Hey guys, I have something of a request.
I'm studying A.I., and for my current semester-long group project we're running a university version of the
RoboCup, a football (regular, not American) tournament played by robots.
So here's the crux: Our team, and our robot, need a logo. We're calling our team SKYNET F.C. (Where F.C. stands for Football Club, if you didn't know), and I'd love it if you guys could help design some sort of logo. It'll be on the side of our 'bot, and on the front and backs of t-shirts we'll be wearing.
The robots are small, and roughly cuboid, and, well, that's about it. I think I'd like an oval background to the logo, though the words and any images may overlap that border to a degree, and I'd like a hint of terminator in there, just because, well, it's kinda fun.
Anyone have any ideas or designs?
Cheers to anyone who gives me a hand here.
Also, you should have put this in the chat thread.
So basically what I am saying is you should've read the rules and shit, because if you had, you'd know this already.
edit: it's crap though, really...
It really is!
Don't make me cry...
If it's ok, it was serious.
Critiques are ok, I'm just overly sensitive.
No, I'm kidding. It's disjointed, though - none of the elements particularly go well together. And the text really does look slapped on - like you did the design of the shapes and stuck the text on as an afterthought. It looks rushed and first-draft-y, which it is, right?
I was thinking that it would be somewhat easy to silk-screen onto a shirt, but I'm not entirely happy with the bot's colors.
What you did needs some lovin', but you got the main idea down; that's what's important! Next time though, you'll need to sit down and think some more about how the type is going to interact with the piece. Ask yourself: Is it going to have an odd shape? Will this look good when it's made very very tiny? Also, will it look good if embroidered on a cap?
These are the kind of things you'll want to think of if you make a logo.
Ultra kudos to y ou, Eri!