Japan: Available - 8800 yen
Europe: Available - £69.99, €89.99
NA: Available - $89.99
**UPDATE (5/21/08): Well, now it's out everywhere. Get up early, your mom is already in line at Target.
EA announced they're bringing the "Skate" franchise to Wii & DS as "Skate It". The Wii version will allow use of the Balance Board. More here: interview.
There's also a [vidurl=]trailer[/vidurl] out by the Ravin' Rabbids guys heavily suggesting the next title will incorporate the BB.**WHAT IS WIIFIT?
Wii Fit uses a unique platform peripheral called the Wii Balance Board that can measure a user's weight and their center of gravity, and calculate their body mass index when told the user's height. The game has about 40 different activities. Furthermore, Wii Fit allows its players to compare their fitness by using Wii Fit's own channel on the Wii Menu.
The game features 4 sections: Aerobic exercise, Muscle Conditioning, Yoga Poses, and Balance Games. The yoga and muscle sections have 15 games apiece while the aerobic and balance sections have 9 apiece. Here's the breakdown:
Strength Training - Single-leg extension, sideways leg lift, arm-and-leg lift, single-arm stand, torso twists, rowing squat, single-leg twist, lunge, push-up and side plank, jackknife, plank and tricep extension, push-up challenge, plank challenge, and jackknife challenge.
Aerobics - Hula hoop, basic step, basic run, super hula hoop, advanced step, two-person run, rhythm boxing, free step, and free run.
Yoga - Poses like deep breathing, half-moon, dance, cobra, bridge, spinal twist, shoulder stand, warrior, tree, sun salutation, standing knee, palm tree, chair, triangle, and downward-facing dog.
Balance Games - Soccer heading, ski slalom, ski jump, table tilt, tightrope walk, balance bubble, penguin slide, snowboard slalom, and lotus focus.
It is important to note that the game was not designed with weight-loss in mind. Shigeru Miyamoto has stated numerous times the object of the game is "a way to help get families exercising together" and "what it's actually aiming to do is make you aware of your body." If you think you're going to drop 30 lbs like magic you're looking in the wrong place.
official site is up and
Gametrailers is rocking tons of videos. WiiFit has launched in Japan and currently sits at 1.42 million sold in 9 weeks.
Chris Kohler at Game|Life has a one-week diary with the game, then a recap a month later:
Diary: One Week Playing Wii Fit,
Me And Wii Fit: One Month Later
A gentleman at 4 color rebellion kept a 7-week diary of the game:
The Great Experiment,
Final Report (Before & After)
The great series 'Iwata Asks' features WiiFit:
Iwata Asks: Wii Fit
New user videos:
Soccer (Picture-in-picture with the user)
Ski Jump (Picture-in-picture with the user)
SetupSki JumpTightrope
5 Minute Trailer
[vidurl=]Extended Trailer[/vidurl]
[vidurl=]Hula Hooping[/vidurl]
[vidurl=]Ski Jump[/vidurl]
[vidurl=]Aerobics[/vidurl]PICTURES:THE BOARD :
UPDATE: Currently the Wii will only recognize one board at a time, so any hopes of multiplayer BB action are on hold.
There is actually no regional difference between boards. The Japanese board is listed at a limit of 300 lbs but that is due to Japanese law on scales (for real). All boards are made to withstand weight up to 660 lbs, however the scale will only register 330 lbs.
The board is wireless and contains multiple pressure sensors that are used to measure the user's center of mass and body mass index. In an interview conducted by gaming web site IGN, Shigeru Miyamoto stated that the Balance Board's ability to measure weight is probably more accurate than that of a typical bathroom scale.
Apparently WiiFit will also feature it's own channel, allowing you to look at family stats and do your daily balance-age check-up without loading the game. Small feature, but it's there.
Reggie noted in an IGN interview that there are at least 10 3rd party games in development that use the Balance Board. One is already out in Japan and launches the week after WiiFit in the US:
We Ski. The only other game currently known to use the BB is
Don King Presents: Prizefighter which only uses the BB for training exercises. No word if it will be in the main fighting control options. Also EA is bringing a 'Skate' spin-off,
Skate It, to Wii that will allow use of the Balance Board. A
teaser trailer pretty much gives away that the next Ravin' Rabbids will incorporate the board in some manner.
The snowboarding video is nice in part because when I watch it I see 1080 or Tony Hawk in my head, like many have speculated since the game was announced. Jogging is interesting for including the Wii remote in the action. Feel free to discuss other uses for the board, dis-satisfaction with having to buy another peripheral, or anything else that tickles your fancy.
But I would still destroy you.
I had convinced myself that I wasn't going to buy this out of principle, but... I don't know if I can help myself.
Oculus: TheBigDookie | XBL: Dook | NNID: BigDookie
Add to that that I love to ski but almost never get to anymore, and this game is suddenly on my radar.
Oculus: TheBigDookie | XBL: Dook | NNID: BigDookie
Now that that's out of the way, this really sounds nice. It looks fun, and will be handy on the days I'm too lazy to go to the gym.
I.. yeah, me too. I wasn't really thinking of picking up a Wii until somewhere in the middle of next year, but that actually looks pretty cool. Dammit.
I just hope it isn't too expensive.
How does the board work? Does it count as a controller, or something else entirely?
So get plenty of practice first!
For non-lazy people, it'd make a great supplement to FPS controls.
Oculus: TheBigDookie | XBL: Dook | NNID: BigDookie
No, I mean, does it count as one of the four wiimotes, or does the system handle it separately? Is it its own bluetooth device? Do you need to somehow plug a wiimote into it? Ah, but these details will work themselves out, I suppose. It's just interesting precedent for how the Wii will handle other third-party wireless accessories. It's the only thing right now that isn't a Wiimote and doesn't need to be plugged into one, or at least that's the impression I'm getting. Even GH3's guitar needs you to slot a Wiimote in there.
Actually, my secret dream here is that it really is just another Bt device, so I can hook it up to my PC and use it as a flight rudder/directional input for FPS, and also that other companies that aren't Nintendo make use of the damn thing. Seriously, it would be very good as just the board and game, but if someone decided to use it as an optional controller for a DDR game or something, that would be cool too....
Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
I had convinced myself that I was going to buy this on principle. Like how I bought the Wii to start with.
Oculus: TheBigDookie | XBL: Dook | NNID: BigDookie
Not to mention Time Crisis for the wii, with the pedal... and the wiimote as the gun
or driving games with the pedals and the wiimote stearing wheel.
lots of possibilities with this thing.
That being said, I am really looking forward to this being a lazy fat gamer myself. Now to only convince the girlfriend to go and buy it so I don't look like a jackass in my local gaming store....O_o
I hope they make a racer on the Wii which uses the Balance Board as peddles.
This looks completely cool. I can't wait to pick it up (and put it down and step on it).
Well, now I've got something to show my coworker. He and his wife are hardcore snowboarders and he just picked up a Wii. He heard about WiiFit and was convinced that it would work with SSX Blur. I've been trying to explain to him that that's not how software works.
or Brawl. 4854.6102.3895 Name: NU..
Now it looks awesome and I am SO buying it..
I guess I could stand to workout if I can pretend it's a video game.
I can't wait. Also, I should probably get DDR, or something. :P
Steam BoardGameGeek Twitter
Those Nintendo Dogs need exercise!
This game had me at skiing. All the rest of it is just icing on the cake now.
That said, I can't wait to stop walking about begin enjoying some virtual boxing and skiing goodness.
Steam BoardGameGeek Twitter
Wow, that thing sounds pretty sturdy. From the picture it really didn't look like much either.
If they have that kind of resistance to weight for Japan though, I have to wonder what it will be for America.
These kids stand in line for hours to play it and when they beat it the game tells them they're gay.
-Lewis Black
but yeah DDR is pretty fun in private.
Edit: oh, hmm, it's like $80. Maybe after New Year's, then. Too bad, I'm kind of psyched to play.
Steam BoardGameGeek Twitter
Edit: just look at Miyamoto, above! The man is a waif!
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