So, whenever I check the Marketplace on my 360, It says "marketplace unavailable, check back later."
I just remembered the last time I went on, about a week ago. It said the same thing. I thought "oh, that's annoying, I guess I'll just wait until the weekend or something to download something."
So, any idea what the hell happened? Because I really want back on XBLA.
So far everything else works, I'm on X-Box Live, the machine is working fine, games work fine, and all my demos work fine. I just can't actually sign on to the XBLA through the Marketplace tab, go to the Media downloads, or sign on through the XBLA selection thing on the games tab. Help! I need to be able to buy Puzzle Quest!
Go to your system blade, memory, system items. Delete "Marketplace data" and reboot.
Thanks, Samphis!