Okay, so here's the story about my roommate: he's from a suburb outside of Chicago, real white neighborhood. There wasn't a single black kid in his school. He called me 'bro' the first time we talked on the phone. He listens to terrible music nonstop. I have heard the song "GROUPIE" more times than I ever hoped to in my life during the past four weeks alone. He is a terrible wangsta. He was talking to his friend on a webcam last week, and he proceeded to call him a "n*g" (rhymes with pig) at least six times in the span of a minute. N*g posters, n*g music, n*g room. It was bad.
The day we moved in, I met his mother. If I had to sum her up in two words, it would be: Moose Bitch. Overbearing, naggy, cannot be wrong, four thousand pounds, loud. She has raised exactly the kind of son you would expect. He's a whiny, pussy little mama's boy who gets pissy and slams doors when things don't go his way. This point is important, because now we introduce character four: my girlfriend.
She spends probably four nights a week over here. This means that from, oh say, eight o clock onwards she's in here. The thing is? Asshole has the room to himself the rest of the day. I'm off doing shit, and when I'm not, I'm doing nothing somewhere besides my room because I cannot stand to be in there.
He will call me away from whatever I'm doing to bitch to me about something unimportant. The other day, he said "Look... there's a little thumb hole in my card sleeve so I can just slip it out instead of grabbing the card. Why haven't I been doing that?" He tapes the Colbert Report and South Park and Family Guy, which in itself is pretty alright, I like those shows. Do I like them at one in the morning at excessive volume?
No. This is how he plays them. And God forbid there's a line coming up that he likes, because then we have to listen to it even louder, which of course makes it twice as funny!
So anyway, on a whim, my girlfriend and I logged into his Facebook tonight (he gave me his password back at the beginning of the school year so I could check his fucking AIM for him when he was out of the room. Smooth move). We proceeded to find an exchange between him and my girlfriend's roommate that included this little gem:
ugghh god it feels so good that you feel the same way...you have no idea. yeah the weekends is what bothers me the most because im here trying to get work done and they're always talking about some non-important shit that i dont wanna hear about...on top of that, its always 'REMOVED turn down your music', 'REMOVED can i turn off the light', etc. etc. and it just drives me nuts. i know the room is only 50% mine but i guess im just one of those people who would rather live alone, or atleast with people im more comfortable about. i hate to say it but something tells me that if this continues, we are gonna have to speak up about it, hopefully together, and figure out a solution..to give u an example of how bad this is for me, take this past sunday: they woke up and left at like 11:30, and came back at 7:30. 8 hours to myself, and yet the second they walked in my mood went sour drastically, almost like 'here we go again'. besides that, it seems to me like they dont have any other friends here and i think that that is another major problem too...maybe one day ill just come over and we'll do hw lol NUMBER REMOVED lemme know
Unimportant shit? From the guy who interrupted me as I was trying to get to class to tell me that there was a convenient hole in the cardsleeve of his wallet that he could use to remove cards from it? FUCK HIM. He gets the room pretty much 75% of the time, and when I have the gall to maybe try to go to bed before, say, three in the morning, or to spend time with my girlfriend, he gets that pissy attitude.
So what the fuck am I supposed to do? A month in, and I'm already about to stab him. Any ideas?
tl;dr my roommate is a racist selfish fuck do I punch him y'n
hello internet
are you there
I need some validation on my choosing to do this
which is why I turned to the internet to make this decision for me and to brag about how awesome I am rather than actually taking action for myself
is this thing on?
by him i mean yourself
punch him
you'll be so cool
Goddammit don't you turn against me this is the critical stage in the formation of my thread
But seriously, what should I do? It's entirely possible that he would do petty shit like breaking my stuff if I hurt his tender little feelings, but something has to change.
and then you logged into his facebook and snooped around
and you feel he's the bad guy?
Think about it.
so fucking hardcore
do you wanna fight me
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
how about you man up and talk to him about your differences instead of turning to the internet and crying about petty bullshit like we're here to wipe your ass
Quit blockin dat cock
Issue: rent is paid through next quarter.
Also gosh you guys the stabbing wasn't supposed to be serious
Okay yeah I can acknowledge that this was not the smoothest move and I'm an asshole for it.
But we are hardly an obnoxious couple. We keep out of his way, we spend the days out of the room, and all I ask is that maybe can we go to bed because of you know classes tomorrow morning?
no matter how pretty you think it may be, a turd is still a turd
Okay on my way right now, back in a few
The worst that they do is...um...watch Queer Eye. Or shit like that on TV.
okay, two words
but still, they solve problems
It fixes your problem, and it doesn't even hurt that bad. Most movies really overact the whole stabbing thing.
They fucking watch tv till the wee hours and are on the fucking internet all the fucking time.
One plays his guitar too fucking loudly and wont tone it down.
oh this should be good
"the internet says I'm right."
"dude, what?"
"Please turn down your music, I mean."
"Whatever, n*g. All you had to do was ask."
"N... no fuck you I'M THE BOSS HERE DON'T YOU OH *sobbing*"
it's like, i'm listening to music, this is the closest thing i have to heaven, so why do you have to be such a buzz kill
and now im going to bed, goodnight everyone. let's hope for a better tomorrow
"it's one thirty and I'm tired"
We eventually came to an agreement about things, and it's been pretty mellow since, and I feel that I've become a better person as a result.
So, I guess all I can say is, put put with his shit within reason, but make sure he understands that his shit is not okay just because it's how he likes to do things. A big way of waking him out of his stupor would be, for example; try turning on the TV when he's trying to sleep, and letting him see how he likes it. Then, if he's not a complete retard he might be a little more sympathetic about it.
Some people just have a difficult time fathoming that they're being obnoxious even if they're not trying to be; From the facebook bit you found, it sounds like that's the problem. It may just be a matter of making him more aware of what he's doing, which can really improve the situation. Lots of luck getting that message through. >_>
Aw, man I wish the music was the only issue here.
but it's awesome when you post about him here
i like it
You woke him up at 1:30 in the morning to have a talk about HIM being inconsiderate?
have you learned nothing?
the answer is: lightsaber duel.
also, go back to ODaM and post.
No, it's dumb when he privately messages someone on facebook.
Its awesome out here in the open.
He's up, he just got back from god knows where. "thirsty Thursday", I imagine.