I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section... but dood
That Photoshop Hero tshirt rocks so hardcore.
I SO wish that came in "girl" so I could wear it and be ladylike at once! Yes? Please? Soon?
Wearing small or kids size shirts is what we ladyfolk often have to resort to in order to sport our geekdoms, but y'know they just don't really fit right.
I'm sure some of you have seen this already....
I'm also really disappointed that there aren't more ladies shirts... I really love a lot of the new designs, but men's shirt sizes are very uncomfortable to me.
At the San Diego Comic Con they had a lot of shirt designs available that weren't available online in ladies medium. Would it be possible to do something like that again with the online store? Even if it's only one size, at least it gives us an opportunity to get a girl's cut on the shirt.
I know that posting here probably isn't the best place, but the emails I've tried don't seem to get a response.
He doesn't have his email accessible through his forum account.
Some people just don't pay attention.
I second this! (as long as the ladies are good looking)
not there.
I do have the "Jesus is Fucking Metal" one of course.