I was in Colorado last week, visiting home. Coming back, I had to take public transportation, since none of my friends have cars. So I was on the subway with my suitcase and my backpack, collectively containing my laptop, my digital camera, and my iPod.
About three blocks away from my house, two guys come out of a nearby alley. One starts walking next to me, the other behind me. The one next to me says "Hey man, where's my dollar?" "I didn't know you were asking." "Well you got one?" "Sorry, fresh out."
The guy behind me grabs me and sticks a knife up to my neck. Says "Then I guess you better give us everything you got." Now my first thought wasn't actually fear or anything, but more irritation at how fucking cliched they were being about everything. Like, seriously. What's with the little routine in the leadup?
Anyway, I decide I'm pissed off at being mugged by such retards. I say "I'm not giving you shit. You aren't gonna stab me." He ignores me, saying "Bitch, you wanna get poked?" Now, who the fuck says "poked?" I've never been mugged before, so I'm not really up on my mugging slang. But that just sounds retarded.
At this point, I tell them I'm three blocks from home, my roommate is expecting me, and then anything that happened to me would be almost immediately discovered. The guy with the knife chose to not issue a rebuttal, instead pressing said knife harder against my neck.
I point out that if they hadn't killed me yet, they weren't planning on it. So they give up the threats and start trying to grab shit out of my pockets, the bigger one trying to hold my arm backs. For the first time ever, my years of wrestling proved helpful, and I was able to squirm around enough that they couldn't get much. One managed to snatch my wallet, at which point both of them booked.
It had $85, my license, various gift cards, and my debit card. The day before rent's due, even. Thanks, muggers!
tl;dr Got mugged
were your pockets filled with diamonds?
Considering I also had my iPod and my new cell phone in my pockets, yeah.
I'm trying to be positive, here.
did you get a good look at them at all
it's hard to think otherwise considering how not-dead he is
but i wouldn't exactly place all my faith in 'reading' the mugger who's holding a knife to my neck
Yeah. And tomorrow I'm gonna call TRW to let them know that enough of my info has been stolen to result in potential identity theft.
To redhead: Yeah, and I've filed the appropriate police reports.
should have shot them
I really don't carry anything valuable on my person.
then probably shoot me in the balls or something out of frustration.
1. You are walking around carrying thousands of dollars worth of stuff on your person
2. You actually had the stupidity to try to fight with dudes like that
I'm really broke right now. That isn't so depressing. So I decided to sell some video games I could bear to part with. But in California, you can't get cash trades, only store credit. So I took four games with me on my trip to Colorado, just to score some extra scratch. And the muggers took it.
Shoulda just gotten the store credit and picked up Skate.
i don't go anywhere without my blackjack phone, 300 dollar mp3 player, and either a ds or psp
and i never deposit my money so I have somewhere around 200 dollars on my person until like 3 days before payday
1. Had no choice.
2. Didn't try to fight - never threw a punch, never shoved. Just refused to be intimidated by retards.
Then some game store employees have hardcore lied to me. Assholes.
Yeah the Gamestop around here gives cash for games too if I'm not mistaken
I think they give you less cash than store credit, though.
that's some rrrl hard times, though, if I find a genie I'll make sure and wish for your stuff back
but that's it
don't do that
Oh come on Pooro, of course you had a choice.
I love you doggie, but you could have gotten yourself stabbed.
:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
and might i add
a bold move
Of course, dudes were watching, and quite literally put him in the hospital.
Nah, they were all bluster.
And in retrospect, I realize I behaved in an incredibly irresponsible manner. But I was just so pissed off that I was getting mugged by dudes who were so obviously dumb.
And I reeeeally didn't want to lose my laptop. Too much of my writing on it. I don't even want to imagine what I'd do in that situation.
Yeah thats really vague but, man, what the hell happened with that?