
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3: Macro-wreckonomics
Edit: Its going slowly because me sister is downloading some random greys anatomy crap.
That said, I need help. What do I listen too? There's so many choices! Any suggestions? I like power metal, prog rock, nerdcore, rock mainly... I've listened to most of the big names of these genre's, but suggestions would be awesome regardless!
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
So what are the odds of it getting shut down?
I don't think very likely considering they have contracts with the artists.
Thats you not them, works perfectly fine for me.
Hurray for ridiculous school Internet, with wireless that downloads at 2 megs/sec.
I know, this lets you choose your music, rather than playing it as a radio, but still, technologically, the concept is exactly the same.
I mean, hell.. Jamendo anyone? Jamendo's been doing this for years, and the only difference is these guys have struck deals with big artists (or something). So, why all the pants changing?