So, we had some ad space reserved on the bus that was going to go to Microsoft, but they decided we were too good for them, or something. So, there loss is your gain. We’re offering space on the side of our bus to put (almost) whatever you want.
Since the bus will be driving down public spaces, we cannot allow pornography, or indecent images. Though we might concider some tasteful FF imagery.
Image Requirements:
Size: 8â€x8â€
Resolution: 300 dpi
Format: TIFF
Color: CYMK
Please e-mail with the image, your full name, and your P-A forum name.
If you wish to donate to the PAX Bus, that’s great, but it’s not required. But if you do want to donate, we accept PayPal, cash, and beer.
Oh yeah, check out the site too:
We (doczero and I) are the crazy fools retrofitting an airport shuttle bus for gaming on the way to PAX via Portland. We've been keeping quiet about the project mainly because we had to make sure we'd actually pull it off.
Gamer Transit Authority
All cruisin' down the interstate
All rockin' a lemonparty on the side panels
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
Gamer Transit Authority
Remember, it's FREE to add a picture to our bus, and we have tons of space.
Gamer Transit Authority
Gamer Transit Authority
Also, what route will this bus drive, and where will it be during the course of the EXPO? More info please!
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
If it fits into an 8"x8" square, we'll put it on. The bus will be going from Portland, OR to Bellvue, WA via the Supertrip route. The bus will be outside the Doubletree and possibly the Medenbaur Center for the duration of PAX. We'll try to find some visable places to park it that won't get us towed or ticketed.
Gamer Transit Authority
Brilliant. I forgot about that. I've done the same and my resultant file is teeny too. (It's on the way Sean).
As far as why? If you have a lot of the same color it will treat it like a jpeg or other compression tool but without the loss. Basically it identifies colors and assigns them into groups of same. So when it opens the file it simply instructs the rebuild to put the same green or whatever in all of the places that that green belonged. Does that make sense?
As a foot note if your image is fairly detailed or is color intensive the file size after compression should go way up.
Gamer Transit Authority
Updated the gallery with more images of the bus so you can see what you'll be having your image on. Bus will actually be metallic grey, that's just the primer on there.
Gamer Transit Authority
I'll try to get an image submitted soon.
D/L Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters at
PSU Megagamers Club -
Same here.
Does the layout look good? Is it to busy? Do I need a catch phrase?
Any helpful comments would be appreciated.
LogicLB! Looks good. I may want to blow that one up to four slots.
Where there is no love,
Nothing is possible.
Looks like the game of choice is going to be FlatOut for the XBox, multiplayer via systemlink ^_^
Gamer Transit Authority
Gamer Transit Authority
I go to DeVry, and all beta'd that game a few months ago. Is it really that good in release? It sucked some ass last time I saw it.
Did anyone else think of wearing custom shirts/hats/tags with their screenname on them? I wouldn't mind being called Zyph for four days straight.