1) My external HD, an i/o Magic 250gb, recently started making noise. When I plug it in, I can access it and look at the folders, but if I try to copy something for example, it will start clicking. I hear this is bad.
-Can I get my data? Should I try to put the HD directly in a PC tower?
-Where are the hot deals on external HDs? Best I've seen so far is $65 for 160gb no-name brand or for $95 I can get 500gb from Maxtor.
2) My main computer right now is a Sony VAIO PCV-W20. Basically it's one unit, that includes the monitor, hd/processor/etc, speakers, and keyboard. Because of this questionable design for a desktop, there is only room for 1 HD. I happen to have an old (read: designed for Windows 2000) PC that I got for free from an old job. 256 ram, 9gig HD, you get the idea. Since my external HD is likely crapping out, I'm looking for ways to expand my storage abilities, as this is my main media viewing device.
-How do I know whether I could import the components from my VAIO to my antique tower? If I did this, I imagine I couldn't keep the VAIO monitor without some pretty involved engineering.
Thanks in advance. More questions to follow as I think of them.
Don't use it until you have a drive that you can copy everything to. The HD is in it's death throes: it might still be usable for a little while, but not much longer.
Not really sure about your other questions.
Any idea what the cause of the problem might be, or if it's worth taking the thing apart and looking at it?
For Christ's sakes, do not take a screwdriver to a hard drive! The problem is with the internals: ie. the stuff that has to be created in a perfectly sterile environment. As soon as you open it up, you are going to kill it.
Just get a new one and replace it.