I felt like this is more of an H/A thing than a G&T one, because I really don't know much about the game/series to give it proper treatment. I'm still trying to get into this party ridiculously late.
I'm at the part where the group ambushes Luca at nightfall, and I feel like my group hasn't even scratched the surface of taking down this psychopath.
I've been advised to use Humphrey in the past, and I missed the opportunity to recruit him. I'd
really rather not restart the game, as it's only going to hold me back from playing Suikoden III even more.
Is there a particular group I should use to make winning this easier? Should I put all my best characters in the main team, or divide them up?
I think my group kind of sucks, because I'm terrible at gathering the 108, but here's who I have at my disposal:
-Hero, Nanami, Miklotov, Camus, Tai Ho, Tsai, Luc, Chaco, Nina, Yoshino, Hai Yo, Kasumi, Viki, Sheena, Shin, Rikimaru, Tomo, Eilie, Rina, Bolgan, Tuta, Hanna, Millie, Shiro, Zamza, Gengen, Kinnison, Freed Y, and Amada.
If there's someone I really need(that I can still get), I wouldn't mind tracking them down, but I'm hoping my current team is adequate.
Nanami's immune to fire, so I figure it couldn't hurt to keep her in the main team front row, hopefully to keep whoever's behind her alive longer.
Alternately, go see if you can get Oulan and make the fight a complete joke. But, if you want the good ending, you do need to restart so you can get Humphrey and Futch.
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Anyway, I'm trying it with a new assortment. If it turns into another slaughter, I'll see about tracking down Oulan(assuming I can).
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And I like how even when they dodge, Luca's attacks can't be countered.
From the looks of this current battle(it's down to Hero, Nanami, Tomo, and Tai Ho), I'll be going hunting for this Oulan person. And probably grinding along the way.
You may not be able to get Oulan. I can't remember if Kuskus is occupied at that point in time, but it probably is.
This is why you need multiple save slots, man.
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And, no kidding.
But on a brighter note, Tsai has some defense boosting items that seem to be real helpful.
Edit: And keep us updated. This is probably my favorite RPG, and this fight in particular is one of the greatest moments in gaming history.
Regarding this, between Camus, Miklotov, and Luc(all Short Range), won't that mean one is effectively unable to attack?
That's usually been the one aspect of the game I've been able to make sense of when planning a group(I still don't fully understand a whole lot of it, mostly the runes and blacksmithing).
Miklotov has the Knight rune, FYI. He wasn't able to use it once during the Luca fight; I could only use him for attacking.
And stick Luc in the back. If you have him attack you're doing something wrong. Also, if you havn't changed his loadout he has an action rune that gives him a long range attack, albeit a very weak one.
Luc is short range, but you shouldn't be using him for his staff. He can still cast spells from the back row.
Luc has the Wind and Pixie runes.
Give Luc a Cyclone Rune (you can get one in Gregminster) and a Pale Gate Rune. That's all he needs, ever. And to be kept in the back row. He needs that, too.
The Knight Rune is a support Rune and can't be used for spells or special attacks. I'm pretty sure it makes the wearer take the hit for a weakened character.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
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It's so worth it when you beat him so good luck!
Gregminster isn't on the list of mirror destinations.
Well, scratch that first part: Wakaba joined.
And Tony.
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Sarah must be in a stingy mood, because she's just going on about washing clothes.
These runes are all pretty awesome. I had Warrior and Violence on Viktor and he practically won his fight by himself. I imagine you can do the same so long as you pair him with two people who can keep him and each other alive. The rest of the team can be fodder.
I think it was mostly luck, but it's finally over. Well, except now I've got to run him down.
Thanks all!
3DS: 1607-3034-6970