Opening Narrartion:
Ah, beautiful Miami. It almost feels alive, vibrant and pulsing in gaudy warm neon light. There’s a beat to this place, steady, like that of a heart. It’s as constant as clockwork, persistent too, but there are those few occasions when the tango skips a beat.
Thump. Thump. Desperate eyes revolve around a stark and barren plastic covered room. The lights are artificial and the only noticeable sound is the arrhythmic ragged breaths drawn from the man quite literally taped to the table. There would have been screams in that room, if it wasn’t for the gag.
“You’ve been a bad man. Those children didn’t deserve to be subjected to your sick whims. Fortunately for me, you deserve to be subjected to mine.â€
Thump. Thu. . .the sound was interrupted by the soft rip of flesh and the spray of sticky warm blood into the Miami heat. The figure above the man went to work with a sick ardency in his actions, severing, sawing and surging. The job was not quick, no, he relished the work but time was always of the essence he thought as a small sigh escaped his lips. After all, his code did not allow for mistakes and by morning there would be no traces of the event. This violent dance would be well hidden in the layers of Miami’s cacophony.
As he dumped the body, Dexter’s usual calm was broken by a sudden shudder. For whatever reason, he could not help but feel that someone had noticed him. Almost as if he was being watched. The thought perished as he retraced his steps while weighting and sinking the final bit of evidence into the sea. He concluded that it was the strange atmosphere, it was too early for the sunrise but there was a strange fiery glow on the horizon.
An eventful Miami night will surely lead to an interesting morning. . .Rules:
Welcome to Miami; don’t get killed. The rules are plain and simple, really: vote for a person to be detained by Miami Metro Police Department each night in
red. No need to retract. Since this is a small game, I’ll have to require at least two posts a day and you’ll be faced with an unfortunate and most likely painful death if you’re deemed inactive. So don’t do that, please. The first day begins on Friday and will end on Sunday to account for the weekend. After that, we’ll vote on a daily basis with the vote closing at 11pm EST each night. The game lasts until either the Miami Metro PD apprehends all criminals or the criminals of Miami destroy their opposition.
Standard correspondence rules apply. Please send any proboard links to myself and Grundlterror. All actions are to be in before vote close and sent in duplicate, so one for me and one for Grundlterror.
2. TheLawinator
5. Pseudolus
8. Obbi
9. Plutonium
Toxic Toys
15. TehSpectre
Night 1 ResultsNight 1 NarrationNight 2 ResultsNight 2 NarrationNight 3 Results
I shall give my spot up for any new players or players dead in the main phalla if it fills and they wanted in.
I like three.
This will be fun!
I am excited. This promises to be less complicated than PL1's phalla, which is awesome in its own way but very crazy.
To see what the buzz is about
besides, i have to survive one of these eventually, right?
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
I want to be in this SO MUCH.
Finished Season 2 a few weeks ago. I fucking love this show to death.
Credit goes to DA, my secret phalla santa
@Bryceforvice on Twitter Facebook
Seriously, why can't i play in a phalla i know something about!
grrrr i just might have to run my own.
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
Fail to sign up cause you let the riff-raff in....(and utter lack of time.)
I just started watching this, how odd!
Turn me on dead man
Wow, it does sound like something Dexter would say.
Damn Reserve!!
Anyways, nobody wants to play as Random Dexter Victim #12
Oh man...
Oh man.
EDIT: Wow... that was late. !reserve
People who will most likely be more active, considering the computer situation.....
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
go ahead FrostMist. You can have my #11
I need a break from Phallas for a while.
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
Edit: If lonelyahava is 100% sure - I'll !Sign up #11
Dakero takes Squasha's spot and Maximus lands in lonelyahava's. Mr. Embarkation let me know if you intend on keeping your spot or not.
If things go smoothly. . .PMs may go out tonight.