I've been running Adsense on my site since the end of last September. Typically, I was getting a couple cents a day for every couple 100 page impressions and the occasional days I got a click, it would go up randomly from 20 cents a click to sometimes $1 a click. I understand how certain ads, when clicked, yield more money, but it's the impressions I'm not getting.
I was only getting 100 or so people a day when I started adsense and, come around November, it had gone up to almost 400 a day with odd day in the 200s. I made like $11 in Nov, which I thought was incredible for what I was doing. December was around $6 and January is looking like it will be even lower. This is all despite the fact I've been getting between 600-1000 unique visitors per day and like 2000 page impressions, which is far greater than what I was getting in Nov.
In fact, today, I have almost 2000 impressions (still not overwith) and I have 0 clicks (not a big deal) and, here's the one I don't get, 0 cents earned. 0. I used to get like 1 cent every 200-300 impressions and now I get 0 for 2000.
Is this just shitty luck on the ads I'm getting and I should work on my keywords or something? I haven't changed how I write and it's the same thing every week (previews -reviews, motw, repeat). I know Google changed the way the ads work and you have to click a certain section to get clicks, but I'm not even talking about clicks,w hich are fairly random for me. And I know I'm not in this to make a living off just blogging, but it's still frustrating seeing a big fat zero in the earnings column every day despite having higher numbers of unique visitors and page impressions than when I started and making less than what I made in my first or second month.
Also, I've tried finding mroe info on adsense through gooogle, but most searches come up with random blogs and money making crap or tips and I didn't want to email them and get an automated response about earnings.
edit - my earnings so far have been like $0.20 in 2 or 3 days of Sept, $4.88 in Oct, 11.12 in Nov, $5.88 in Dec and as of today for Jan, I have $1.88. With 2 weeks left of Jan, it's going to top out at like $3.60 or so if I'm lucky despite having 10 times the number of readers I had in Oct.
For instance, you may be getting 2000 unique visitors, but if they stay on your page for five seconds and then move (either by clicking their browser's back button or navigating to another page), that won't generate any money for you.
You might want to start by reading this to get a better idea of how adsense works exactly. I don't have ads on my blog so I can't help you further.