The Great Indie Game Review-athon
Firstly, What is this and why does it justify giant orange letters?
I'm glad you asked. This, my friends, is a journey into the unknown, a journey into a world where the developer is not shackled but such constraints as marketability, production values or pandering to reviewers. I am talking about the world of indie gaming, a world where breaking to mold is the order of the day and clichés are as rare a new idea in the mainstream industry. Still, there is one problem with this almost perfect world. Due to the lack of pandering to aforementioned reviewers, many of these great indie games still are under the cloud of obscurity. We can change that. Together, we can vanquish this dark cloud and bring light to these forgotten masterpieces
What is this without the rhetoric
The Great Indie Game Review-athon is exactly what the name sounds like. A mass reviewing of all free independent games, or at least as many as we can get our hands on. This way forum-goers will be able to find the games they want without having to look at the site of every amateur who think “I CUN MAEK GAM“. It also gives us an excuse to play awesome free games for the greater good of the community.
How many can we get our hands on?
According to, about 1095. By the way, this list will be our god for this project, as explained as I will later.
1095! Isn‘t that a tad ambitious
In another forum, maybe. But here at G&T, we are a fairly large group of people who enjoy games that break the mold. Since most of these games are fairly short we could easily burn through the list if we have enough people.
Okay, so how is it going to work
First, because this is a community project, all of these ideas are subject to change based on what people want, so if you disagree with any part of this make your opinions know.
That said, here how I plan to do this:
1. Anyone who wants to help sends me a PM saying what kind of games you prefer (adventures, shmups, odd-ball games), your skill level (what you can beat, what you can’t), how much free time you have (to make sure that the guy with exams doesn’t get somthing big like La-Mulana) and what platform would you prefer (so Mac users get Mac games and Windows users get PC games).
2. I take the next bunch of games off this list and match them to different people depending on their preferences. I am going to insist that we (loosely) follow this master list so that all the games get looked at. Then I’ll send you a PM (or email if you prefer) with a link to the game I picked and a small description of what it is about, why you got it and ect.
3. You play the game and enjoy it (or not). Please play the game till it’s conclusion, whatever that may be, as some games that start out bad can turn out to be really good towards the end, or visa versa. If the game has no conclusion (it is a high score based or has many user made levels) then just play it long enough to see most of what the game has too offer and to get an opinion. If you are having technical issues or you feel the game is just not
for you then tell me and I’ll get you something else.
4. You write a short review, three paragraph, of the game. One paragraph for a brief for a description of the game, a paragraph describing it’s positives and a paragraph describing it’s negatives. These don’t have to be too long by any means. Quick to make and hopefully quick to read. I am a big fan of number less reviews as a 7, an 8 or a 9 mean different things to different people. Therefore, I propose we simple use good old fashion adjectives to describe the games. When you are done, send the thing to me and it will be the entry for the game.
So what now?
At this stage, I would like to make a list of everyone who is interested with everyone before we begin. I would also like to finalize the rules with everybody. Are they too lose, too tight, completely retarded, let me know. Come next Saturday (or sooner if everything goes well) we will get into the business of actually writing reviews.
Let the games beginList of Reviewers
1. Rorus Raz
2. Raslin
3. Speakeasy
4. Defrag
5. ZackShilling
6. Sorenson
7. Tonberry King
8. Seuve
9. vhzod
10. Gorilla Salad
11. ben0207
12. Sprocket Floss
13. Sceptre
14. Yarr
15. Campion
16. Szechuanosaurus
17. Page-
18. Mullitt The Wise
19. suadeo
However, I'm intrigued.
like a clown
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Also I'm in.
Okay, Now that we have a good amount of people with both feet firmly planted in the "In" category I would like to clarify a couple of things that came up in the PM's might come up eventually.
Firstly, If anyone needs to take a rain check at anytime then don't worry about it. Real life is important and all Whatnot. That said it would be very much appreciated if you tell me when your status on free time changes.
On that note, people who haven't sent me the free time, genres, platform etc. information please do so before next Saturday.
And thirdly, I was thinking of setting up an IRC channel so we can on which we can all meet some time during the week. There, we could discuss the rules and which games people want. The thing is I don't know how to set one up. Can someone help me on this?
Anyway, in a few hours I'm going to leave to do lighting for this ballroom dancing thing my school is doing. If anybody has any question, comments or concerns, ask me now so I can respond to them.
Can I do a video review of Warning Forever?
You can, But please make written review too. It shouldn't take to long and it will keep things nice and organised.
Also, great game right there.
Good luck with this one. I really hope I find out about my next heroin-like passtime in here when you go public.
You have mail.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
I think it's fair to ask. I'd like to join in on this but I'm wary of unknowingly becoming someone's source of income. ;-)
As far as I know it's just for making our indie/free games threads more comprehensive. Check the last few pages of the last indie games thread.
Can I claim this one :P . Of course I won't be able to play it anytime soon but when I do have the time I'll play it to death if it's as good as everyone's been saying.
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That doesn't make much sense...
I already have the review, actually. "1/0"
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
I just spent my first five minutes on the tutorial. I'm definitely intrigued. Hopefully I'll be able to get a better idea of the game tomorrow.
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I mean, a donation.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Maybe we could do something like a noticeboard where the first person to post a review of the game is "in charge" of that game, and anyone else who wants to review it sends it to that person via PM and has it added to the post so it's all kept together.
But yeah until Digger Dude arranges a methodical distribution of the games from that list, I see no reason we can't get a head start by going through it ourselves and starting whatever grabs our attention.
Also, Reviewers list update
Wait... How can you finish Knytt Stories?
Anyway, my plan is post every review I get in the week into one big megapost every Saturday. There, I will also post re-reviews if anybody makes any.
Well I finished it just now but I'm not finished with it. You can bet I'll be playing it again. Several times.
I have to admit, a weekly megapost would probably be most orderly. Shame I'm such an impatient asshole.
There are two official expansion packs and dozens of 3rd party ones which are sure to keep me busy days to come. I want to try some of the harder difficulty maps before I give any sort of review. So far my opinion of the game is very positive.
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I recommend you try Don't Eat the Mushroom. Don't read anything about it just try it.
Anyway, If you are going to start the entry now can you compile a list of the good "stories" that you played? If you do I will add it to the entry
Sure, I can get a list going. Just let me add my obligatory disclaimer. I managed to squeeze in "The Machine" this morning but after today I won't be able to play much until next week at the soonest. It kills me because this is turning out to be such an awesome game.
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Yeah, I think your right. I won't have time today but tomarrow I'll start pairing games with request.
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I wrote it in the OP
Baby don't hurt me?
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