Umm. Who is modding H/A?

JasconiusJasconius sword criminalmad onlineRegistered User regular
edited October 2005 in H.Q. Reception Desk
This isn't a criticism. I would like to point out that I have noticed a couple of things that would normally earn some harsh jail penalties in H/A and there hasn't even been a mod post or warning or a lock.

There is one thread there where the OP openly claimed he illegally downloaded the first whole season of TNG, and there is no action.... then this masturbation thread turns into a bitch war, and remains unchecked.

Pheezer should so totally go back to H/A.

this is a discord of mostly PA people interested in fighting games:

we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
Jasconius on


  • Gabriel_PittGabriel_Pitt Stepped in it Registered User regular
    edited October 2005
    Dude, chill out. I'm pretty sure that Mods are not required to live on the board 24/7. For example, the masturbation thread has only been going for about seven hours. Maybe Ceres is just getting a good night's sleep or something.

    Also, are Mods required to read every thread in their forum? If someone does something wrong in a thread she's not reading, and nobody brings it to her attention, there's not much she can do about it, is there?

    Gabriel_Pitt on
  • JasconiusJasconius sword criminal mad onlineRegistered User regular
    edited October 2005
    I wasn't criticizing. I said that.. like.. the first four words.

    I am simply pointing out.

    Jasconius on
    this is a discord of mostly PA people interested in fighting games:

    we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
  • DeusfauxDeusfaux Registered User regular
    edited October 2005
    Jasconius wrote:
    I wasn't criticizing. I said that.. like.. the first four words.

    I am simply pointing out.

    well then to be fair this isnt hte place to do it.

    you know who the mods are, you can see on the index.

    pm them and "point it out" so they can do something about it.

    Deusfaux on
  • Target PracticeTarget Practice Registered User regular
    edited October 2005
    Pheezer's been gone for months, you know.

    AFAIK, ceres is the only H/A mod, and she no doubt has other responsibilities. Like school. And work. And sleep.

    Target Practice on
  • DeusfauxDeusfaux Registered User regular
    edited October 2005
    and should you not get a response from one of them, you pm one of the three listed admins (whippy firstly)

    Deusfaux on
  • ImranImran Registered User regular
    edited October 2005

    No doubt ceres will be happy to help with anything. She's not all-knowing, however, and deserves a heads up before saying "No one's paying attention in H/A."

    She's one mod in a board where the discussion matter is the hardest to make judgement calls on. A PM works better than a thread.

    Imran on
  • Raijin QuickfootRaijin Quickfoot I'm your Huckleberry YOU'RE NO DAISYRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited October 2005
    There is no point in this discussion here. If there is a lapse in coverage, the mods are aware of it and working towards a solution. We appreciate your concern.

    Raijin Quickfoot on
This discussion has been closed.