Hopefully Safe For People Who Haven't Played 3.
If you want to talk about three, dig up the other thread.
I just spent the past few days in long ass lines trying to get shit done. In those lines and the commute to said lines, I played through PW 1 and PW 2.
I am greatly pleased with the opinion that 2 is the worst in the series. If that is called the worse, than 3 must be of very fine quality indeed.
The cases in two seem like a let down at first, but I must admit that the second and third cases grow on you. They seem, I don't know, more replayable than their first game counterparts. Its so easy to remember exactly what to do in the second and third case in PW1 while I've forgotten many of the specifics to the cases in 2. Two also has a much more entertaining tutorial case.
A lot of people seem to think the logic is flawed in two. I don't think that that is entirely the case, more that you have to think about it in a certain way. My only real gripes are the get it right or lose options in the middle of case 3, those are a pain in the ass. But once you do slogg through the problem, you'll see that 99/100, the option you picked was the only sensible one. Case Four also does a very good job at ramping up the tension, but I wouldn't go as far as saying that its better than its PW counterpart. A case five would have been nice, but honestly, I'll wait for the touch happy offerings of Apollo Justice, which had a TGS trailer for no good reason. Since the past few English releases have been sold in Japan, I wonder if they are thinking about doing it again at a bargain price?
Also Godot is distilled awesome in human form.
Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
I think your avatar will spread the word.
I would be playing three right now if not for the simple fact that I really want the stupid plushie that comes with preordering Trials and Tribulations. Also, if we start talking about it, I'll have more spoiled of the game than I really want to.
Of course their are logical flaws in all the games, I think this more has to do with the fact that in PW2, there are a good amount of items you could show a witness to evoke a response...until you remember that you can't explain it to them, Phoenix has to.
Just wait 'till PW3 Case 4. You'll be screaming in frustration two Cross Examinations in!
Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
Probably. I think another part of my problem replaying 2 was my memories were playing tricks on me. It's like, no, you idiot, you don't show it to him now! So I try out pretty much everything else. So him the item, god damn it.
Unless there is some really bad case in 3 or 4 I'm going to pretty much guarantee that the Steel Samurai case is going to be my all time least favorite case. I don't even really know why. The music it spawned though made case 4 in Justice for All so amazing that I can't really complain.
Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
Are you not counting the extra case from 1? I just wasn't a big fan of the premise of 2's final case, though it was executed satisfactorily enough. But 1, damn, that was ridiculously good. I'd have to put it as one of my favorite video game scenarios.
And 2's first trial was terrible. At least 1 had managed to be mildly entertaining, 2's was just a snorefest.
You- stop with the PW3. This thread is specifically for talking about PW1 and PW2 while avoiding PW3.
ooh, that would be a good showdown between the better games. Better witness animations 1 or 2?
1 has bling man, the chief, and the chick from the second case.
2 has, well, basically everyone in the last case. Adrian Andrews, the Radio, Matt Engarde.
Tough call.
Am I the only one who prefers the first case in PW 2? Am I?
Which has more Gumshoe on the stand? That one.
I liked Ini's in 2, but the clown really drags the whole lot down.
Edit-In regards to the first cases-Well, I'll say that I do have an exreme bias against glasses. I liked the snobby guy better than the salesman, but Butz is infinitely better than officer lady.
and while you're talking about Andrews- Did anyone else feel awful about destroying that poor woman?
And yeah, for PW2's finale, I was referring to
It's up there with Raiden or KOTOR's twist. As a case though it is very weak. I mean, it just goes to show you that rich people can get away with almost anything. I love how motive is not brought up in the case at all.
Also, about PW Case 4's A.A.
I mean, I love the game, but it's really at its best when you're pressing the shit out of an annoying witness. They should skip over the Edgeworth-as-moody-Aristotle parts.
I just finished that.
I could have killed everyone involved in that case and not felt bad.
And yeah case 2 in game 2 was awesome.
You stop this. Right now. No talking about three. I can take vague hints and names that I don't know about, considering I've got two months left, but someone will mislabel a spoiler or something, ruin the obviously huge twist in one of the cases. And then shit will get serious.
I'll find some game you are eagerly anticipating and spoil that.
Or, if you're immune to spoilers, I'll just fuck the beejeezus out of your mom/girlfriend/sister/aunt/uncle/whomever.
It'll hurt me more than it'll hurt you, but I'll have to do it.
Seriously though guys how about that Von Karma
I think he's my favorite villain
I would say that prison would be life destroying though. Especially murder sentence prison terms (25 to life!)
Oh, yeah, I completely forgot that. Anyway, I don't think the punishment is necessarily death. I would say that the 25-life sounds more likely.
You know who was great? Manfred von Karma.
Makes me want to learn how to properly snap my fingers. And how to be a white-haired old German dude.
Manfred Von Karma has the best Objection ever. By far.
I hate you. I climbed today, so my forearms are fucking beat.
I tried to snap my fingers and I almost pulled something
Sounds like some awfully intense climbing.
Or intense snapping.
Shatters the foundation of the earth.
And no matter how awesome Von Karma is(or was), nothing quite beats having Edgeworth back.
It's just classic.
I think she's going to try to convince me to go as Apollo's mentor from PW4.
In my heart, though, no matter what happens, I won't be able to shake that feeling:
"Man, I don't look like Dracula at all"