So I just started reading the first volume of Dave Sim's Cerebus, and its great. I really like the stern little aardvark.
I'm aware that the art/story-telling improve dramatically as the series progresses. I saw a few pages from later on in the series. His implementation of lettering and layout and how he rendered the action was just awe-inspiring.
Anyways, how do you guys feel about the series? I'm really into the whole Conan the Barbarian spoof concept and the "episodic" nature of the series so far, so I feel like its gonna be a bit bitter sweet when it transits into huge, more political/philosophical story arcs.
I own every phone book and have read every word in every issue.
I still don't understand what the hell happened in the last issue.
I had to read an interview with Dave Sim to get it.
I love the books through 'Guys' and would advise anyone buying them to stop there.
Actually, maybe I'd just say leave out the last two or three books.
Despite my dislike of the final few books, Cerebus is still my favorite series ever. Ok, tied with The Flaming Carrot.