Just wanted to say "Thank You."

Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
edited September 2005 in PAX Archive
You guys were awesome. There were no fights, no equipment stolen, no disorder... PAX went as smooth as it could have possibly gone, and I wanted to thank everyone for it.

Also, a special thanks goes to those that post in the forums. You're the hardcore attendee- the convention is about the community and you're the most active in that regard. Thank you for helping us make PAX'05 a complete success.


Some guy.
Robert Khoo on


  • futilityfutility Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2005
    <3 U 2

    futility on
  • NintoNinto Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    wow, <3 for the forums? Khoo, you rock!

    Unfortunately I missed PAX this year, but looking forward to '06 already. When is the DVD going to be available, do you think?

    Ninto on
  • apotheosapotheos Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2005
    They said the DVD should be done much sooner than the last. Thats from the people making the DVD, not Khoo.

    Khoo, it was awesome, I was glad to have come.


    apotheos on

  • BorfaseBorfase __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2005

    Borfase on
    duhhhh i like spaghetti-o's lolz
  • BorfaseBorfase __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2005
    i mean, :O

    Borfase on
    duhhhh i like spaghetti-o's lolz
  • NotASenatorNotASenator Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    There can not be enough appreciation given from me to the PAX attendees who helped me out. After something of a transportation nightmare, I ended up with a smashed sculpture and no luggage. Everyone I talked to there hit me with a tidal wave of compassion, generosity, and Axe Body Spray, and I am eternally grateful.

    NotASenator on
  • ThrackThrack Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    I'd once again like to thank Mike Fehlauer, Mike Olsen, Amber the Enforcer and the rest of the Enforcer staff for their quick response and genuine concern my and Slignot's wellbeing. You guys really turned what could have been a pretty crappy weekend into the best birthday ever.

    Thrack on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2005
    They said the DVD should be done much sooner than the last. Thats from the people making the DVD, not Khoo.

    From what I heard from the guys doing the dvd, they were trying to get it done in about 5 weeks...

    Unknown User on
  • Seth410Seth410 Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Your welcome! :^:


    Seth410 on
    Member of Room 520 (04)/512 (05) ...and then some other rooms in 06 and 07, I lost track.
  • DocDoc Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2005
    They said the DVD should be done much sooner than the last. Thats from the people making the DVD, not Khoo.

    From what I heard from the guys doing the dvd, they were trying to get it done in about 5 weeks...

    I'm curious what will be on it... just the musical acts alone could fill a DVD no problem.

    Doc on
  • TaramoorTaramoor Storyteller Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Doc wrote:
    They said the DVD should be done much sooner than the last. Thats from the people making the DVD, not Khoo.

    From what I heard from the guys doing the dvd, they were trying to get it done in about 5 weeks...

    I'm curious what will be on it... just the musical acts alone could fill a DVD no problem.

    Well, you have to have those.

    And the Omegathon.

    And the Fragdolls.

    And Zelda.

    And the Cosplayers.

    I hope they include the Panels.

    Taramoor on
  • slacktronslacktron Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    No, thank you. I had a blast. Am already looking forward to next year.

    slacktron on
  • ctishmanctishman Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Thank you, Khoo. Also, many thanks to Mike Fehlauer, those other guys who write and draw something important, and the entire staff of enforcers. You made it r0x.

    ctishman on
    Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
  • DocDoc Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2005
    Taramoor wrote:
    Doc wrote:
    They said the DVD should be done much sooner than the last. Thats from the people making the DVD, not Khoo.

    From what I heard from the guys doing the dvd, they were trying to get it done in about 5 weeks...

    I'm curious what will be on it... just the musical acts alone could fill a DVD no problem.

    Well, you have to have those.

    And the Omegathon.

    And the Fragdolls.

    And Zelda.

    And the Cosplayers.

    I hope they include the Panels.

    That's 16+ hours of material.

    Doc on
  • TaramoorTaramoor Storyteller Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Doc wrote:
    Taramoor wrote:
    Doc wrote:
    They said the DVD should be done much sooner than the last. Thats from the people making the DVD, not Khoo.

    From what I heard from the guys doing the dvd, they were trying to get it done in about 5 weeks...

    I'm curious what will be on it... just the musical acts alone could fill a DVD no problem.

    Well, you have to have those.

    And the Omegathon.

    And the Fragdolls.

    And Zelda.

    And the Cosplayers.

    I hope they include the Panels.

    That's 16+ hours of material.

    Good point.

    Taramoor on
  • XieflowXieflow Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Khoo doesn't need to thank anyone. He was the one doing all the freaking work! We were just there having fun.

    Xieflow on
  • LeningradLeningrad Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    The concerts went off without a hitch. I've been to so many shows, as a photographer, that I've lost count, and this was one of the most professionally organized I've ever seen. The enforcers were strict enough to keep order but understanding enough to know that some rules are alright to bend in the name of keeping things moving.

    Bravo, you guys.

    Leningrad on
    save vs. death
  • tmonkeytmonkey Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Absolute blast, can't wait for next year.

    tmonkey on
  • MorivethMoriveth BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWNRegistered User regular
    edited August 2005
    <3, Khoo.

    Moriveth on
  • CombatCarlCombatCarl Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2005
    Thanks also to all of you out there from one of the Sponsors. Everyone who swung by our booth was awesome - even those not interested in our tabletop gaming ways were cool about it.

    PAX was an awesome show. Thanks to all of y'all for making it so.

    T. Carl Kwoh
    Project Coordinator
    Sabertooth Games

    CombatCarl on
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword http://youtu.be/G_sBOsh-vyIRegistered User regular
    edited August 2005
    This is why i wanted khoo's autograph. He is up there with gabe/tycho/porkfry. I did get gabes and tychos and porkfry's autograph as well. He did alot of work towards pax. I thought he was the main lead in the whole event? anyhow he is as important to pax as gabe and tycho.

    Thank you again for all of your hard work.

    Ps. Classic console night wants to become sanctioned. drop me a line sometime about it. it will get rid of those pesky people wanting to bring their own consoles into pax.


    *edit- tried to sound less weird*

    Viscountalpha on
  • HacksawHacksaw J. Duggan Esq. Wrestler at LawRegistered User regular
    edited August 2005
    To Khoo: <3<3<3, you sexy man you.

    Hacksaw on
  • NotASenatorNotASenator Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    This is why i wanted khoo's autograph. He is up there with gabe/tycho/porkfry.

    Now what can we do about getting classic console night a sanctioned event at pax? I want to contribute as much as i can to such an awesome event.

    Thank you again for all of your hard work.


    As Khoo would say "That's really weird"

    NotASenator on
  • Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2005
    This is why i wanted khoo's autograph. He is up there with gabe/tycho/porkfry.

    Now what can we do about getting classic console night a sanctioned event at pax? I want to contribute as much as i can to such an awesome event.

    Thank you again for all of your hard work.


    As Khoo would say "That's really weird"

    Man, I wanted Khoo's autograph too.

    Munkus Beaver on
    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2005
    Thanks for PAX! Us Alaskans had a blast!

    I didn't mean for that to rhym.. Anyway. It was awsome. I kinda missed the whole sleepover part that was going with PAX04 but 05 was better in the long run. More to do and all that jazz. I got peoples autographs and bought stuff and I picked up plenty of free loot.

    I didn't get to play in the hamster ball though :( It sucks not being 18 sometimes, but only a few months to go.

    Unknown User on
  • Mike FehlauerMike Fehlauer Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Doc wrote:
    Taramoor wrote:
    Doc wrote:
    They said the DVD should be done much sooner than the last. Thats from the people making the DVD, not Khoo.

    From what I heard from the guys doing the dvd, they were trying to get it done in about 5 weeks...

    I'm curious what will be on it... just the musical acts alone could fill a DVD no problem.

    Well, you have to have those.

    And the Omegathon.

    And the Fragdolls.

    And Zelda.

    And the Cosplayers.

    I hope they include the Panels.

    That's 16+ hours of material.

    We're hoping to have it available by November. They have over 70 hours of footage (they brought 4 cameras, plus the concert jib cam) so it'll definitely be a multi-disc set. Probably 4 or 5 DVDs.


    PS: thank you for being awesome. My favorite quote from last year was "Did you notice how everyone at PAX looked kind of familiar?" PAX is for the community, and the community is incredible. Each of the exhibitors pulled me aside and said the crowd was the best of any con, anywhere.[/url]

    Mike Fehlauer on
  • spydeyspydey Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    It was awesome. I can't wait till next year. :lol:

    spydey on
  • AneurysmAneurysm Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Thanks to Mike Fehlauer, Seth Killian, and Derek Decelles for giving me the opportunity to shoot for the DVD. And thanks to Michael, Geoff, Tom, and TJ for being awesome and helpful fellow crew members. You guys all rock. Hope I get to work with you all again.

    Thanks to David and Brendan for the roomshare. I had a blast. Make that Peltier hot plate/cooling system, and cower before the dark future of WIFI *shudder* :D

    And a special thanks to all of my fellow friendly gamers of all types. It was great to reconnect with my fellow geeks/nerds/dorks/weirdos.

    Can't wait for next year!



    Khoo, I know its a moot point by now, but I apologize for not being able to get you info on The Animation Show back earlier in the year. I didn't know the ticket details until the last minute. I'll be sure to get you guys tickets, when TAS 3 comes around.

    Aneurysm on
    Nintendogs 2, featuring wireless dog shit. Coming to a DS near you!
  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited August 2005
    They have over 70 hours of footage (they brought 4 cameras, plus the concert jib cam) so it'll definitely be a multi-disc set. Probably 4 or 5 DVDs.
    omg, I totally want to sex you right now.

    I'd probably pay about $100 for that.

    David Coffman on
  • BogeyBogey I'm back, baby! Santa Monica, CAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2005
    You guys were awesome. There were no fights, no equipment stolen, no disorder... PAX went as smooth as it could have possibly gone, and I wanted to thank everyone for it.

    Also, a special thanks goes to those that post in the forums. You're the hardcore attendee- the convention is about the community and you're the most active in that regard. Thank you for helping us make PAX'05 a complete success.

    You're very welcome, Robert. :P


    Bogey on
    Fitocracy: Join us in the SE++ group!
    XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
    PSN: Bogestrom
  • martianvikingmartianviking Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    I completely agree with the "No, thank you!" sentiment. It was a great time, and that had pretty much everything to do with the PA staff and the enforcers.

    I genuinely felt that everyone involved wanted us to enjoy ourselves, rather than to get something out of us. Thumbs up, all the way.

    martianviking on
  • PlayPlay Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    PAX rocked at LEAST several times harder than last year. Commencing '06 countdown now.

    Play on
  • MorivethMoriveth BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWNRegistered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Seriously, Khoo, you are the fucking man for putting up with everything that was thrown at you.

    I need to get your autograph next year.

    Moriveth on
  • MomGamerMomGamer Registered User regular
    edited August 2005

    I'll let you know this in person, but I wanted to stand up and chime in on this thread, too. You did an amazing job. You were everywhere, and everywhere you were things just sort of worked themselves out. It's an envied art, and you are an obvious master.

    I looked through the pics I took of the proceedings to post in my article, and I discovered I have an accidentally great shot of you. I took a big background shot from the second floor balcony and you were racing through the first floor in front of the registration desk. You're a bit blurred but everyone else comes in sharp because you're moving about Warp 9.8 and everyone else was going about Warp 4.

    You and your staff made it so easy to do my job that I had plenty of time to have a boatload of fun. I'll be back for next year, you can bet.

    Thanks so much for everything,
    Colleen "The MomGamer" Hannon

    MomGamer on
    I think being sucked into a black hole would bring people closer, but it won't help us like each other more. - Mobo
  • MorivethMoriveth BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWNRegistered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Were you the lady that runs Gamerdad?

    I think I remember loving that site for giving a fair and good review of San Andreas, you know, saying it's definitely not for kids but is a fantastic game.

    Moriveth on
  • MomGamerMomGamer Registered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Sort of. ;)

    I don't run Gamerdad - I just write for them, and do some code-monkey work. It's run by a guy named Andrew Bub. He lives in Wisconsin so he went to GenCon, and since I live in Redmond I got to go to PAX. I think I got the better part of the deal.

    As far as GTA and it's ilk, that's what we're for. We don't want to moralize, but we want people to make informed decisions. I'm glad you liked that review - I think Andrew did that one because he stuck me with Tony Hawk Underground 2 and I told him it was his bloody turn.

    I don't want to jack Roberts thread here, though. He deserves some sort of very hardcore recognition for all the work.

    MomGamer on
    I think being sucked into a black hole would bring people closer, but it won't help us like each other more. - Mobo
  • MorivethMoriveth BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWNRegistered User regular
    edited August 2005
    Yes, Khoo is awesome and let's not derail his thread.

    Still, awesome job on the site and everything.

    Moriveth on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2005
    I'd once again like to thank Mike Fehlauer, Mike Olsen, Amber the Enforcer and the rest of the Enforcer staff for their quick response and genuine concern my and Slignot's wellbeing. You guys really turned what could have been a pretty crappy weekend into the best birthday ever.

    Sweet, it was my birthday too! I got so busy I totally forgot about it on saturday :lol:

    Yes, PAX was pure shweetness this year, Thanks to Gabe and Tycho, the enforcers, all the live acts, exibitioners, and everyone else who helped make this the one of the best cons this year!

    Ty to all, ty ty ty :)

    Unknown User on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2005
    I'd like to join in the ranks of thanks-giving.

    Admittedly, before PAX05, I was never really into Penny-Arcade. I knew what it was and I visited occasionally, but it had never reached the coveted shrine that is my Bookmarks. When my friend approached me and told me that we're going, I was hesitant, mostly because we live in Chicago and it was halfway across the country...and I was out of PTO time at work. I decided to stop being a pansy and go with. After all, it's about video games, so it's gotta be good. When I returned home early Monday morning, I felt a genuine emptiness because PAX was over.

    While I was there, I had so much fun and enjoyed everything so much, I can only describe it as one giant family reunion of my 9,000 long lost brothers and sisters. I felt like I was home. Since then, I check PA every day and I'm going through the posts on these forums and I plan to participate on a continued basis. Needless to say, I will be going to all future PAX events, no matter the distance.

    So I thank you, the other PAX-goers, for showing me what I've been missing and for the sound of Bawls bottles falling over being burned into my memory. Thank you, the PAX staff, for putting on a fuckin' tits show and showing me that I am, in fact, a nerd...and it's fuckin' kickass!

    See you all next year.

    Unknown User on
  • iconherdericonherder Registered User new member
    edited August 2005
    After seeing the pictures and reading about PAX04 I knew I had to come in 05. I'm so glad I did, that was the best con I've been to, hands down.

    Thank you to all involved, the weekend was a total blast!

    iconherder on
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