Hey everybody, I have been absent of late on poasting here on good ol paac, but i really do need to swing by more often. Heres a dump of the stuff ive been working on of late.
This is a conceptual piece i came up with at Timmy hoes (Tim Hortons for you non-Canadians; a coffee chain thats open 24/7 up here in the chilly north). This was done with Mcgibs, on his last night in Saskatoon before heading back to oakville, thereby denying me any friend artists who are not artsy fartsy. The goal of this was to try to come up with a concept on a few words, mine being 'steam zeppelin boarding suit, Gib's being steam zep. defense corps.
This was drawn in the local pub under dim lighting, right after watching the surprisingly entertaining AVP:R.
A sketch of Silmarrilion chars(mainly beleg strongbow and Turin turambar) and a sketchmap of arda to explain to the gf what it was all about:P
some sketches of anatomy and such
And finally, some 40k stuff. I wont bore you with most of the crap ive been churning out of late, but here are a couple of gems i liked.
A Ordo Hereticus Rhino armoured troop transport
and finally one of the storm troopers who will go in it
Thats all for now folks, hope you enjoy! Crits and comments, as always, appreciated and enjoyed.
You better be sticking around this time. The kids couldn't handle you leaving again...
Love to see you do some aliens as well.
rolo= you can check out my gallery in my sig for stuff ive done in OC, not wild i know.
raven and cybermonkey= hey guys, good to see some of the old crew still bounce in here, I'll try to poast more.