It sucks when somebody who doesn't exist dies (FALLOUT DON'T READ THIS IN THE PAST)
Admit it, you got more verklempt over Boromir and Gandalf than you did over your own Grandma and Grandpa.
What fictional death made you the most sad?
I'm still pretty broken up over Charlie from Lost.
P.S. If you say Dumbledore you are a puss.
oh also there are some spoilers in this post if you live in a cave on the moon
Lord Dave on
bart allen
90% of the JLI
grundy in JLU
zero of them
(the end of midnight cowboy)
Halo 3 spoiler
I really thought he was gonna make it.
I see what you did there.
From Scrubs.
Oh ben.
Oh why ben.
Nemesis was a terrible movie.
i was rooting for him
like it was the world cup final (or superbowl for you americans)
Matt Damon totally should have died.
i'm proud of you guys.
Awwww, you fucked it up.
his defense was he thought everyone already knew about it (what an asshole)
first the computer crashing from the porn
I refuse to acknowledge that event