Hey. I made a thread awhile ago about this game. I still want to do it I just don't have time at present. Regardless, I still want to the discuss the game with the those who own the Rulebook(s) and stoke up interest on a Chronicle. If all goes well, I should be able to run a campaign in a month or so. This should give everyone who has the books time to brush up on it all, as well as for new people to acquire the rules and pour over them.
So first things first:
1. What
is Changeling: The Lost?
Changeling is a new World of Darkness story-telling game of Beautiful Madness, in the same universe as Vampire, Werewolf, and Mage. The World of Darkness is a pretty shitty place to live. Shadows are darker, the world is a worse off, vice and crime are rampant, violence and corruption everywhere, people are just a little bit more angry, a little bit more depressed- and there's fucking monsters prowling (mostly) unnoticed through the herd of human sheep. In Changeling, players take on the role of a human being who has been abducted by inhuman beings into a nightmare world of magic and madness. Those that escape, find themselves irrevocably changed (both psychically and mentally) by the nature of their stay. The game boasts an excellent theme and atmosphere in the vein of "fucked up fairy-tale." Anyone who saw Pan's Labyrinth knows what I mean.
2. What the shit?! Fairy-tales are for small-children and pussies.
Both fairy-tales and the fairies that inhabit them have been watered down in our times. They're cutesey and happy and nice. But once, not too long ago, people not only believed in fairies, but feared their powers and inscrutable ways. Fairy-tales weren't told to entertain children so much as terrorize them into behavior preferred by their parents and society. "If you don't go to bed on time, the Boogey Man will steal you away." "You shouldn't wander off into the woods, lest the spirits take you away and lock you inside a tree forever." "Don't go near the broken down bridge, there's a troll living down there" Well let's bring back the fucking terrorizing!
3. Sounds neat, how does
Changeling fit into the supernatural spectrum of the WoD?
All human-beings dream, it is a natural part of the human existence. In dreams, literally anything is possible- One might find that they can fly, or have a conversation with John Kennedy (replete with exploded cranium) on the state of socio-political affairs in Washington, strange creatures might populate the landscape, hell you might even be able to bang a dream-version of Scarlett Johansen!
But there's a dark side to dreams... nightmares. In a dream-world where anything is possible, sometimes the fantasy can turn into horror. A human in the grips of a nightmare can be subjected to both most horrific and bizarre experiences imaginable, (and some unimaginable.)
Burning alive, being devoured by monsters, made the obscene toy of a monstrous hag, falling through window after window of plate glass and being sliced to pieces. Luckily of course, nightmares can't hurt us. We might wake up in a cold sweat and screaming, but when you get right down to it, no matter how terrifying, our nightmares aren't real, right? Probably not, but in the World of Darkness however, such horrors can be given form. How can this be so?
There are other realms then our own, as Mages can well attest. In some of these places, things
exist. One of these realms is Arcadia, domain of the Fae. Whether this is the supernal realm of Arcadia that Mages would be familiar with or not is unknown. What is known about Arcadia, or the land of Faerie as it is also known, is taken from those who have ventured there and escaped to tell the tale. These sources aren't entirely credible either, given that those who travel there and return are no longer entirely sane. Some contradict or make no sense at all. It may be possible that all the accounts are true and not true at the same time. The realm itself being a contradiction defying all rational explanation.
Some common accounts of Faerie are as a follows- Faerie is a land both incomprehensible beauty and horror, a land of pure magic and dreams (and nightmares), the land and denizens of Faerie are bound by an impossibly deep set of contracts and agreements, which shift and change as frequently as the land itself, it world where anything can occur, and the overlords of this domain are supremely powerful, if not omnipotent in their own realms. These are the Fae, or the Gentry as Changelings in their service have come to call them.
Completely inhuman and incomprehensible, the Fae are creatures of madness and unmitigated vice. They bar concrete definition and origin, and can take the guise of just about anything, from a beautiful (and cruel) ice-maiden, to a monstrous troll from under a bridge, to an anthropomorphic fox dressed as a english-gentleman on the hunt, replete with monocle and antique hunting rifle. In Changeling it is encouraged to model them after the creatures inhabiting the folk-tales of old- goblins, and bugbears, and red caps oh my!
The Fae do engage in some common activities, most important is their fascination with mortals- human beings are as incomprehensible to the Gentry as they are to us. The Fae steal humans back to their realms to serve a variety of roles- company, lovers, entertainers, food, playthings, and workers. Given that the Gentry lack any form of empathy with humanity, the Fae make up some of the worst "hosts" any could ask for. Those humans taken are little more than toys, with whom their captors will play out their every whim and desire, no matter how horrific and insane. They are to be used and discarded. Over time, these people who survive are warped by the madness and magic of the realm, becoming Changelings, and take on aspects of their keepers, or whatever function they were used for. There are those, however, that escape.........
4. Jesus you flap your maw alot. Ok so you laid the ground work, what's the deal with the Changelings themselves?
I know I talk too much! I'll try not to write too much more!
For those held captive in Faerie over time, the madness and magic of the realm shifts them over time into something other than human. They are human beings who have become infused with Glamour, the magical power that gives Arcadia and the Fae their power. Those Changelings that escape, find their bodies and minds warped by their stay. A Changeling's physical form now either resembles their keeper, or takes on the form of whatever their task or purpose was. The 5 "Seemings" as they are called, are made up of catch-all terms. Changeling characters can be pretty much anything.
The 5 Seemings are: Beasts, Fairest (of them all), Elementals, Darklings, Wizened, and Ogres. I may summarize these in another post for I fear I may have digressed too much already.
Luckily, despite whatever form a Changeling form might have (be it skin of flames, or a rack of antlers), no will notice because Changelings are protected by a bit of magic called the Mask. This way a Changeling can move about the realm of humanity relatively unnoticed.
Though the physical scars are obvious, the mental scars of one's Durance may be worse. Pretty much all Changelings have suppressed the more horrific memories of their durance. Most also suffer from Post-Traumatic-Stress Disorder. Derangements are common. In mundane situations, these events can be resolved and with time and therapy gotten past. For Changelings, the memories and the horrors they have seen will stay with them all their lives. Many of these memories are buried at first, but certain stimulus may bring them screaming to the surface. Dropping a glass and breaking it, may cause of a flood of memories streaming back about the time that a Changeling did the same with his Keepers favorite goblet, and was forced to scrub floors of broken glass as punishment. Or a flame elemental lighting a cnadle may recall being used for a similar purpose, being forced to burn excruciatingly for hours on end inside a gigantic oil-lamp.
Recalling such instances would be horrific enough if it weren't for the fact that sometimes these visions intrude on reality. This is what is known as "Clarity." While humans have Morality, Vampires struggles to hold onto the last shreds of their Humanity, and Werewolves need to maintain a balance of Harmony between their human and spirit sides, Changelings must constantly battle to make sure that what they see around them is truly real, and not some horrible hallucination.
Changelings do have power though. Their relationship with Glamour ensures it. Changelings have access to "Contracts" which function their spells and disciplines. This magic is often very subtle- a Changeling mightn't have access to an "Obfuscate" spell as a Vampire does, but does have access to a Contract that can remove all traces of his passing. Or instead of creating shadows to hide him perhaps, he has one which draws the existing shadows of an area to him like a cloak.
Many contracts also have a Catch and/or a Drawback. A drawback is obvious, the Contract of Fair Opening will allow you to open any door, however the next time someone tries to break into your property they will be able to do so regardless of the measures taken against such a thing as locks and alarms. A catch allows the Contract to be cast without spending the requisite Glamour to do so. So a Contract that allows a Changeling to change her body may require eating a caterpillar's cocoon to invoke the catch.
In order to fuel their magical powers, Changelings need to harvest more Glamour. Changeling's are sort of like vampires that draw nourishment from the emotions of human beings. Fae beings don't count. So a hot club-girl Fairest might inspire desire and lust in the men (and women) around her and lose themselves to the rush and sensation of their raw emotions. Glamour is an incredibly addictive drug, and depending on the emotion harvested, and the amount taken in, a Changeling can actually enter a state resembling a drug trip. For example that club girl might go into an ecstasy trance. Glamour always tastes/feels great. As time goes on, Changelings become addicted to it, and as the Changeling's Wyrd level (like a Vampires Blood Potency or a Mage's Gnosis) rises, the Changeling becomes more Fae. Her vices, passions, and emotions increase in intensity. This makes many older, more powerful Changelings more like the Keepers they once escaped- and more noticeable to Fae beings in the real world and the Hedge.
Changeling's are also affected by pacts. By forging these pacts, Changelings can become mighty- but woe to those who break their word! They are also affected by various frailties, bans and taboos. A Changeling with a body of stained-glass might feel pain at the sound of breaking glass. An Antiquarian Darkling may be forced to collate the pages of any kind of report or book into order should they be dropped- be it 5 pages or 5000. Finally of great danger and use to Changelings is the supernatural bane of Fae kind- iron.
Changelings that have escape often find themselves in a world they no longer entirely recognize. Trying to recognize and balance one's fae and human sides is quite difficult. Then there are the dangers of the Fae and their agents still at work in the world. Luckily enough Changelings have often developed societies and Courts in areas with easy access to the Hedge (the barrier between our world and Arcadia, Changelings can travel the Hedge for a variety of reasons, but there are dangers) and most Changelings reside in the same area where the Hedge spat them out, bruised and broken after their escape. I can go morei nto this stuff later though.
5. Despite the fact that you ramble on like a giggly idiot schoolgirl, this game sounds pretty cool. Where can I buy the books, sign up for a game, and find out more?
- here is the link to the mainsite on White Wolf:
Here is the Wikipedia link, there isn't much there though unfortunately:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changeling_The_LostIn terms of purchasing the books and supplements, here's a guide of what's been released and what would be useful (remember you only need the core book to play, the rest is nice but not totally necessary):
1. Changeling: The Lost - The core rulebook is a no brainer.
2. Autumn Nightmares - An antagonist guide, or "bad guy" book if you will. This book contains some fascinating info documenting all the different theories about the Gentry. This is a great read but isn't a necessary purchase, especially if you want to hear about this stuff in game.
3. Winter Masques - A guide to the various Seemings, including new Kiths, sample Durances, and some contracts. This is a good buy as it functions as a character guide. Highly recommended to new players.
4. Rites of Spring - Just released, this book goes more into the systems of Changeling magic. Exposition on contracts (including new ones), Clarity, the Mask, and other info is presented. A lot of this is quite useful (especially Clarity) and is a pretty good buy.
I may post requisite "must have" info to my players as I see fit. I know not everyone has tons of cash to throw down.
Well, that's it for now. I may post some more stuff later. For now feel free to ask questions or just bullshit about the game. If interested, go about tracking the book down. You may ask questions here as well and I will answer them as best I can. I will be (hopefully) ready to start a game within a month's time or so.
We have 5 players who are interested + Tentative character concepts. This will be it for now unless someone drops out or draws my unthinking wrath.
1. Rainfall- Draconic Fairest hottie
2. Abysmal_Lynx - Monochrome "Father knows best" sit-com guy
3. Psychojester- sociopathic Darkling blackmailing his Fetch
4. cj_iwakura (?) - Wizened?
5. Hayasa- Jockey Wizened soldier
Nice. You still want to use the monochrome guy? Or change him up a bit? Which books do you have and what if anything are you unsure about? I have some rough ideas about the Chronicle and the city as well so ask away.
Lynx what kind of game would you like to play? What sort of antagonists intrigue you? What do you think is scary?
I really think if you've got the cash you should splurge for Winter Masques. From what you've told me it solves your problems quite elegantly.
Winter Masques and Rites of Spring are... *swoons*
Winter Masques is fantastic for character creation, with a bunch of new kiths and some information on Faerie, and Rites of Spring has AMAZING Changeling-specific Merits and a bunch of new Contracts, as well as having the best writing of any RPG book I've seen to date. (the pre-chapter stories and the little bits and the parts on the Mask and the oh god oh god it's so amazing)
I swear, it's the best money you'll ever spend.
Rain what do you think is the best way to simulate Clarity loss and whatnot? I'll likely ask for Durance dream-imagery from every player and intersplice it into the events of play.
For Changeling books I only have the first one, although I do plan to pick up more soon.
Game play wise, I would like to involve John's fetch and family. I've never gotten the chance to play Changeling before so I really don't know what I want to do; anything you come up with will be fine.
As for what I fear, I'm not a big fan of clowns.
Depends on how you're doing it. I love the bits that describe how the fae world creeps into your view of the real world as you lose Clarity. Call for spot checks, make shadows move, lights dance, trees speak... instill a sense of paranoia in the player as they can't tell what's real or what's not.
As they start dropping perilously low to the bottom of the scale(when you're talking clarity 3 and below) have them start wandering into the hedge by accident. Except they don't think it's the hedge, and they think the real world is the hedge, and the Hobgoblins there are their friends...
Force them to focus, to pay attention, spend willpower to keep focused. The loss of Clarity is potent. Make the best use of it as possible.
Excellent, I bought the Fairie Encyclopedia at work (B n N) but I left it there!
I'm still up for it, people just stopped posting. I need a little more time for research and to get my schedule down before we do this, but start thinking about your characters if you haven't already.
What do you think of RoS? Make sure you go over the clarity and glamour sections.
Also, Goblin Pledges are completely awesome.
I'm prolly going to go through RoS again and see which optional rules I like, I'll post them up to see what you guys think.
And yes, start thinking about how Clarity will affect you, also start coming up with dream imagery for your Durance as well.
Have all the Changeling: The Lost books so far.
Excellent, yes the weekends are looking better for me. I just gotta get my shit together. In the mean time, tell me what sort of character you want, and what kind of game you want to play cerebral, martial, RP heavy, RP light?
Right now I'm thinking of a Draconic Fairest who goes by the name of Damsel(not so much in distress, these days)
Right now I'm thinking of a jockey taken to be a cavalryman in some bastard's army, coming out at the end of it a Wizened Soldier. He'd have a carrion crow Hedge Beast Companion that lucked out in escaping because it had taken to following the Soldier as many things died around him. Possibly a Fae Mount (from RoS) as well. Since his return, he's run an illegal book on local races.
That's today's thought though, I'll have another idea tomorrow.
Excellent excellent! Ok it looks like we have 5 people who're interested. I'll update the first post. The faster you guys get me sheets the faster I can start drawing up an overall narrative and hooks for your characters.
EDIT: OP updated with tentative players