This is such a long shot as I have been looking for this online for years and I can't find even the smallest reference to it.
Maybe 5-8 years ago I saw a show on cable, might have been TLC, not really sure. Basically it was your standard "Haunted Places" show but this one, if I am remembering it correctly was about a haunted area that people lived around. I seem to remember it being set somewhere out in the northwest US.
The thing I'm trying to find ideally would be a screencap of some of the pictures they showed, but I'd be interested in just knowing what show it was and that would give me something else to search on.
There were these extremely creepy pics of ghostly faces in mirrors. Lots of faces at the same time. The photo was so goddamn unsettling that I pretty much assumed it had to be fake plus the photos were really good, not shaky, poorly lit, etc. Scary as shit pictures though.
Anyways, anyone ever see this and if so, remember what it was called, when it played, etc?
This is solved.
FWIW it was on Sightings 3 times and the clip I was thinking of is referred to as the Black Forest Haunting in Colorado Springs.
Thanks anyways! I figured it out after spending about 3 hours last night playing free association with Google.
PSN: Broichan