Right, so another whine about sex in computer games. Lets, for a minute, forget the arguments already stated in reply to these complaints:
1. Computer games, like cartoons, comics, etc. are no longer just for kiddiewiddies anymore. Dont let your five year old play GTA or Unreal because it will screw them up, dont let him watch Legend of the Overfiend, nor Southpark nor ATHF why is your goddamn kid awake at 11pm watching Adult Swim anyhow you lameass excuse for a parent?
2. So theres sex in GTA, etc. So what? Your mom had sex. So did your dad. See, when a mommie and a daddy love each other verrrrry much....
3. I, as with the vast majority of the gamming community, have never killed anyone as a result of playing CounterStrike, Unreal, et al. I should also state that I have never sunk a single vessel as a result of playing Silent Hunter III or any other sub game, nor killed any extra-terrestrial of any speicies as a result of playing Wing Commander, Defender, or any of the vast number of kill-space-alien games that have been created. I would like to pilot a Stalker across the war scarred worlds of the 31st century as a result of having played MechWarrior, but, sadly, have not. Point is, I will not have sex with any non-terrestrial life form based on MassEffect, and I dont need encouragement to have sex with women of this world. See #2 for an explaination of why that is.
Lets even forget that in order to qualify as a Conservative Commentator in the 21st century, you have to 1. remove brain, insert American Flag, 2. have the lyrics of Deuchland Deuchland Uber Alles tatooed on your ass (yes, I have seen Ann Coutler naked, why do you ask?). No, lets forget all that because
I found this article rather hard to concetrate on, because of the ads of large-breasted women selling conservative tee-shirts. Placed right next to the column. The column decrying sex. In computer games.
"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. "
MWO: Adamski
Any video game console manufactured after the Pong console is a gateway to Satan's family room.
You like paddles, do you?
You're one of those sorts of people. Arent you.
Look at The Witcher. It's a quality video game for grownups that isn't some tacky Playboy: The Mansion or Second Life or Leasure Suit Larry porn sim. If games like that do well, then there will be more like it to follow.
Well you're missing the point. A) Sex is bad. The human-alien scene in Mass Effect is obviously the liberal media's latest attempt at subverting the American family by trying to get our children to think that inter-racial sex is okay.
If our white Anglo-Saxon protestant children start having sex with black African-Americans, what's next? Sex with black African-American Catholics? Jews? Moslems?
In all seriousness, what exactly is the problem? Yes, politicians and conservatives are stupid when it comes to entertainment and the media in general. That's to be expected, isn't it?
That said, video games have a way to go until they're viewed as more that juvenile toys. Some recent games have done well in introducing at least a compelling story, but it's going to be difficult to justify racy games as much more than smut unless games can get out of the juvenile ghetto they've found themselves in.
Movies and literature have run into the same sorts of trials in the past, and there's still a lot of contention as to what comprises legitimate art versus gratuitous violence and porn. It's not a new question nor is it unique to the vidja, but the vidja is in a bad place right now in terms of trying to gain broader artistic acceptance. Graphic novels and comic books are in a similar state.
When the boomers are gone and the job of cultural commentary passes to a generation that grew up with games, games will achieve popular acceptance.
What I'm really saying here is that we need some boomer-targeted genocide.
Did somebody order tastefully handled sex?
Speaking of sex, I would blow Yahtzee so hard. So. Hard.
Someone needs to give him a million dollars and 100 talented programmers. at least 40 of which must be chinese.
I don't know. Maybe Mass Effect killed his dog or something.
The point is he's not so much a retard as he is a scoundrel. A lying scoundrel.
Is he breaking some sort of law by doing this? If not, well, there's an idea for some useful legislation. I don't imagine that anyone would find libel to be protected by the Bill of Rights.
Healthy sexual mores
The Matrix?
Hoverboards. Damned things are a nuicance.
Spot on. Ann Coulter is just the same - she just says awful things because she knows people tune in to hear her say awful things. No different than Howard Stern, except theres politics involved instead of strippers. I mean, if I had no morals or social concience, I'd be a televangelist. Thats where the money is.
Money, women, and I get to be self-righteous. Yeah, WWJD for a Porche.
The retards are the people who buy into what these folks are selling.
Its not the hoverboards, its those thousands upon thousands of Marty McFly that keep cropping up to ride the hoverboards - when will they learn you just cant tear a hole in the time/space continuum without consequences!
The fools! The FOOLS!
Goatse and 2 girls 1 cup.
MWO: Adamski
From what I understand of the latter, those two things are about as comparable as firecrackers and tactical nukes.
I think the word is coprophagiac.
If you don't like pixelated sex, then don't buy those games. There's no reason that it shouldn't be "introduced."
Newsflash: humans are into sex. It's a good thing. Keeps the species propegating.
Increased bias against sex in video games doesn't help the rest of society with your "too much cheap sex" problem, it's just an artificial wall.
I'd call Catholic approaches to sex anything but healthy.
There's nothing wrong with accurately portraying Vampire culture.
Heh, won't quibble with you on the Bloodlines breast size thing, but there were females in that game that weren't bi, I seem to recall. At least a couple told my female Tremere to take a hike.
They were playing up the "glamorous vampire" stereotype a bit, sure, but it was mostly just an excuse to top off your blood pool.
The more sex is viewed as acceptable in video games, the more stuff will be released that isn't tawdry. I mean, if not for Debbie Does Dallas or Deep Throat, we would never have gotten riskier good movies like Henry and June or Black Book.
Yes there is. Taste matters, and if video games truly want the artistic recognition so many here think they should have, then there should be a quality of work throughout the industry. Cheap sex and violence sell because everyone has violence and sex and their base and banal thrills and differ wildly in their intellectual pursuits. Video games should reflect this if they want to, as a craft, move beyond headshot boom.
Frankly, your ignorance of sexual politics is a perfect demonstration of why sex needs to be regulated (non id est, censored or banned).
In the west, we learn about sex through culture. Are video games a part of culture? You wouldn't be posting on PA if not, so then people learn about sex through video games. As of now, that is a very scary thought.
Not if you actually understood them instead of what you heard in jokes and cursory analyses, but that's for another thread. :P
And don't get me started on Soul Calibur's trend of progressively slutting up its female characters.
This train of thought applies to pretty much all media ever, including film, music, and books. Hell, I learned a whole lot about sex from Terry Pratchett's novelization of Starship Titanic when I was like 10. Again, if media is taken to reflect our own, human, experiences, sex is inevitably going to be a part of that, and that's not neccesarily a bad thing.
Also, censorship is probably going to lead to a whole lot more cheap, tease shit like Ivy in SC or whatever. It's impossible to treat sex with class if you have to put on kid (or teenager) gloves to deal with it.
Mass Effect.
There are tasteful representations of sex and violence in video games. One of Persona 3's defining moments portrays the horror of what humans can do to one another, and it's a turning point in the game. There have been, albeit rare, tasteful sex scenes in video games (I'm told Mass Effect is pretty tasteful). They're working on it, but you have to crawl before you can walk, and the current restrictions and attitudes towards sex in video games actively hinders those interested in working in the medium.
Example: The Witcher. Good, hardcore RPG with a lot of emphasis on cause and effect. Includes sex and nudity, but it's handled in a fairly mature manner rather than the Leasure Suit Larry "HEY GUYS LOOK @ BQQBZ!" The designers of the game released the normal, uncensored version to Europe (including Britain), but they had the artist draw clothes over the women's nudity before sending it to the United States. Some jackass in marketing must have told them that gamers in the United States are all uptight puritans who can't handle a naked woman in a video game.
What? Explain that and back up your accusation, please. Because I am not ignorant about sexual politics. I even took a women's studies course in college, and it wasn't to "meet chicks."
Why is it a scary thought? How is learning about sex through video games different than learning about sex from movies, TV, radio, or the internet? Would you rather they learn about it from That Guy In A Trenchcoat across the street from the school?
I don't think we are given a window into the soul of that Nameless Bloodlines Hooker, or why she might prefer women. However, clearly it's impossible for a woman who has to deal with the boorishness of men and the idiotic sexual paradigm of a patriarchal society to personally prefer women as clients when she can get them. Maybe she is taking the extreme stance of charging less because of the lack of risk for pregnancy and the reduced chances for transmitting STDs such as HIV. I dunno.
It did - seriously - how many times did I have to listen to the whole "its much more than a physical connection Shepherd" speech before they played that cutscen - which, by the way, only showed half an ass and wasn't nearly as good as the PA post link suggested.
2) I had the option to murder a team mate of mine that had trouble adjusting to the idea that we were about to effectively commit genocide on his entire race.... but hold on... there's SEX?!? Kids could see this!
I am extremely worried when people rate violence as less offensive than sex.
Well, hold on, let's be fair. Let's say a kid plays a game, watches a movie, whatever, that depicts both sex and murder.
Now, think about it, which is an impressionable youngster more likely to imitate?
Of course, that's not to say that we shouldn't have sex in the media. It's just to say that, unless the sex is depicted in a tasteful and mature fashion, it's really not the sort of thing that a kid should be exposed to.