The more eagle-eyed among you may have spotted a new title on the roster of iPod games available through iTunes called Phase. If you're a rhythm gamer on the go it may be worth a purchase, especially considering that the game was created by Harmonix, the studio behind [strike]Guitar Hero and Rock Band[/strike] Frequency and Amplitude.
Okay, that's not
exactly what Joystiq said, but I fixed their post for them. It's okay, Joystiq, my editorial services are free. See, some of us remember a time when Harmonix wasn't known for their rock and roll powerhouses, but Tron-inspired rhythm games with (mostly) electronica soundtracks.
But it's been 4 years since Amplitude was released, and I can only play
Everyone Says Hi so many times before I start hearing David Bowie's vocoder-distorted voice in my sleep.
Phase, a $5 iTunes download (requires iTunes 7.5), will create a "Phase Playlist" in your iTunes. Any music you drag to the playlist will be used to generate a Phase level on your iPod which apparently plays more or less like FreQuency and Amplitude, only using your music.
Who gives a fuck if it's an iPod game?
Any new version of FreQuency is enough to get me excited.
Screenshots courtesy of
Maybe if everybody who plays Guitar Hero goes out and buys an iPod and puts down $5 on Phase, Harmonix will decide to release a high-def version for XBLA and go back to the Tron-style graphics of FreQuency to match Rez and Every Extend and Geometry Wars.
What? It could happen!
Edit: Gihgehls, iLounge says "Compatible: iPod 5G, nano 3G, classic"
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
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why did you have to make this thread?
now i must buy.
Nintendo Friend Code: SW-0689-9921-0006
i seriously have a boner right now. because of this game.
Nintendo Friend Code: SW-0689-9921-0006
Did I miss something here?
XBL/PSN-Polaris314/Twitter/DJ P0LARI5
Yeah... I haven't played it yet, but I assume that unlike Guitar Hero or FreQuency, the song plays whether you fuck up or not, so it doesn't give the impression that you're actually playing notes.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
You press the buttons to hit the notes and scroll to get the sweeps. It works really well.
Also my test track was Sleep Deprivation by Simian Mobile Disco and it did a really good job of beat matching. Although, that is a dance song, so the beat is pretty pronounced anyway.
The only downside I have with it? You can't play the soundtrack songs outside the game. (That being said, Freezepop's music is also on iTMS, so I guess I could just buy the song from there.)
You can't.
Sit back and let it happily consume your life.
This is swaying me towards an iPod.
you click left, you clik middle , and you click right... and you rotate the wheel a little for bonus points.
also if you mess up the song gets lower in volume a little to let you know that you messed up.
its pretty fun and very good for $5 perfect game for on the bus or subway.
Pokemon Diamond:3394 0249 9567
This isn't what I had in mind when I wanted part 3 .
(I also just bought texas holdem', am I a bad person?)
I'm not sure what the hell is up with the sweeper parts, though. At least on the songs I've played (Starry Eyed Surprise, Code Monkey, Still Alive (Portal), Dead!), they didn't quite match up to anything I heard.
My brother is playing it to One More Time on Expert, and it's hard-looking as all fuck, but still looks impressively done for something so automated.
Could we maybe rename the title to something else, like something that maybe has the name of the game in it? I almost didn't find the thread.
A cool thing about this is that if you and a friend have the same song, you can play the same level.#
Shame I have no ipod, or plans to get one any time soon.
It might not sync up completely how you want with certain songs, but it is still enjoyable. From what I see, you can lose a level I think, but I am not sure if the song actually stops. You do earn points though. You could potentially have a tournament with certain songs or something, although I think it might lag sometimes here and there. Unless I just suck sometimes.
I played this with the original Mega Man theme song from the NES (midi and all), and I loved it to death. Best $5 spent ever. Would recommend this to anyone with an iPod and <3s Guitar Hero.
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[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
fix'd for nevar forget.
Nintendo Friend Code: SW-0689-9921-0006
This game is definitely bought.
Unfortunatley not.
3DS Friend Code: 0404-6826-4588 PM if you add.
And shit this just sealed my decision between the Touch and Classic pretty much.
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