hey all. wow, my first time in this particular section of the site. I like what you've done with the place.
Anyway, I wanted to pop in and see if there are any budding writers in here. I have a site I'm working on that aims to touch on all facets of geek culture, of which of course comics and graphic novels are a part. I'm looking for someone interested in writing about these topics on a once a week basis. As a games industry writer, this is not my area of expertise, so I am defaulting to those who know what hell is up.
Sadly, this is not a paying gig (most blogs are not), tho if there is a silver lining, there are a few folks who have written for me that have been grabbed up by other sites or game companies based on their work (making me both sad and happy :P ).
I'd be willing to entertain any sort of interesting coverage ideas people have on comics, from issue reviews to trends to interviews with artists and such. As said, I am not ingrained in the comic culture, but I do like what I see...and will certainly help in setting up interviews, fielding email coordination, or doing the day to day tasks necessary to help the columnists from pulling their hair out. Basically, if you think there is a gap in how comics are covered, this could be the opportunity to fill it.
Thanks again, and feel free to IM me at etoychest0 on AIM or PM me here with your thoughts.
In publishing, you need a reliable staff, which can then be supplemented with freelance work.
edit: As for writing samples, sure smallish ones cam be PM'd to me so I can what your chops are like. As someoen who has one foot in the more professional Gamasutra and the other in the blog space with Joystiq, I'm really hoping someone can write passionatly about the comic book space, maybe with tounge in cheek like we do at 'stiq, as this sort of writing is, to me, more fun to write and read. But really, I'm a cheap and easy date, and can be swayed either way.
Also, what level of commitment are you looking for here? I understand that the candidate should be passionate but what are you talking about in terms of hours put in?
I can send a sample of writing, I did the Trading card part of a Pokemon Newsletter a few years back. And I have a book published (albeit it was published when I was 5).
Second question first, I'd be off my rocker if I said I wanted people to sacrifice the bulk of their free time for this blog, which since it is just starting out is still something of an experiment. You take something like Geek magazine, which usually reviews a couple or more comics near the back, devoting between 150 to 300 words to each issue in turn. That would be cool, and not all that time consuming, provided the writer be able to be interesting and get his or her point across in the small space provided...though honestly that ability to use less words to say more is a great skill for longer article writing as well. I can't really say the time expectations, other than to say I am realistic, and recognize this is a hobby, and not a paying gig. Ideally I'd like this to a be a weekly feature, though if running one piece each week turns out to be too much for the person I select, he/she and I could talk offline about splitting the duties among two writers, provided the notations I mentioned in the post above.
As per the second question, the posts turned in will be edited, but as for content, after the first couple of posts (just to make sure we're on the same page), I'll be putting creative freedom in the hands of the writer. After all, as said, you all are the experts. However, as I think I mentioned earlier, I have no problem helping out with connections, and after the site launches, should the writer want to do something wacky, like interview an artist or writer or something else left of normal, I have ways of making things happen (ask some of my eToychest.org alum).
Trust me, this is a lot harder than it sounds. Most of the time it feels like the shorter I try to make a review, the longer it gets.
eToy is good people.
Awwe thanks. Here's hoping with this site good times will be had by all.