I plugged a usb cord into the front of my pc.
The cabled (connected to an old camera) locked up the pc.
The keyboard failed to respond so I manually powered down.
A little while later I went to turn the PC on again and the fans started but shut off after a few seconds and the power light on the front flashed.
I had to unplug the computer completely to get the light for the power supply to come back on once it was plugged back in.
I pressed the power button again and received the same results.
I opened up the computer and tested the power switch by shorting out the pins on the mother board for it and the switch does work.
The fans run for about a second but no drives boot or even attempt to.
The light on the wireless card comes on for a second as well the shuts off.
I'm not sure if its some sort of power supply failure or a motherboard failure.
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
I've been trying to reach you, but your extension cord doesn't reach that far.
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
However, if the system wasn't even attempting to boot or restart on its own then I would say you've got some motherboard issues.
Though I think it is a bit odd that you're not hearing any spinning HDs.
Ryan M Long Photography
Buy my Prints!
The first time I tried it after the shut down the usb cord was unplugged.
Its some sort of hardware failure, but is so difficult to pinpoint.
I've been trying to reach you, but your extension cord doesn't reach that far.
If it's not giving you any beeps at start up then I'm guessing it's going to be a mobo issue because POST isn't even starting up.
Ryan M Long Photography
Buy my Prints!
It doesn't beep.
I've tested the power plug to the motherboard, there is 4.4 volts running out of all sockets on the plug.
I held the volt meter to the fan as i started the computer up and the fan's voltage shot up to 12 volts (as needed) then it fell back to millivolts after a second and the light on the power supply went off.
I don't understand the problem at all.
I am assuming the motherboard is fried somewhere, but there are no visible black spots on the board anywhere. I can't see the back of the board though. The problem may lie on the underside of the board.
I've been trying to reach you, but your extension cord doesn't reach that far.
Other than that I'd say try switching your PSU for a known good one.
I have an old power supply from another computer, but its max output is on 90 watts, and the power supply for this is a 250 watt supply.
Will it run the computer?
I've been trying to reach you, but your extension cord doesn't reach that far.
And, stupid solution that sometimes works: sometimes shit can get behind a motherboard, like a loose screw or something, and mess with it.
But, honestly, this sounds like either a power supply issue or a motherboard issue. Try switching out a power supply if you can find one or order a new one and OEM if that doesn't work.
Actually, see if your power supply has any kind warranty...
Ryan M Long Photography
Buy my Prints!
I guess I will have to order in a power supply.
I've been trying to reach you, but your extension cord doesn't reach that far.