Alright, I moved a couple months ago, and somehow in the move, I lost my birth certificate. ARGH! Making matters worse, my car registration is due this month, and because I changed states, I will have to get a new license. I can't do that without the certificate, and I have 18 days to get one.
I know, last minute and all that. I've been tearing this apartment to shreds trying to find it, but with no luck.
So, how do I get a copy of my new one? I moved from New Hampshire to Vermont, and was originally born in New York, so I'm not sure which state I'd go to (New York, I'd assume). Do I have to drive to the hospital I was born in, or the county clerk's office? Can I call/fax them information, and still get the document speedy?
Thanks in advance folks.
A fax copy is not going to be worth the paper it's printed on. It'll be snail mailed, so I suggest you call them ASAP.
That may save my ass, and turn this need for a copy of my birth certificate from "need it right the fuck now" to "send out the order, and I'll just be happy when it arrives." I'd like to keep the thread open long enough to call the DMV Monday (and wait on hold for 3+ hours ), just to make sure I don't have to go through hell to get the birth certificate still.
Thanks again folks.. I'll keep updated.
Assuming you still need it that is.
I don't know if its different in the US, but I Canada all the hospital has is a record of birth. Which for most government places in Canada is fine, but some places you need the actual birth certificate.