I'm starting to plan already for PAX next year. I'm super excited about flying over from Australia. I'm going to come by myself so I'm hoping I can find some other forumites to share a hotel room with to help reduce accomodation costs, and have some people to attend after-parties with.
Or anyone going to be kind enough to let me crash on their couch if they live near by? I'm a little hairy, but I don't shed too much. :P
Any other Australians thinking of going next year?
Edit: Bring Australian booze.
if you application is successful you will be hanging out with a bunch of Kick arse people, be able to see more of the Expo and Etc ETC!!1
P.s you are not a unique and delicate snowflake because I have done it twice already SO NAH :P
The flights are a little expensive, because I'm also heading down to South America afterwards. I need need to buy the domestic flight to get from LAX to Seattle, but it's looking to cost around $3500 in total
I'd love to go from Australia next year (I'm over here now) but I suspect that the cost will be a little too high - kinda need my money to get home. I'll look into it nearer the time.
and mr_snuffle . . i hope to see you on The West Coast Train Trip 08 or as i hear we're calling now Train Con 08
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
You guys put Maccy in L.A. and I will buy his train tickets and let him crash in hotel room.
Gimme about 3 months to figure out exactly how poor I am and I'll get back to ya
Oh man, about 3 days ago I was just thinking about how I was going to manage to get home, now I'm thinking about going BACK to the USA to hang out with a bunch of geeks I met on a train. Sweet as.
Do we have any dates for that? I might need to tweak my flights a little
Don't quote me on these since I pulled them from the WCTT 07 thread.
Well last year, they left LA around 10 am on the Wednesday before PAX and got to PAX thursday night. And if you're interested in the return trip, they left around 9 on the monday after pax.
So if we use that same time frame for this years PAX...
They will be leaving LA on Aug 27th and arriving on Aug 28th and heading back home Sept. 1st
But again, it's not even 2008 yet, so nothing is set in stone other then PAX is going to be 29-31.
i might bump it up to to the 26th if i were you . . but . . . like Qs23 said . . . nothing is set in stone yet
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
DO IT!!!
It is an awesome way to get exposure to the whole Con, Meet heaps of cool folks and I could add you to my Minions
I have been to PAX twice from OZ and both times i have been an enforcer I have not regretted a single second of it, I will (hopefully) be going back again this year
For real reals though, what I have read sounds pretty awesome, if I'm going to go to PAX from all the way over here I might as well try and be an enforcer.
There are heaps of things to do, but the best part is you are basically attending a convention with 300+ friends (being other enforcers)
there will be a call to Arms! well a request to apply what you need to do is then submit an application to our wondrous leader saying what you can do and why you want to help and you find out from there.
All in all it is AWESOME!
Another Aussie here, going to PAX '08. Of course, I have an advantage, since I live in Seattle (well, over on the Bellevue/Redmond side, that is. Guess who I work for )
Looking forward to catching up with anyone else that comes up. If we get time, we can hit the Aussie/NZ pub north of Seattle, or something.
I'm just an ordinary test dev for MS, not in the games dept, sadly.
Looking forward to PAX'08 tho.
Are there any fun places to hang out for a few days in LA? Will probably arrive early to make the most of it.
PS .oh and if you like pastrami . . .there is this really good place called Johny's Pastrami, prices are a little high but it's the best damn pastrami you can get in L.A.
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
Pah, may as well stay at home!
Sweet! Sounds good. Might have to turn this into a "how many PAXers can I PAX prePAX" mission.
What are the details for the train? (Date, time, place, how to book tickets etc)
Edit - nevermind, just found the train sticky thread, still not awake yet
Anyone still trying to decide on accommodation? I'd be happy to split a hotel room with someone.
Did you post in the PAX Hotel Room-Share Thread yet?