Plutonium has given me the go-ahead on creating this mid-sized Phalla game.
Set Phalla is an abstract strategic Phalla game based on the card game
Set. Each player in the game represents one card in the game, with the goal of completing one of the win conditions based on their attributes. There really isn’t that much else for background, so let’s lay out the rules.
Each player is assigned the role of a card, each of which has a picture containing a set of three features:
- Number (one, two, or three)
- Color (red, blue, or green)
- Shape (triangle, square, or circle)
The cards:
Each card is unique, and all possible combinations are represented; therefore, there will be 27 cards and players. Many of these players will also have additional special roles…
Special Roles
Each of the following special roles is held by three players at the start of the game; these three players form a ‘set’ where no number, color, or shape is in common between any of them.
- Vigilante – Each night, may choose to eliminate one player from the game. If a vigilante is killed, the vigilante will specify which number, color, or shape will gain their ability, and a random player with that matching attribute but without a special role will gain the vigilante’s powers. If no such player exists, the power is taken out of the game.
- Guardian – Each night, may protect one person from being killed by Vigilante. If this power is used on ones self or another player with the Guardian ability, then a successful block eliminates the use of this ability in further rounds.
- Number Seer – Each night, may learn the number on another player’s card.
- Color Seer – Each night, may learn the color on another player’s card.
- Shape Seer - Each night, may learn the shape on another player’s card.
Thus, 15 players will start the game with special abilities. Note that the Vigilante power is the only one that can be passed from player to player.
Nightly Vote
Each night, all players get a vote on who to eliminate from the game, indicating that player’s name in red:
I !vote for X. At the end of each night, the player receiving the most votes will be eliminated. Should that player also be targeted by a vigilante, there is no carryover, and the extra kill is wasted. In the event of a tie, the eliminated player will be chosen randomly.
Win Conditions
Every player has four different win conditions; only one needs to be satisfied to claim victory:
- All remaining players share the same number.
- All remaining players share the same color.
- All remaining players share the same shape.
- All remaining players share no common number, color, or shape between any of them.
What this means is that you can win with any other player in the game, though it may be harder to win with some players than others. It also means that you can’t trust anyone completely since they also have objectives that won’t include you being around to celebrate.
Nightly Information
Information revealed about players after their deaths will be limited. You will not be told their individual cards or any special abilities they may have had. What you will be told is the collected distribution of attributes among those eliminated, i.e. how many reds, blues, and greens were eliminated, etc.
Other Rules
Rounds will close each night at 10:00 PM Eastern, 7:00 PM Pacific. A little bit early, but I don’t want to interfere with the currently-running big games.
Feel free to share any PM information you would like, but as usual screenshots are forbidden. It’s not like there’s anything that’ll be in them that you can’t find here in the rules.
To sign up, include in your post in bold, lime print
I !sign up. Should there be any need for clarifications during the game, please make your questions known in
This game will start once the roster is filled, the first round ending after at least 24 hours has passed.
Roster of Players
Asukui - Eliminated by Vigilante, Round 5B:L - Eliminated by Vigilante, Round 3cheez - Eliminated by Vigilante, Round 6Crono729 - Eliminated by Vigilante, Round 4El Skid - Eliminated by Vigilante, Round 4FreeAgent - Eliminated by Vigilante, Round 1Grundlterror - Eliminated by Vote, Round 1Gumpy - Eliminated by Vote, Round 5Infidel - Eliminated by Vote, Round 4jdarksun - Eliminated by Vigilante, Round 1
Locus - Eliminated by Vigilante, Round 3Mr. Embarkation - Eliminated by Vigilante, Round 6NATIK - Eliminated by Vote, Round 3
Niceguy Myeye
Oatway - Eliminated by Vigilante, Round 4
Raakam - Eliminated by Vigilante, Round 6
Romantic Undead - Eliminated by Vote, Round 6Shamus - Eliminated by Vote, Round 2
Shorn Scrotum Man
Squashua - Eliminated by Vigilante, Round 1Zot - Eliminated by Vigilante, Round 2
Reserve List:
Round 1 ResultsRound 2 ResultsRound 3 ResultsRound 4 ResultsRound 5 ResultsRound 6 ResultsRound 7 Results
Well, Ice and Fire is a modestly-sized phalla, and almost half its residents are already dead. Also, the way death counts are in this game, it could take up to a week to complete, so I wanted to make sure it didn't interfere with the next game as well. I was planning on putting up the thread on Thursday, but I got excited. *shrug*
@Bryceforvice on Twitter Facebook
shit, did not notice that
this phalla is goin' by quick
Speaking of which, are you reading along Blarney?
!sign me up
Also I seem to be addicted to these games....
just in case I die in a couple days in the other phalla, according to our current progress in it :O
Only the narrations. I haven't read anything from the Ice and Fire series, so I'm a bit of an outsider in this case.
I can't juggle 2 games and a confusing mini.
Dead in the Ice and Fire one and missed signups for the D&D one. So I am in dire need of Phallaing.
you wouldn't hurt me would you?
I've updated the first post with images of the cards. Now you can be even more sneaky.
Cause I'm bored and stuff
Bwuh? I haven't fucked you over (yet) in recent memory..have I? I've been pretty good the last two games I played.
Sign me up please ;p I need to start somewhere XP
Sounds like fun!
they don't it be like it is but it do
!Count me in.
Seriously, how are we going to trust ANYBODY in this game?