Ok, a little backstory. I got my wii December 26, 2006. Within a few months I had purchased Elebits, Red Steel, and Trauma Center. I either beat or just grew tired of these games, and before too long, all I was playing was Wii Sports. Fast forward a few more months, and for whatever reason, my Wii doesn't show picture or sound. I call tech support, he says the video card probably fried, I send it in for repair.
Fast forward to now. On Monday, my wii should be back to me. To celebrate this great time, I want to buy a game. The catch is, I want to buy a game that would be fun for my fiancee and I both. If I wanted to buy one for me, it would be Zelda or Battalion Wars. For her, Cooking Mama. However, in my quest for mutual fun, I have narrowed it down to two choices: Super Mario Galaxy, or Mario and Sonic. She played Galaxy with me at Gamestop, and thought it was fun. However, Im afraid that we might end up getting tired of it, or even get bored waiting for our "turn" to play. I've heard that Olympics is like Wii Sports on crack, which would be awesome. Also, I like how Olympics really takes advantage of the motion control aspect of the wii, which is one of my favorite things. This one would allow us to play together at the same time, or take turns with different events during single player. But Im not sure if it would be fun to
keep playing, since it seems to be just minigames.
So, I come to you, all knowing and mighty H/A. While I plan to eventually own both games, which should be my first purchase?
ultimate alliance maybe as well? that has co-op. if shes into that. these games should be like 10-20 bucks used tops. i heard mario and sonic was alright at best. give em a rental
Also, we have the Ultimate GameCube Game Thread, as your Wii does play GameCube games (though you'll need a controller - WaveBird recommended).
Movie Collection
Foody Things
Holy shit! Sony's new techno toy!
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