"The protagonist is corporate nobody Buddy Blank, who is changed by a satellite called Brother Eye into the super-powered OMAC (One Man Army Corps). Enlisted by the Global Peace Agency, who police the world using pacifist means, OMAC battles the forces of conformity in this short-lived but legendary series that serves as a companion to the JACK KIRBY'S FOURTH WORLD OMNIBUS series."
So I have always wanted to read this series, but
individual issues are rather pricey. I really enjoy what I have read of Kirby's stuff, and this looks crazy and awesome. There was a an excerpt that popped on scans_daily a few weeks ago, which can be seen
here. It is a crazy thing with Kirby insanity in a setting that seems inspired by 1984 and where he thought society was headed or something.
It turns out that DC is publishing a hard cover collecting the 8 issues of OMAC!
I've found it on Amazon.
Has anyone actually read this?
Comics Should be Good loves the shit out of it.
Has anyone read the John Byrne mini-series?
Fucking crazy box women!
Also, the Byrne miniseries is some of the best work of his career. Top notch art (with duotone) and a good story.
I guess John Byrne did a miniseries and Paul Pope did a short in his issue of SOLO. I'll probably track those down some day, but I am worried about John Byrne's OMAC. There are maybe a half a dozen people I want near OMAC, and he is not in that list. Not at all. Grant Morrison and Cam Stewart, Rick Remender and any of the Fear Agent guys-- especially Opena, Matt Fraction and Stuart Immonen, Manhake and Pascal Ferry, Paul Pope, Mike Hawthorne... OK, maybe it more than six.
from comics should be good
Interesting! I'm going to have to check that out.
And I picked up the OMAC HC myself a while back. It's great stuff, and I'm thrilled to see a thread about it. What's interesting is how you can strip away the Kirby bombast and it's actually a not-completely-embarrassing look into the near future from the 1970s.