anybody know of a site for comics where you can put in some favorites authors or titles, and it will generate a list of things you would probably like?
I am out of things to read, and I dont have the $$$ to try things on a whim, and my local store is a joke.
Fav authors include Frank Miller, Warren Ellis, Garth Ennis, Matt Fraction...
also this question might be better suited in the questions thread here:
or any of the various other 'suggest/recommend a comic for me' threads on the board.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
dear god
other than batman, of course!
Superman's too powerful, so he's really boring, and Batman's more like a Marvel character, really.
I do believe that's a record.
that's not what we're doing at all
I should rephrase my question; Is there any software or hosted website that can do this automatically for comic fans of any variety? A good example is Amazon, you can use it to find good graphic novel selections. I want something similar for singles.
I'm so dumb, -Im going to just check other retailers...
keith do you have a problem with matt fraction
because you and I will have words
doom the fuck tree
or anything even remotely similar to that
it's all about Dark Horse
it's not that far
I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
doom the fuck tree
but i didn't in this thread
what i did in this thread was point out that every single "new comic reader" has the same exact tastes
they all come in saying how they're not really into DC except of course they love batman
If that is your real name... <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Maybe it is because of DCs obscene web of continuity makes it slightly difficult to just pick a new series and read it without having to spend half an hour on wikipedia afterwards trying to figure out what the hell you just read
hey what happened to mary jane i thought she was married to spider-man
Quesada has marriage problems
Now I hand out cock punches