I'm a little drunk, so I aplogize for misspellings and whatnot.
But jesus c hrist.
One of my friends tried to beat another friend up becuase yet another friend "kinda" drove drunk.
She had 3 beers over the course of 3 hours, and by the time we left he thought she was driunk so he got in the face of our other friend and started straight up screaming in his face.
I'm a little drunk, so I aplogize for misspellings and whatnot.
But jesus c hrist.
One of my friends tried to beat another friend up becuase yet another friend "kinda" drove drunk.
She had 3 beers over the course of 3 hours, and by the time we left he thought she was driunk so he got in the face of our other friend and started straight up screaming in his face.
Holy fuck.
I nearly had to fuck a bitch up.
3 beers in 3 hours would certainly put you over the legal limit here.
Even a little alcohol can have an effect, you know.
half-pint and half-peen
an intriguing household combination
what I will say is there is some pretty fantastic fuckin' chinese food in vancouver
it is so hard to find a decent chinese place in calgary
I have been getting you and hashpipe mixed up lately and I couldn't figure out why and then I saw your avatar which explains an awful lot.
sometimes even i get confused about what i posted
Sushi oh my god. So delicious.
Chinese food oh my god, so delicious.
[Insert Culture Here] food, oh my god, so delicious.
Also, one thing you must always remember. Surrey sucks. Surrey is at the bottom of the township pecking order.
Their food is so good, that they even have five different kinds of bbq sauce, at every table.
You'd think that, but it's suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie.
I'm a little drunk, so I aplogize for misspellings and whatnot.
But jesus c hrist.
One of my friends tried to beat another friend up becuase yet another friend "kinda" drove drunk.
She had 3 beers over the course of 3 hours, and by the time we left he thought she was driunk so he got in the face of our other friend and started straight up screaming in his face.
Holy fuck.
I nearly had to fuck a bitch up.
every night
all the time
I hate you people.
I need to go get ready for works
3DS: 5241-1953-7031
I'd sit here and talk to myself instead, but that would probably get me jailed.
Wow, that sounds a lot less impressive for how tired I feel.
now i have to get some sleep so i have enough energy to drink ten hundred beers tomorrow
I have to go to my 8am class
you can't just go out drinking a hundred beers wearing any old crap. you could be totally pegged down wrong
you have to look good
so people think well he's drinking a million beers, but hey at least that's a crisp collar and a fine pair of shoes
dammit, that backfired
Are we hippin' and hoppin' yet?
I am certainly hippin and hoppin at the same time.
3 beers in 3 hours would certainly put you over the legal limit here.
Even a little alcohol can have an effect, you know.
Whats up in this thread?
im pretty geeked because i just found out that brian regan is coming to town
Really, thats awesome!
What town do you live in again?
Brian Regan is gonna get raped by a hill billy!
these stereotypes are killin me inside