Don't tell anyone I sold out. Again.
Cho'gall! <Shambler Milk> is the place to come if you like SE++ers and
Lover's Meat.
Updated perhaps
The current guild list looks something like this:
Neville - Nevga - Blurst Gay who never plays
Kyira - Volyu's friend - The Other Other Rogue (tm)
Krythlynn is Preachermeat in "I am putting you in the headline here"
Ruer - Mintaka - Moocow Tankatron
Aslan - Pysek - Mageymage
Futility - Shekhina - Pew Pew Hunter
Crosspunisher - Snowylocks - Stabby Rogue
Sotar is Sotar in SOTAR STRIKES BACK the Mage
Manifest - Manif - Belfadin
Dumb Hero - Menses - Belf Mage
Druhim - Druhim - belf lock
Lord Dave - Mirren - Belf Mage
EclipsedPlanet - Montina - Belfadin
Stale - angrycripple - belf priest
Belruen - Belruen - BE priest
Belruen's boyfriend - Allocer - BE warlock
Manif's boyfriend - Syarra - Belf Rogue
Manif's other boyfriend Crysia - Belf Priest
Javen - Javen - Belf Rogue
(=3 - Belacqua - BE Hunter
Callius - Nnyyaagghh - Undead Warrior
Hoodie - Avataar - Belf Hunter
Hunter - Millicent - Belf Lock
Little Jim - Jimrish - Shamans
Meissnerd - Trollosaurus - Shoeless Troll Warrior
Monsterror - Domiren - Undead Mace Rogue
Volucrisus Aedrius - Volyu - Orc Warrior
Volucrisus Aedrius - Tumblingdice - Tauren Shamans
ness445 - Nass - that orc warrior who is in half the OP screenshots
- Coeur - Tauren Druid
tsplitter - rapsnacks - tauren shaman
Druhim - Vindaloo - tauren druid
Fandyien - Fandyien - Belf Priest
Shambler Milk progress report!
25 mans are easy
Kara is easy too
The gallery is for loading and unloading of T4 only
Sexy power ranger gloves
More like Prince Puss
God we're pretty
Alright, done with that, now what? 20-mans!
hey don't touch the
I guess this guy was a god or something I don't know he's dead now
Also this
Now is the time on Shambler Milk for having the gay dance parties
what's that all about huh!!!!
3DS: 5241-1953-7031
gosh dely
I will but I won't be able to get on until like 8 server.
Also, I found these old ass pictures in my photobucket from launch when I had a GM ticket open for some reason. They are moderately humorous.
Man, what the fuck?
That is all. Thank you.
i think Avenger's Shield still avoids CC'd mobs
This would bug me since thats a really nice change, but it's not as if we aren't all painfully used to watching AOE stuff around CC. Painfully.
I just checked the patch note; this is true.
Let me show you my brain damage.
let me show you it
Alternatively: I am critically stupid.
Heroic Shattered Halls.
you're sure about that? I haven't checked the patch notes very recently
According to the patch notes posted over at WoWHead. It was updated today so I'm assuming they got their info of the patcher. They haven't posted them at the main WoW site yet though.
new bow or new chest?
new bow or new chest?
the bow is supposed to be super awesome and I can probably wait for the chest... but my current one is leather.
I need 250 badges for both and I currently have 176
decisions decisions
I would probably go with bow. I think kael'thas drops a good chest for you.
Edit: Found the chest.
When does Darkmoon Faire come back, and is this worth keeping for my ret paladin or rogue?
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
I need to make my shoulders within the next couple of days. If anyone has:
Primal Life/Water
A Primal Mooncloth cooldown they want to sell/trade me
Please, please, send me it COD or send me a tell or whatever. I'll give you kisses and gold and kisses.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
It looks stupid, its a damn xbow.. and its so good. I think im refusing to buy it on principle
also futility you will have a bit of time to decide or probably get the last of the badges you need since the badge loot is released as more of the island is opened. It isn't going to be available today.
I'm not on lately due to a complication in the bank account my WoW payments come from.
The kael chests are good... but the badge one is better. It's a hair worse than whatever comes from BT.
Also those two pieces and a little more haste will get me to a 1:1 steady shot:arcane shot apparently.
go go haste!
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.