Guess the old one died out, so here I am posting this with observations...
Hokay- so we see in #26 that the warmongering Monitor is pretty much ready to put the smackdown on everyone who he thinks is a threat to the multiverse (obviously, the Anti-Monitor's shenanigans during SCW weren't
high-profile enough) up to and including "Bob" the Monitor, and Monarch's gang. Anyone else think he's a little more loony than they're letting on?
Also- black suit Superman from the Villian's teaser poster finally makes (somewhat) an appearance- along with Luthor from the same teaser? Who is he, where is he from, and what does he want?
Who's inaction-figure collection is that at the end? Are they Heroclix? And where can we get some of them? *edit- okay, apparently, they're Darkseid's. Still, a cool collection.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
Not sure why the Anti-Monitor hasnt been mentioned, but maybe he's not an anomoly and is a part of the universe and therefore no concern for the Monitors. Or maybe Dini wrote the story before Johns pitched the big guys return and DC couldnt be bothered adding it into the story, who knows.
Personally, I think Countdown has improved significantly in the last few weeks or month. It still has its problems, but the story has become readable and theres even some enjoyable aspects that havent been present in a long time. Of course, there's also the chance I've just become so used to Countdown's faults and just trying to justify the money I've spent on it with this improved outlook on the series.
Also, I've got a bunch of midway summaries (with lots of images) and reviews for the Countdown stories if anyone wants a recap for each individual story. You can check those out by clicking here if you're interested. If anyone doesn't like the blog spam, I'll remove this link and reference to my site.
And here's a post giving all the tie-ins and related issues to Countdown up to issue 27 I think. This post describes all the 52 Earths that have been revealed at this point in time if anyone is curious.
They changed the name to Countdown to Final Crisis (was just Countdown) and it's the halfway point of the 52 part weekly. It was basically a recap issue for people that might jump on with the new name change. Progressed some of the stories a fraction and introduced the black regen suit Superman from Earth-15. Other than that, there's no real 'turning point' or major event that happens.
Which is pretty fucking badass.
"Darkseid is."