I'm Vice Pres. of the Anime Alliance (AA) at my college in Albany and the club has been going strong for a little over a year now (whoo). About a month ago we discovered a more public club at our library and they were wanting to make plans to have an Anime Con in our town...by August...with no idea where. So the President of AA along with our odd little crew has decided to help by finding a location- our college.
As of monday we're hoping to book some venders and make plans for dance with a live DJ, Live screenings in the major theaters, cosplay competitions, hopefully some live performances and other activities...pretty much a regular con.
Now, even though we have a few people experienced in setting up large events, none of us have ever set up an Anime Con... So I'm looking to anyone who has an online comic, has been to some cons, who might even be interested in being a vender or attending. Especially anyone who could help give some ideas, instructions, any advice...
Ahem, *proceeds to kneel on the floor and beg for mercy with the biggest pear of puppydog eyes full of desperation and hope*
I'll probably be kicked for this thread....but it is my ernest intent to seek advice and possibly raise interest in something new and anime based.
This is the official AA forum if anyone would like to look us up and give more direct help or info:
Questions I have:
What kind of venders are there generally?
How do people set up (what will they need electricity, space wise)?
Whats a good price to charge?
How much space will we need?
How much Staff?
Raising awareness?
Advertising etc.
I really need help here.
If you haven't already, make business cards with the name of your con and the group sponsoring/hosting (Anime Alliance, no?). Instant step towards legitimacy when you meet vendors/artists, and you'll want to start to get your con's name out there.
Check out the calendar on comicbookconventions.com and then see if you can find an anime-equivalent website to make sure that you aren't scheduling the same weekend as Sakura Con or San Diego Comic-Con, etc. Also make sure that there isn't some medium sized Anime Con in Eugene or Portland that you've never heard of taking place the weekend before or after yours, as people aren't going to want to go back to back weekends. I know it sounds silly, but scheduling conflicts happen, even with big conventions. Making attendees choose between a con they've attended before and your new con usually never works out well... It's also just a better practice to make nice and cooperate with the established folks in your field, rather than step on somebody's toes right out of the gate.
Even though it may be too late to make radical changes by the time it rolls around, check out Sakura-Con (which I would guess you already attend/ have attended). Make definite plans to go again this year. When there, look at it as a fan, but also more importantly as an example. They are successful, so they are doing a lot of stuff the right way. You aren't going to be able to pull off everything that they do in your first year, but see what they do that you (and others) really like and try to put your local/Oregon spin to it. Also make sure to attend Emerald City Comic Con, and probably the Portland Comic Book Shows as well, as they'll likely have some folks that you'll want to meet and talk to. I'm sure there are some Portland Anime Cons, but I know not of their existence. Attend any of those that you can as well.
If you can get down to WonderCon (comic-con.org) you may be able to meet a few vendors/artists, but it may be too late for you to make plans to get there. I haven't been to WonderCon myself, but I know San Diego Comic Con gets quite a lot of Anime folk, so I'd guess they get some, if not a lot, into San Fran.
Remember that for your first year and even your first few years, it's better to do a few things really well all in one day, rather than a packed weekend that is helter skelter and held together with spit and chewing gum... Focus on a specific guest or two and a few events and pull them off really well and then as the con grows, add more.
Try getting in touch with some of the folks that run Sakura-Con and the other big cons (Anime, Comic, even literary might help) in the area and tell them who you are, what you're doing and ask for advice. If you can get in touch with Jerry or Mike (Or maybe Robert?) and ask advice from their PAX-spective, it'll all only help you... They all had to start Con-ing somewhere and can maybe save you from a pitfall or two.
Hope that helps a little and good luck!