I'm trying to introduce Radiohead to a Chinese guy who likes stuff like The Eagles and Linkin Park, so I figure the best way to accomplish this is to make a mix or the Radiohead stuff I think he'd like the most.
I own pretty much the entire discography, including the EPs. I'm sure I'm missing one or two that I've forgotten about, but I have pretty much everything that's important.
I figure, this guy likes some classic-ish rock and nu metal, so I'll probably working with most of the faster-paced stuff from The Bends, and maybe a few of the dance-ey, rap-ey stuff from their later albums, like maybe A Wolf at the Door. (It Girl. Rag Doll.), and/or Idioteque, and maybe try and sneak in a little of the crazier electronic stuff as well. I'm also thinking Cut Tooth [#], from the Knives Out US EP, and I don't know if I should include any live stuff or not.
Here's the stuff that I have thrown into my iTunes "Radiohead for people who like Linkin Park" playlist so far. Any other suggestions would be appreciated (put this song in/take that one out!), as well as any suggestions for how best to arrange these songs. I know there's a lot of good stuff missing, but he apparently hates anything that's "slow" or "calm".
There There. (The Boney King of Nowhere.)
Cut Tooth [#]
2 + 2 = 5 (The Lukewarm.)
I Might Be Wrong
Where I End and You Begin. (The Sky Is Falling In.)
Backdrifts. (Honeymoon Is Over.)
Paranoid Android
Black Star
Planet Telex [Hexidecimal Mix]
A Wolf at the Door. (It Girl. Rag Doll.)
I think you've got too much Hail to the Thief material on there, personally.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
It took me a while to love Radiohead. I never actually liked them. I went from indifferent/somewhat interested to loving the music over 3 months or so of having it on the iPod. It started with OK Computer for me, then the Bends, then Kid A, and so on.
Anyway, as someone who loves their music a lot, I'd have to say keep the albums together. I don't think they're a band best experienced through playlists just because their albums are so...self contained.
Warframe: TheBaconDwarf
I'd say Hail to the Thief is the most accessible though. Go To Sleep is a must.
I love that song but it's not for everyone.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Then again, judging by the suggestions and your original ideas, you might as well just give him a copy of Hail to the Thief.
And if he hates anything that's "slow" or "calm," then he doesn't really like The Eagles. He likes a few Eagles songs, maybe, but a good portion of Eagles songs, from what I've heard, are the epitome of both slow and calm. Paradox, perhaps?
Skip Pablo Honey.
Eventually, he'll like Hail to the Thief, and then from there onto their best material (in my opinion) Kid A/Amnesiac.
Actually, Muse is the only thing that comes to mind, because they're pretty much the only Radiohead "spinoff" (I use that term jokingly, don't attack me, Muse fans; I am one of you) band that doesn't employ constant usage of a piano.
I suppose to get my point across, I should tell you I have a friend that is very much into metal (among other things, but that's not important). A few years ago, Absolution was his Christmas gift from me. To this day, he still tells me it is one of his favorite albums.
Anybody actually think this is a decent idea? Or would this person simply end up liking Muse instead?
Maybe in a month I can be like, "hey, here's the band that Muse is a cheap facsimile of".
(no offense)
First radiohead song i ever heard was street spirit and i was hooked, give that whirl.
Heh, I actually got into Radiohead because I was (and am) a huge Pink Floyd fan and people kept telling me, "Dude, if you like Pink Floyd you'll like Radiohead!"
So I got Kid A and, amazingly enough, liked it.
In fact, start with Creep.
Don't be discouraged if he's not into it, if he hasn't expressed interest. Not everyone likes everything.
I dont know if you can really "force" Radiohead onto a person like that. They just have to listen to it and if they like it, then good. I personally like both. Not Linkin Park's new stuff.
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Having said that, my personal favorite is OK Computer too, with Hail to the Theif a close second (though it took me a while to absorb; I think I had to listen to it about 3 times through before stuff started making sense, and now "Where I End and YOu Begin" is one of my favorite songs). I hate hate hate "Airbag," no idea why. But "Climbing Up the Walls" is right up there with "Paranoid Android" as must-listen.
If these performances slide off him, then it's a lost cause.
How about just giving him your favourite Radiohead CD and ask him to listen to it. Jeez, if he appreciates your taste then he'll listen to it instead of you trying to force him to like it.
well, the OP is trying to make a Best Of mixtape. he doesnt want to just throw an album at him.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
I also suggest electioneering
But yeah - Ok Computer - great album, it got me hooked to Radiohead - it should do the same to almost anyone new to the band.
Who can't like Radiohead? C'mon.
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I don't know if I'd recommend The Eraser right away though. I LOVE IT TO DEATH, but even though there's a higher tempo to the songs it kinda has that...weird factor that first turned me off of them way back when, before I was a believer.
Personally, the Bends is my favourite album, but I'd go with the topic and start with OK Computer.