Hey all,
I needed a little extra manpower to help me out with a simple gradschool project in the next day, and I had a feeling my fellow PA fans might just be the kindhearted sort to help out a fellow unabashed gamer geek in (probably) less than 10 minutes and earn +1 karma.
I'm working on an assignment I need to get through a research class in grad school. I'm an advertising student at U. of Texas, and this part of the assignment is to set up the simplest of surveys on some vodka ads and get as many people as I can to take the survey in a short time frame. That's where you can help me out.
You'll be able to tell, it's completely anonymous, for educational purposes only, no companies have anything to do with this. All data collected is completely confidential, no cookies, no popups, no hidden anything, and the survey does NOT ask for your name, date of birth, your email address, or any really specific information like that:
And if you have any questions, there's a comment form in the survey, or just reply to this post and I'll answer you.
Thanks so much y'all!
PS, I only need your help on Tuesday October 9, all day til midnight
Heh, just FYI I mean that I'm already seeing a few responses, I knew you were the guys to ask.
Thanks again, and keep em coming, and again, I'll be watching if yall have any questions/issues, it should be reeeally straightforward.
And then I got stumped on the first question. I don't drink, and I don't even know enough about alcohol to tell you a brand of whiskey.
So like I say, as a whisky drinking Scotsman, my contribution is probably going to be an unusable anomaly for you but it was interesting from a personal perspective.
same, also the whiskey section, and the vodka selection.
B.net: Kusanku
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
If he's analysing the data properly, he'll be using the scores you gave as a relative preference, rather than an absolute 'out of ten as compared to other types of liquor'. So for example, if I marked Kettle One as an eight and the other two vodkas as ones then I just think kettle one is seven better than the other vodkas, whereas if I marked coors, budweiser and miller as 3, 3 and 4 then I just don't really think any one of them is much better than the other, but this comparison isn't applicable to my taste in other alchohols.
But he'll probably fudge the data and come to some spurious conclusion like that I like bud, coors and miller better than Jim Beam when in actual fact, just because I think Johnny Walker is way better than Beam I'd probably rather have a Beam than any of those bears.
Yeah, the ones about which which ones do you like best, Coors/Bud/etc. Yeah I don't drink those either personally, but just put your mind on a relative scale. Even if it's on a scale of which you hate the least.
As for why those three - the instructions for the non-vodka products were basically to pick three of the most recognizable brands that you guys were likely to have at least tried. It wasn't.. like.. judging you.
The mixed drinks question - yeah, I'm aware of that - seems a waste to me too, it's not necessarily a good/bad thing, there are nuances. And it might really matter if this survey were actually going to a corporation. Heh, for me, it's just about data collection and analysis. However, that sort of good feedback's going to go into my report.
Non-US people, yeah, that's cool, jump on in. Just put your country instead of state. Oh, I admit I didn't think about the lower drinking age limit in other countries though. Basically, fill it out as best you can if you're of legal drinking age.
Again, PA peoples rock.
And I'm sure the data will reflect that you're ridiculous lushes as well.
ETA: Oh and Szech, yeah, the 10-point thing is a relative thing only to brands in the same category. Although the spurious conclusion point is super tempting. "Divide 10 points among which species of rat you'd like to eat raw", "now divide 10 points among these three types of candy", "Ha, ha, you'd prefer to eat an Annandale's Rat over a Butterfinger."
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
I have to say, it was awesome to get back from class today and see in the datafile a nice little deluge of Penny Arcade people helping me out. Heh, in my report I may need to mention that the data collected applies to the responses almost exclusively of hardcore gamers.
It helps me a lot!
Thanks so much for participating. You really came through for me, I've already reached the maximum completed surveys needed. Karma +1 all around!