glitchy glitchy glitchy

SamSam Registered User regular
edited July 2003 in H.Q. Reception Desk
So I keep finding that the main page display is behid. Behind by a week. It keeps displaying the posts made on July 12. And sometimes it affects the forum inside too, it displays posts from July 12. Usually a refresh fixes it, but I can't say I like.
Oh, and pretty much every topic in SE++ is impossible to get into, it says the topic/post does not exist.

Sam on


  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited July 2003
    Sam wrote:
    So I keep finding that the main page display is behid. Behind by a week. It keeps displaying the posts made on July 12. And sometimes it affects the forum inside too, it displays posts from July 12. Usually a refresh fixes it, but I can't say I like.
    Oh, and pretty much every topic in SE++ is impossible to get into, it says the topic/post does not exist.
    This is not on our end. This can be one of two things, your computer or your ISP. Id do an IP check but Im going to bed soon and this isnt a high priority.

    Älphämönkëy on
  • SamSam Registered User regular
    edited July 2003
    How bout the SE++ thing?
    Oh and if you're free please do the isp check, thanks.

    Sam on
  • ÄlphämönkëyÄlphämönkëy Registered User regular
    edited July 2003
    From what I can tell you are using "AT&T EASYLINK SERVICES" in Hong Kong. I have not heard of any problems from ATT and international connections havent had a problem, but I would check with your ISP if you are having this problem on more than just PA. (the SE++ thing is a derrivative of cached links-linking to threads that dont exist anymore)

    Älphämönkëy on
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