Some sources suggest that xkcd is approaching or surpassing penny-arcade in popularity. And yet, penny-arcade seems to be so much higher-profile what with PAX, Child's Play, and the penny-arcade game currently under development.
So, is there any evidence that the above linked sources are unreliable? I.e. do you suppose these sources are inaccurate for comparing one site to another? If the stats are accurate, it occurs to me that the business model of xkcd seems noticeably different than that of penny-arcade. Penny-Arcade seems much more community-oriented (which really shows when comparing these forums to the xkcd forums). But Penny-Arcade also seems more business-minded, being an ad-driven site. PA doesn't even publish their comic strip in their RSS feed, you need to visit the site (and view the ad) to view the strip. Both Penny-Arcade and xkcd tend toward esoteric topics, but Penny-Arcade's are more likely to be crass or objectionable. Do you suppose any of this prevents Penny-Arcade from out-ranking xkcd? Or is xkcd just a quality strip which deserves to be every bit as popular as PA is on its merits? What do you think?
On the black screen
Sorry, xkcd. A math/physics/geek-humor web-comic by Randall Munroe
It's pretty funny, since it's clear from his other comics involving PA that he's actually at least a bit of a reader/fan.
basically this.
xkcd lacks on the art side, but the writing side is top notch. the art is the one thing holding it "back". it's a unique and accesible style, though.
i'm not sure what's the point though of pitting them "in a fight".
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
If anything, XKCD has probably helped Penny Arcade just a smidge, because of the people who read the two parody strips and decided to come check it out (there must have been some).
I definitely enjoy XKCD, though. One of my favorites.
Edit: Oh, and for the new readers, check out the hover-over jokes on every comic.
Penny-Arcade is more gaming commentary, and I think it's fair to say most people reading webcomics are also familiar with video games. Nerd culture and all that.
ahahahaha whose alt are you?
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
What actually happened was, I stumbled across the youTube video of the xkcd guy giving a talk at Google. This got me to wondering just how popular is xkcd, overall? My expectation was that it would be maybe half as popular as Penny-Arcade. PA has been around for at least 3x as long, PA is widely acknowledged and looked up to as an industry leader in the web-comic space. PA is a company employing at least half a dozen individuals, and AFAIK, xkcd is just a guy and a webserver.
So, those graphs I linked to really challenged my pre-conceived notions.
Maybe the graphs are wrong. As Thinatos points out, it is difficult to say in any detail where the data for the graphs even comes from, let alone how accurate it is.
But, if they are right (and they all seem to show a similar trend, though not the same exact path), then the question that nags at me is, "how did he do it"? How, in such a crowded field, did xkcd reach the same heights as an industry leader in such a short time? And then the next question that occurs to me (from the other side of the coin, so to speak), is, "is this a demonstration of xkcd's success, or of Penny-Arcade's failure?" Has Penny-Arcade in some way failed to capitalize on their status and notability to climb to ever higher heights? Should Penny-Arcade really be 2x as high on those charts as xkcd but they've somehow failed to manage it?
I just really, really expect to see Penny-Arcade higher up on those charts. When my assumptions are proven wrong, I really, really like to know why. I've not been able to come up with an explanation that I'm happy with, on my own.
Shit. Uh, this is the "admin" account for the present phalla game. I forgot to log out. This is James.
Oddly enough, none of the strips Doc listed are my favourites.
If you ever need to talk to someone, feel free to message me. Yes, that includes you.
Penny Arcade can't really be expected to increase its popularity forever. It's a pretty limited audience the strip appeals to. xkcd has become really popular by virtue of being really good. The Internet has no barriers to entry that would stop a single person's site becoming about as popular as something like PA. I don't see any central mystery here.
Edit: eugh, top of page'd. So much pressure!
I would theorise that the people that are willing to install such software just to "count" are the same people that read every webcomic they hear of ever. Religiously.
xkcd isn't held back by the art at all. The "shit" art really helps the style, I think.
not saying they dislike PA, but i see xkcd on Digg more frequently than PA which may explain some of the traffic data you see.
FoxTrot could have ruled them all...
I actually prefer Xkcd over PA... Sorry.
XKCD, even recently, just "hits" more often than PA does.
That's because you're too fucking young to be old sk00l and to know what it was like playing ET on a fucking 2600 masturbating to Intellivision.
Sorry sorry, didn't mean to explode.
I'm sorry, it's the PA humor... I'll be quiet now...
I have my roots. I just think XKCD is more funnier more often. It's highs are higher. It's lows are higher.
It's not always better, though. PA's still hilarious. It's just a matter of "most hilarious."
which I think sums up all of the observational data pretty well
Though the above is, by far, my most favorite comic ever.