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(Lets Play) Crysis! (Godhand Update!)

MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman,so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
edited November 2008 in Games and Technology



So, what's this Crysis thing all about then?

Crysis was an incredibly hyped game that required a total beast of a machine to run properly.

The spiritual successor to Farcry, you play a special forces operative in the American military sent into an island somewhere in the south china sea to rescue some scientists from the Korean Army. Also it seems the scientists found something....mysteeeeerious on the island, which is the reason the koreans are there.

I'm really bad at interesting plot synopsis, so we'll just leave it at that. The first video has the ingame briefing which is all your character knows anyway.

The stuff in spoilers is the rest of the original op. Since only one person participated, this idea is on the backburner for now. Hopefully more interest will perk up a few updates down the line.

You don't need to read this really, only if you are curious. It's pretty long.

First up, why is this called Choose Your Own Adventure: Let's Play, and why did you shout at people up there?

Answer: Because I said so, and I like shouting.


Do you wish to argue with me small fleshy creature?

Actually no, it's because I plan to run this one a little differently to your average Let's Play. The reason I want to do this Let's Play when the game is so new is because I saw the potential for a different kind of Let's Play and got inspired.

Hereforth begins the long ass wall of text I'm trying my best to edit into readable chunks but you need to read anyway.

One of the best reasons to play Crysis is the flexibility of it's gameplay. You are given objectives to acheive, and there are multiple paths to acheive those objectives. You can choose to rampage in guns blazing throwing shit everywhere and throwing people at other people and snapping necks....or you can be all sneaky like, stealthing through the bushes, sniping peoples heads with silences rifles, cunningly wittling down their ranks until it's safer to acheive the objective.

You also have a "nanosuit" which gives you the following abilities: Super speed, Super strength, which increases jumping, punching, lifting and recoil compensation for weapons, the default armor mode which is basically regenerating armor, and cloaking predator styles. The suit also regens health for you.
You are a walking super dude.

I demonstrate most of these abilities in the first update.

I also showed you what happens if the wrong ability is used...check the combat with the "speed" mode, and watch my health bar.

Knowing my capabilities is important if you wish to command me properly.

Wait....what was that? Command you? But this is just a Let's Play isn't it? We just passively watch you kicking ass?

Not exactly. This Let's Play is actually all about you. Well, a select few of you anyway...


I am going to request that a few people put their hands up to be Commanders. I would like the Commanders to be people who have not played the game before but would have liked to, either because their rig can't handle it, or it passed them by or they no longer have time to sit down and play the entire game or whatever other reason. They also need to post frequently, and be willing to make decisions and most importantly, get into the spirit of it.

At this point, I'm looking at 3 Commanders.

If more than this want to do it, the choice will be simple: Whoever seems to me to be getting most into the spirit of the thing will be chosen. "I think you should kill them all using whatever means you see fit. Can I be Commander now?" will not cut the mustard.

So if you want to be a commander, analyse the first scenario and write up an order. The best 3 orders will be chosen by me, because this is my thread. Also see second picture.

If I get an overwhelming number of people who want to be Commanders, I may go "what the hey" and choose 5. However, for the big later scenarios, expect updates to be a lot further apart.

This sounds complicated? How can you possibly make this work smart guy? Your Ubers have no power here!

How I will make this work or die trying with my amazing multipart plan!

1. The usual stuff:

During the parts of the game where I don't believe there is enough choices or interesting paths to choose, I will simply update as a normal Lets Play. This will involve screenshots and occasional videos of interesting situations.

2. Scenarios!

However, the game is setup so that there are regular large encounters, or scenarios, where you need to acheive an objective in an open manner, using whichever tools or style of play you wish to. The first update stops at the first scenario, which is incredibly tiny and only of use as a Commander initiation.

When I get to these points, I will then post up a Situation Report: This will basically consist of a screenshot of the current map with all the guys I can find without going too deep into enemy territory binoculared, and some relevant shots of the situation, including possible options and paths I can approach the objective. I will also detail my current armoury.
All this will usually be a video + screenshots, but for some getting appropriate intel requires a lot of boring cloaking and watching patrols so I'll probably just skip that shit and post only screens.

It is then up to the Commanders to come up with what they think is the best path to the objective, through discussion with other Commanders, people reading the thread, etc etc. Take into account my capabilities since you will through the course of the game see how good I am at shooting, unexpected situations, etc. Best to keep in mind, I'm very creative and flexible, but I'm no CS god when it comes to shooting. Best not to rely on godlike reflexes for me to get through your Order.

Each commander must create an order and give it to me by the deadline. It must be the best order they can think of. I will then carry it out, recording how well I did at the end, how many times I died, etc. I'll also score the order.

You can give me any order you want, as specific as you want. I don't care, if it's the order that I'm given, I will attempt it.

Score? Wait a minute you mean we get e-peen rights if our Order wins?

Yup. You even get some points to add to a score talley at the bottom of the OP.

This Let's Play is actually a competition between Commanders to give me the best orders.

Oooh that makes me hard in my lower region. Ok, how do you plan to score it?

I'm probably going to do it based on efficiency, how hard it was to carry out, how much ammo I have left at the end, if I died (and how often) and also in comparison to the execution of the other orders.

If I die because I have been put in a situation via bad orders that are beyond my capabilities to handle, a death due to this will result in a hefty penalty to that Commanders score for that scenario, and probably result in them losing first place. So try not to get me killed.

Well thought out plans with multiple backups if things go tops turvey will be rewarded.

Simplistic plans that go wrong with no backup and then I have to think my way out of it will not get a good score.

Scoring wont be timed. I don't want to discourage use of cloak mode to get into position.

Nevertheless, cloak mode will have a negative penalty attached to it during combat. If I end up in a situation where the only way to survive is to abuse it, that will detract from the Commanders score.

When I update a scenario, I will first put up the ranking of the Orders, 1st to last, and dole out points.

Only the winners video will be posted.
Basically you win braggin rights and win a contribution to the unfolding story. Your points also increase more than the other Commanders, so you can feel smug.

Second and third place will probably not be posted, just described, as my upload speed is pretty stupidly slow.

If the commanders whose order did not win want to know why in more detail, I will post some screengrabs from the saved videos showing what went wrong. I'm probably not going to post the whole video though.

How often do you plan to update?

I'm looking at one update a week for big scenarios, although I will update screenies with travel time and mini videos more regularly once a Scenario is accomplished.

Near the end of the available Scenarios, updates will be probably be two weeks apart, and there will be two or three in a row. There are one or two massive scenario in particular I fully expect to take a month or so to get through, because I want to milk them for all it's worth.

This is going to be a very long Let's Play!

I have uni at the moment, so during heavy scenarios I'm looking at posting up a Sit Rep at the end of the Weekend. This gives you a week to think up the best orders, ask for more information which I'm happy to give on weeknights. I'll then work on the scenario videos at the start of my weekend and post up the results prolly halfway through my weekend, then do the travel time update and by the end of the weekend the next Sit Rep.

Important! I'm in Sydney. My times are different to yours. It's for this reason I'm alloting such a big window between updates, as I need to see questions, respond to them in the wee hours of your morning which is my prime time, and so on.
The cool thing though, is that posting at the end of my weekend means you guys get all Sunday to think about it and ask questions. So keep in mind the time difference. Sydney is GMT +10.

This sounds neat! I'm in! Is there anything else I need to know?

Actually yes. There's a lot of stuff I've written up but decided not to put in because it would burden the op too much. So I'm putting it in a spoiler tag. Please read the spoiler tag before you ask questions.

Also included is Subedii's awesome guide to weapons:
Extra Information:

Re dying due to orders:

If I die because I threw a grenade into the wall or accidentally ran around the corner into a couple of shotgunners and completely forgot how to aim, this wont count against the Commander, as I am a fair man. Basically if I fuck up then yeah, that's my fault. Also accidents wont count.

If however, I am told to say, drive a truck straight into the middle of ten men with a helicopter flying above and try to run as many over as possible, then jump out and pummel them to death with my bare hands in strength mode, and die doing this, well, that's a pretty stupid order. It might be possible, but it's unlikely. The videos will clearly demonstrate how well I can fight, so take this into account.

Information for Commanders about non Scenario updates:

How I play in the non Scenario updates is not going to give Commanders any hints as to the types of Orders I will score highly. A good example is cloak. I use it a lot mid combat, but I've assigned a scoring penalty to commanders who tell me to do this during combat. The rules are different, because this Let's Play is a forum game about playing a first person shooter game. It's practically Zen with bullets.

The idea is that the Commanders really analyse the scenarios and try to think of the best possible way to acheive it just as if they were playing the game themselves, only relying on MY skills and my capabilities instead, as well as ingame environment and the suits powers. I hope to give you guys really clear info on where every soldier is, but because I want you to have to take the unknown into account, I'm deliberately not going to binocular ones you normally wouldn't see on your first playthrough without going seriously out of your way. Feel free to tell me to kill x dude, or go sniper here then run to here then etc etc.

Or you can just tell me to keel in this general direction using this general strategy, with a backup if things go wrong, and I will carry that out. You can be as thorough or loose as you like. It's your competition.
If you are too thorough though, I will carry out that order to the letter. Even if that means multiple deaths because you told me to specifically go left and somehow survive when the situation "on the ground" has changed. A combination of flexibility and guidance will mark the best orders.

However, if you really decide you believe in me, for whatever reason, tell me to do whatever whacky thing you like. Just be prepared for the consequences if it turns out I can't. I will give a bonus to a commander who works me out better than I know myself, and gets me to do something I think I can't do. That order will get first place points regardless of wether it comes first or not. So I will reward calculated risk. I don't expect this in the first scenario, but by the end of this little game a good commander should know his own soldier, don't you think? Plus someone behind can use it to get ahead. It is however just an option. And if you don't know me as well as you think well....

And now introducing Subedii's in-depth guide to instruments of destruction*
*Not the song from the popular 1986 Transformers movie

Suit Modes and combat:

- Armour Mode: Useful in battle, but don't depend on it against the odds. Realistically you can only take a few shots without armour mode, armour mode with full energy roughly doubles this amount, but it's still not that much if you're standing exposed and taking fire. It's the default suit mode, drains energy every time you take damage. Can also help negate some falling damage.

- Strength Mode: very effectively reduces recoil to a minimum, however, firing off a rapid succession of shots (about a little less than a clip usually) can quickly drain your suit power. Also increases melee attack strength, and allows you to bust into huts (see Destructible Housing).

- Speed Mode: Running into a person / persons with speed mode will knock them over, and they'll take a good four or five seconds to pick themselves back up. Typically enough time to do whatever you want to them. Or you can just wait for them to get back up and then grab them. (ML: You can also run faster than the enemy can track you if you do it close by them. They spin around trying to track you and sometimes over shoot and have to spin back again, giving you valuable time. It's pretty funny. Oh yeah and you cross like 100 meters in about 1-2 seconds.)

- Cloak Mode:Makes you pretty much invisible and muffles your footsteps as well. Guards will only see you from maybe 1-2 feet away if you're right in front of them. Drains energy fairly slowly whilst standing still. Drains energy quickly if you're moving. Fun fact: If you cloak right in front of a guard he'll completely lose it and start firing randomly everywhere screaming trying to hit you. Not much use but it's funny to see. :mrgreen:


- Weapon accuracy: Affected by movement, weapon fire mode (automatic / single), weapons sight used, strength mode, and stance. Single shot firing with strength mode from the prone position using a sniper scope is a lot more accurate than running in firing on full auto.

- Weapon Sights: reduces you to walking speed. There are different types of weapon sights useful for different situations. By default, all weapons can be "aimed" using their native ironsights if no attachment is used.

- Headshots: One-hit kill with any weapon. The only time this doesn't work is if the guy is wearing a helmet, at which point it usually gets shot off and the guard survives.

- Bodyshots: Soldiers take maybe 2-4 shots with an un-silenced weapon, although this can vary more than that depending on how well armoured the guard is.

- Melee Attack: All weapons (or your bare hands) can be used for a melee attack. Without strength mode it often takes 2-3 hits to take someone down. Strength mode typically makes this a one-hit-kill. Largely silent (assuming the guy hasn't noticed you) if you one-shot them.

- Grand Theft Crysis: Vehicles can be commandeered if nobody (living) is in them, and if they have mounted weapons you can use them. I might add in descriptions of vehicles if they end up getting used or run into.

- Budget housing: Most of the shacks and huts on the island can be broken apart. If it's not made of concrete or solid metal (most of the houses are sheet metal) then you can bust them to bits. Explosives will destroy walls and whole houses. You can also use strength mode and bust through a wall, or even a ceiling. Most trees can also be cut down by standard weapons fire, and although it's close to impossible to predict where it might land, it means that unless it's a big thick tree it won't last as cover for long. Likewise a destructible house can easily have a whole wall blown off by an enemy grenade, so sometimes that cover won't last either.

- Centre of Attention: Making noise will obviously attract attention. How far away it'll attract attention from depends on how loud the noise is. Bumping into a barrel and knocking it over will attract people from close by (like the next room over). An explosion can potentially alert the entire base and have loads of people running to where it came from to check out what's happening.

- Grabbing, or: You can punch people, IN THE FACE!: When you get right up close to a guard, you have the option to grab them by the throat. This is largely silent, but sometimes guards close by will notice (depending on how close they are). They act as a bodyshield whilst they're still alive, guards will be a lot more reluctant and slower to shoot you (once they're dead this won't work and the body gets tossed away). You can punch them in the face whilst holding them, or alternatively quickly deliver a blow to the neck and toss them away. Anyone in the way of a thrown guard (or typically thrown anything ) gets knocked over, and usually killed if you throw with Strength mode.You can still fire your assault rifle or pistol whilst holding someone infront of you, but you can't aim it ( an attached LAM can help alleviate this somewhat). Important quotes to remember for these grabbing occasions include:
- "Why are you hitting yourself?"
- "No hard feelings!"


You can swap any of your available attachments on the fly.

- Silencers: Attaching a Silencer to a weapon drastically reduces the amount of noise it makes. Without one you can usually be heard and pinpointed from a long way off on standard rifles. With one attached they're only really likely to hear you from about 5-10 feet, if that.

The trade off for this however is that a silencer drastically reduces a weapons effectiveness, to about maybe 1/2 to 1/3 of its original stopping power, so you need to pump a lot more ammo into someone to kill them. This does not affect headshots, those are still 1-hit kills.

- Flashlights: Pistols and rifles have attachable flashlights. Can help you see in the dark, but can also alert guards to your presence.

- Laser Aiming modules: Allows you to aim quite effectively without having to use the weapon sights. The spectrum is invisible to anyone other than the suit wearer*, so soldiers won't be alerted by it, even if you're shining it in their face.

- Tactical Attachment: Fires tranquilliser darts. Instantly and silently drops a guard irrespective of where they're hit, but if others are nearby they'll probably notice. The effect lasts for a couple of minutes. Ammo is infinite but it takes maybe 10-20 seconds to re-charge between shots (never bothered to count), enough that you wouldn't want to use it in an actual combat situation. If they wake up, expect them to try and raise the alarm.

- Reflex Sight: Replaces the standard "iron sights" on a weapon. Makes it easier to use for mid-range aiming. Long range aiming would be very difficult.

* CZroe suggested that and it's the only explanation I can think of that can explain why the guards don't pay attention to it. Still flawed, but whatever.

1x SOCOM Pistol with:
- Attachable Laser Aiming Module (LAM)
- Attachable Flashlight
- Attachable Silencer

Can be set to single or double-shot mode. Moderately effective short range weapon, can be easier to use out to mid-range with the laser attached. Can be dual wielded to make it double effective (there are enough attachments for both pistols). You cannot use the weapon sights whilst dual wielding, which makes the LAM's all the more important for this. Reduced accuracy when dual wielding means that it's usually used at short ranges.

1x SCAR assault Rifle with
- Attachable Reflex (red dot) sight
- Attachable Flashlight
- Attachable Silencer
- Attachable Tactical attachment (fires tranquilliser darts)

Your standard issue rifle. Can be set to single-shot, automatic, or attachment (if one is being used). Will probably be your staple along with the FY71, has the best stopping power and accuracy for a standard rifle. It's difficult, but possible to snipe to mid-long range with this weapon. I wouldn't advise that unless you've at least got a better weapons sight to attach to it, even then it's usually tricky to handle. As this weapon is not used by enemy soldiers in-game, additional ammo for it can be very rare.

1x FY71 Assault Rifle (newly obtained) with
- Attachable Reflex (red dot) sight
- Attachable Flashlight
- Attachable Silencer
- Attachable Tactical attachment (fires tranquilliser darts)

Slightly worse stopping power and accuracy than the SCAR, but not too much. Can be set to single-shot, automatic, or attachment (if one is being used). The main benefit is that this is the standard firearm that the enemy use and therefore you're not likely to run short of ammo for it. Even if you don't pick up discarded enemy rifles for ammo there's usually ammo around bases and wherever else soldiers are.

At times (and at first) things will move quite quickly. For example after the objective at the end of the first update is acheived, which is a testing ground for potential Commanders, I will head all the way around the entirety of the bay you see before asking for another order. This is just in the interest of finishing it before christmas. This scenario will also be pretty quick, as will the next couple, as I have played the game multiple times and am carefully choosing which situations to turn into scenarios.
The first really big scenario that will require multiple part videos to show a runthrough of will not be for a week or so probably.

I will tell you how long you have to give me orders each time I post the situation report.

If I encounter a decent sized group of dudes that isn't big enough for a proper scenario, I will just video that fight and stick it in the middle of the screenshot updates. Travel time to places and small groups will just be screenshotted.

Also if school starts to get on top of me I will probably have to shelve this for a while, in which case I apologise in advance. Rest assured though, I will finish it once the pressure is off, and pressure shouldn't start for quite a while yet.

Hopefully though, this will be fun, and interesting for all involved.

It has to be said, but the last third of the game is where this will end. After that point, I am planning to do a full video Let's Play to finish off the game, which will probably run through really quickly. Don't worry, I'll make it interesting.

If you have played the game before, please don't give obvious hints to Commanders. "That hut has x weapon in it!" You will be stoned to death by the others. Also I will be exceedingly sarcastic at you, and I'm a real bastard so don't press me.

Discussion about the current scenario will not take place in Spoiler tags. Spoiler tags will be reserved for discussion of things that occur AFTER the focus of the current situation report. This includes random shit like man the ending of this game was x because of y. Put that x and y in a spoiler you ass.

As always, seek mod approval before starting a Let's Play, just like I did.

If you have questions or suggestions about this Let's Play, post away. This is my first one and I'm not too crash hot on video encoding and such...took me a long time to get it all working so if anybody knows a better way to do it let me know.

(PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
Morninglord on


  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Reserved for Updates:

    I'll do post links to future updates as they happen. This one is a direct link cause it's a video. :)

    1. Crysis Intro

    2. Sit rep 1 is two posts down.

    3. Updated First Sitrep Order runthrough.

    Oboros Order

    Oboros Order Completed

    No more sit reps for a while, just normal updates.

    4. Mission 01 updated.

    My post with original link and discussing the video a bit: Clicky.

    Straight link to the video: From end of Oboro update to end of first level.

    This is an extra video showcasing a different approach to the hilltop base, and a funny thing that happened: Grenade Accident

    5. First half of mission 02 updated. Link is direct to post since it's screenies and video: Linkies

    6. Town assault updated: Shotgun Madness

    7. End of mission 2, including inability to shoot and grenade stupidity: A walk by the river

    8. First third of mission 3! Sneaky shenanigans showcased! Also: Rocket Sniping!

    9). Assault on that base and some smelly water. ?? Wtf?? Smelly water?

    10. Devil May Crysis update. Also some hut people.

    11). Exfiltration. I'm far too proud of that word.

    12). Mission 5. I have no witty title here, honest.Jeep Grenade!?!

    13). Rest of harbor mission

    14). Tankety tank tanks!

    15). Do not drive tanks at 12am.

    16). Sasha+Railgun+Cloak = Pineapple Smasher 2000 Stealth Combat Heavy

    17). This video is too long for a snappy all encompassing title really....

    18). Into the mine.

    19). Into the Cave

    20). Melee barn!? Wait what?

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • frrserfrrser __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2008
    wow, so detailed

    frrser on
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Situation Report 1

    First up, a video showing me casing the situation:

    Overview of the first situation

    I spotted three soldiers. One on the right near the hut, one that moves from the pier down towards the target jammer, and a third guy on the left who wanders up and down the beach.

    There's also two patrol boats out in the water.

    Note that the minimap is fuzzy, so even though I'm binocularing them, I cannot give you the area map until I take out that jammer.

    I will give this hint: If I go in guns blazing, they're not just an isolated patrol, they're part of an army, so they'll likely call in reinforcements. Try to keep this in mind.

    Those boats have machine guns on them. They hurt like hell.

    Here are some big pictures of the situation: You can see the miniradar more clearly in them. Red arrows are the enemy, squares are usually vehicles. It's fuzzy which is why these particular shots need to be huge this time.

    That's why I'm linking them rather than posting them in thread. Aren't I wonderful?

    Close up of Target:
    The little blue panel you can see on the side of the green thing is the access panel I need to switch it off. This is the scenario objective.

    Trees to left of hut

    Lots of cover here in the bushes. One of the guys patrols along the beach in front of it.

    Close up of hut.

    You can see the entrance. Could probably take cover in there?

    Bit more information on whats under the shed to the right of target.

    Looks like I could use boxes as cover? I might be exposed to anything that comes up the road on the right if they call for reinforcements though.

    Good picture of the hillside I'm on.

    I'd probably have to drop down under stealth to not be seen.

    General view of the area

    Shows that road I was talking about. That's where I have to go next. Not much cover on that road if I need to skeddaddle. No stealth if someone's shooting at me, remember?

    Take it into account.

    I want to wait at least 32 hours before asking for Orders.

    I have a big day out tomorrow (Going to a once a year Carnival/ Royal Show style thing :) ) and wont be able to check the forum till after that amount of time. So if you want to be a Commander, write me up an Order within that time limit. It's a tiny skirmish, I normally wouldn't use it as a Scenario except in this case. So it wouldn't really need to be long.

    The reason I'm not waiting for the weekend is Commanders need to make up their orders during the week, because I simply can't do the videos and update with my uni schedule. It's a good way to ensure I'll get regular posters as Commanders, and therefore finish before christmas. Sorry for those who feel left out. I can't think of any other way to do it. :(

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • randombattlerandombattle Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    The only thing I could ever suggest that anyone demands would be that every one of the small grabable floaters be killed with the neck choke. Because it is totally awesome looking.

    randombattle on
    I never asked for this!
  • BasilBasil Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Oh wow.

    Free boners for Morninglord, even though he's a medic. And will laugh at me.

    Basil on
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    While it doesn't go into details RB, that's kind of a spoiler. But yeah, the end of the game updates aren't gonna be all Mr Serious, trust me on this.

    Shit I can't believe I forgot to mention I'm doing this runthrough on Delta difficulty.

    That means no grenade ui detection, no crosshairs (iron sights only), they shoot really accurately and speak in korean. Also I can't see them on the radar if I haven't binoculared them unless they already suspect I'm there, and they dissapear when they give up.
    No permanent auto tracking when they get alerted.

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    It'd be really great if you also mentioned how many people you can see (at least through the binocs) and their positions in the sitrep, because that'd be a lot more helpful

    ie (soldier location spoilers, though I might be mis-misremembering)
    There are two boats patrolling near that area, the soldier you see in the pic, a soldier to the left of the hut, and most importantly, the soldier taking a piss next to the exploding barrel

    Spoit on
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Spoit wrote: »
    It'd be really great if you also mentioned how many people you can see (at least through the binocs) and their positions in the sitrep, because that'd be a lot more helpful

    ie (soldier location spoilers, though I might be mis-misremembering)
    There are two boats patrolling near that area, the soldier you see in the pic, a soldier to the left of the hut, and most importantly, the soldier taking a piss next to the exploding barrel

    The video update in the sit rep specifically binoculars everyone I can see. It's the most important information and needs to be watched. The screenshots are just for extra help. (I'll definitely be more specific for the later scenarios when I'm just posting screens, though I'll probably still do a short video after I've gotten everyone from some vantage point that pans over the whole area just so you guys can get a feel of the places)

    Regardless, I'll edit that in.

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Oh, ok then. I hadn't noticed the video.

    EDIT: and still can't find it. The link for where the video is supposed to be is just the close-up of the jammer again

    Spoit on
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Sorry bout that, faulty cut n paste. Had to do a lot for that post. :(
    It's fixed.

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • yalborapyalborap Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    This is an AWESOME idea.

    ...Also, since this is the only Crysis thread I can find...Might anyone know an alternative to Crysis for similar gameplay(open areas, shooting from the first person, possibly superpowers)? I'm a console gamer with a mac, so Crysis is definitely not happening.

    yalborap on
  • SilkyNumNutsSilkyNumNuts Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    This sounds awesome. My comp won't play it nicely, I'm guessing because it's vista 64 bit... So this is great.

    SilkyNumNuts on
  • YerMumYerMum Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Wow, this is an awesome idea :D

    YerMum on
    Rugged individualist
    Destiny Profile :
  • subediisubedii Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    This thread has some awesome potential. Since I've already played through a few times I'll refrain from giving any orders.

    Although can I suggest you play with the Natural mod? It just makes things look so much nicer for no real performance hit.

    An additional note for commanders that I think MorningLord missed out on which you may want to know.

    MorningLord's starting weapons are as follows:

    1x SOCOM Pistol with:
    - Attachable Laser Aiming Module (LAM)
    - Attachable Flashlight
    - Attachable Silencer

    Possible to pick up and dual wield two SOCOM's for additional firepower.

    1x SCAR assault Rifle with
    - Attachable Reflex (red dot) site
    - Attachable Flashlight
    - Attachable Silencer
    - Attachable Tactical attachment (fires tranquilliser darts)

    No grenades to begin with.

    The suit also comes with limited (battery time of maybe one or two minutes) Night Vision.

    All weapons can be modded on the fly. Red dot site can be used instead of the standard weapons sites.

    If MorningLord wants I can also give you a rough run-down on the weapon and attachment strengths / weaknesses (and other weapons he picks up as they become available).

    subedii on
  • subediisubedii Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    yalborap wrote: »
    This is an AWESOME idea.

    ...Also, since this is the only Crysis thread I can find...Might anyone know an alternative to Crysis for similar gameplay(open areas, shooting from the first person, possibly superpowers)? I'm a console gamer with a mac, so Crysis is definitely not happening.

    If your Mac has got a decent graphics card, Far Cry might be an option, since it's the spiritual pre-cursor to Crysis. You'd probably have to run it in bootcamp though.

    Can't really think of a console FPS that's as non-linear though. Were the console Far Cry games open-ended in their approach as well?

    subedii on
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    No to Natural Mod...for two reasons.

    1). Graphix shmafix, the videos aren't the best quality. Screenshots are all people have for pretties and they're in jpeg anyway, and really, the focus is on the gameplay here. Intertron just isn't up to that level of pretty.

    2). I'm running at 20-25 fps while recording, sometimes going down a bit....I need no more performance hits, at all.

    I'm sure if this inspires people to go buy it, they can get the mod.

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • yalborapyalborap Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    subedii wrote: »
    yalborap wrote: »
    This is an AWESOME idea.

    ...Also, since this is the only Crysis thread I can find...Might anyone know an alternative to Crysis for similar gameplay(open areas, shooting from the first person, possibly superpowers)? I'm a console gamer with a mac, so Crysis is definitely not happening.

    If your Mac has got a decent graphics card, Far Cry might be an option, since it's the spiritual pre-cursor to Crysis. You'd probably have to run it in bootcamp though.

    Can't really think of a console FPS that's as non-linear though. Were the console Far Cry games open-ended in their approach as well?

    Well, I don't need it to be a fully non-linear thing. I just want wide open combat areas. They can be accessed through ye olde levels for all I care, as long as I can tackle the actual combat in many different ways.

    yalborap on
  • JunpeiJunpei Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Great idea Morning, I'll have to play along just because this game is great fun.

    Junpei on
  • subediisubedii Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    No to Natural Mod...for two reasons.

    1). Graphix shmafix, the videos aren't the best quality. Screenshots are all people have for pretties and they're in jpeg anyway, and really, the focus is on the gameplay here. Intertron just isn't up to that level of pretty.

    2). I'm running at 20-25 fps while recording, sometimes going down a bit....I need no more performance hits, at all.

    I'm sure if this inspires people to go buy it, they can get the mod.

    Fair enough, but there genuinely isn't a real performance hit at all (if there even is one). And trust me, the difference in the colouring alone comes through, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed in your screenshots.

    Anyway, see my earlier post, I just edited in some stuff. You might want to explain the weapons to them, or if you want I can do that.

    subedii on
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Alright guys, probably my last post for like, 32+'s 10pm now and I'm going to a carnival all day tomorrow from 8am to like 10pm...

    I'll try to check out stuff, but realistically my next big response will be around 9-10am my Saturday morning. And it's thursday night now.

    So if you want in, cook up them orders and remember....once I get shot at, stealth = negative points. No relying on stealthing in front of people.

    It's fine to use to sneak up to the point where the first shot is fired though. The last two enemies before the intro ends are a perfect example of how I want you to Order me....sneak only up to kill the first guy, then non sneak powers after.

    Cloak is just too broken and will result in boring videos to watch.

    Feel free to tell me which powers you reckon I should use, eg speed run to here etc.

    I look forward to some interesting orders to run through on saturday!

    Glad you are looking forward to it as much as me.

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    subedii wrote: »
    No to Natural Mod...for two reasons.

    1). Graphix shmafix, the videos aren't the best quality. Screenshots are all people have for pretties and they're in jpeg anyway, and really, the focus is on the gameplay here. Intertron just isn't up to that level of pretty.

    2). I'm running at 20-25 fps while recording, sometimes going down a bit....I need no more performance hits, at all.

    I'm sure if this inspires people to go buy it, they can get the mod.

    ML, see my earlier post, I just edited in some stuff. You might want to explain the weapons to them, or if you want I can do that.

    Oh shit Sub, glad you mentioned it....
    Can you run through the options I have at this point re gunupgrades? Eg tactical, and explain the weapons power and options and how silencer makes a difference to weapon power?

    Here's what I have at the end of the intro though:

    Scar with 41 in clip and 213 in reserve. single shot or full auto. currently silenced.

    FY71 with 31 in clip, 88 in reserve - single shot or full auto. currently silenced

    The pistol has 20 ->40 single shot and three round burst modes.

    Both rifles have tactical attachments, which when they hit a soldier put him to sleep for a minute. It doesn't waste ammo but has a long recharge time.

    Could you not run through weapons I don't have yet though? I tell you what Sub, you can be weapon expert. Take a bit of weight off my shoulders. When you see a weapon in an update, go ahead and explain it.

    Like the weapons expert in Metal Gear Solid games.

    Frequency is 133.7

    Most of what you see in those videos and screenies can be interacted with. For example when playing through this for fun just to muck around I picked up a box in strength mode and threw it at a guy so hard it killed him. :)

    Red barrels also explode when you shoot them. these are minor environment spoilers but I think they're important to know. Other stuff you will encounter later I'll show Commanders with travel updates.

    Alright gotta hit the hay, full day tomorrow.

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • subediisubedii Registered User regular
    edited March 2008

    Oh shit Sub, glad you mentioned it....
    Can you run through the options I have at this point re gunupgrades? Eg tactical, and explain the weapons power and options and how silencer makes a difference to weapon power?

    Fine by me. You might want to Copy-Paste into the intro later.

    And now introducing Subedii's in-depth guide to instruments of destruction*
    *Not the song from the popular 1986 Transformers movie

    Suit Modes and combat:

    - Armour Mode: Useful in battle, but don't depend on it against the odds. Realistically you can only take a few shots without armour mode, armour mode with full energy roughly doubles this amount, but it's still not that much if you're standing exposed and taking fire. It's the default suit mode, drains energy every time you take damage. Can also help negate some falling damage.

    - Strength Mode: very effectively reduces recoil to a minimum, however, firing off a rapid succession of shots (about a little less than a clip usually) can quickly drain your suit power. Also increases melee attack strength, and allows you to bust into huts (see Destructible Housing).

    - Speed Mode: Running into a person / persons with speed mode will knock them over, and they'll take a good four or five seconds to pick themselves back up. Typically enough time to do whatever you want to them. Or you can just wait for them to get back up and then grab them.

    - Cloak Mode:Makes you pretty much invisible and muffles your footsteps as well. Guards will only see you from maybe 1-2 feet away if you're right in front of them. Drains energy fairly slowly whilst standing still. Drains energy quickly if you're moving. Fun fact: If you cloak right in front of a guard he'll completely lose it and start firing randomly everywhere screaming trying to hit you. Not much use but it's funny to see. :mrgreen:


    - Weapon accuracy: Affected by movement, weapon fire mode (automatic / single), weapons sight used, strength mode, and stance. Single shot firing with strength mode from the prone position using a sniper scope is a lot more accurate than running in firing on full auto.

    - Weapon Sights: reduces you to walking speed. There are different types of weapon sights useful for different situations. By default, all weapons can be "aimed" using their native ironsights if no attachment is used.

    - Headshots: One-hit kill with any weapon. The only time this doesn't work is if the guy is wearing a helmet, at which point it usually gets shot off and the guard survives.

    - Bodyshots: Soldiers take maybe 2-4 shots with an un-silenced weapon, although this can vary more than that depending on how well armoured the guard is.

    - Melee Attack: All weapons (or your bare hands) can be used for a melee attack. Without strength mode it often takes 2-3 hits to take someone down. Strength mode typically makes this a one-hit-kill. Largely silent (assuming the guy hasn't noticed you) if you one-shot them.

    - Grand Theft Crysis: Vehicles can be commandeered if nobody (living) is in them, and if they have mounted weapons you can use them. I might add in descriptions of vehicles if they end up getting used or run into.

    - Budget housing: Most of the shacks and huts on the island can be broken apart. If it's not made of concrete or solid metal (most of the houses are sheet metal) then you can bust them to bits. Explosives will destroy walls and whole houses. You can also use strength mode and bust through a wall, or even a ceiling. Most trees can also be cut down by standard weapons fire, and although it's close to impossible to predict where it might land, it means that unless it's a big thick tree it won't last as cover for long. Likewise a destructible house can easily have a whole wall blown off by an enemy grenade, so sometimes that cover won't last either.

    - Centre of Attention: Making noise will obviously attract attention. How far away it'll attract attention from depends on how loud the noise is. Bumping into a barrel and knocking it over will attract people from close by (like the next room over). An explosion can potentially alert the entire base and have loads of people running to where it came from to check out what's happening.

    - Grabbing, or: You can punch people, IN THE FACE!: When you get right up close to a guard, you have the option to grab them by the throat. This is largely silent, but sometimes guards close by will notice (depending on how close they are). They act as a bodyshield whilst they're still alive, guards will be a lot more reluctant and slower to shoot you (once they're dead this won't work and the body gets tossed away). You can punch them in the face whilst holding them, or alternatively quickly deliver a blow to the neck and toss them away. Anyone in the way of a thrown guard (or typically thrown anything ) gets knocked over, and usually killed if you throw with Strength mode.You can still fire your assault rifle or pistol whilst holding someone infront of you, but you can't aim it ( an attached LAM can help alleviate this somewhat). Important quotes to remember for these grabbing occasions include:
    - "Why are you hitting yourself?"
    - "No hard feelings!"
    - "FACEPALM!"


    You can swap any of your available attachments on the fly.

    - Silencers: Attaching a Silencer to a weapon drastically reduces the amount of noise it makes. Without one you can usually be heard and pinpointed from a long way off on standard rifles. With one attached they're only really likely to hear you from about 5-10 feet, if that.

    The trade off for this however is that a silencer drastically reduces a weapons effectiveness, to about maybe 1/2 to 1/3 of its original stopping power, so you need to pump a lot more ammo into someone to kill them. This does not affect headshots, those are still 1-hit kills.

    - Flashlights: Pistols and rifles have attachable flashlights. Can help you see in the dark, but can also alert guards to your presence.

    - Laser Aiming modules: Allows you to aim quite effectively without having to use the weapon sights. The spectrum is invisible to anyone other than the suit wearer*, so soldiers won't be alerted by it, even if you're shining it in their face.

    - Tactical Attachment: Fires tranquilliser darts. Instantly and silently drops a guard irrespective of where they're hit, but if others are nearby they'll probably notice. The effect lasts for a couple of minutes. Ammo is infinite but it takes maybe 10-20 seconds to re-charge between shots (never bothered to count), enough that you wouldn't want to use it in an actual combat situation. If they wake up, expect them to try and raise the alarm.

    - Reflex Sight: Replaces the standard "iron sights" on a weapon. Makes it easier to use for mid-range aiming. Long range aiming would be very difficult.

    * CZroe suggested that and it's the only explanation I can think of that can explain why the guards don't pay attention to it. Still flawed, but whatever.

    1x SOCOM Pistol with:
    - Attachable Laser Aiming Module (LAM)
    - Attachable Flashlight
    - Attachable Silencer

    Can be set to single or double-shot mode. Moderately effective short range weapon, can be easier to use out to mid-range with the laser attached. Can be dual wielded to make it double effective (there are enough attachments for both pistols). You cannot use the weapon sights whilst dual wielding, which makes the LAM's all the more important for this. Reduced accuracy when dual wielding means that it's usually used at short ranges.

    1x SCAR assault Rifle with
    - Attachable Reflex (red dot) sight
    - Attachable Flashlight
    - Attachable Silencer
    - Attachable Tactical attachment (fires tranquilliser darts)

    Your standard issue rifle. Can be set to single-shot, automatic, or attachment (if one is being used). Will probably be your staple along with the FY71, has the best stopping power and accuracy for a standard rifle. It's difficult, but possible to snipe to mid-long range with this weapon. I wouldn't advise that unless you've at least got a better weapons sight to attach to it, even then it's usually tricky to handle. As this weapon is not used by enemy soldiers in-game, additional ammo for it can be very rare.

    1x FY71 Assault Rifle (newly obtained) with
    - Attachable Reflex (red dot) sight
    - Attachable Flashlight
    - Attachable Silencer
    - Attachable Tactical attachment (fires tranquilliser darts)

    Slightly worse stopping power and accuracy than the SCAR, but not too much. Can be set to single-shot, automatic, or attachment (if one is being used). The main benefit is that this is the standard firearm that the enemy use and therefore you're not likely to run short of ammo for it. Even if you don't pick up discarded enemy rifles for ammo there's usually ammo around bases and wherever else soldiers are.

    EDIT: Darn man, I just wrote a frigging manual.

    subedii on
  • KhavallKhavall British ColumbiaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Hey wait shouldn't we wait until we have computers that can play Crysis before we do a Let's play of it?


    Anyways awesome idea.

    Khavall on
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Khavall wrote: »
    Hey wait shouldn't we wait until we have computers that can play Crysis before we do a Let's play of it?


    Anyways awesome idea.

    No that's my computers job. You just watch it. That's the point, which I hope is what your ohhh is referring to.

    Just a quick post before I head off for the day regarding Orders:

    I'd like people to PM me their orders. I will post up what they were after I've done the update. It occured to me it might be useful to prevent Order stealing.

    Alternatively, I could just make it so if an Order is posted first, you can't directly copy it. Lemme know what you guys would prefer.

    I'll try to pick people with different styles of Orders anyway.

    In either situation, if anybody wont be around at the time I ask for orders, feel free to PM me ahead of time with it. I'll post it in the thread after I do the update.

    Thanks Subedii I'll copy past that into the OP.

    Off to the show!

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • My Name Is LukeMy Name Is Luke Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    It's kind of sad that I can barely run the video of Crysis on my computer without it having to buffer every few minutes. Anyways, awesome idea for a LP and I can't wait for people to start posting up ideas.

    My Name Is Luke on
  • BasilBasil Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    I can has kwestion.

    How paranoid are the lead recepticals? What kind of logic and method do they use to call for reinforcements?

    Will the detonation of the explosive barrels bring a small army of angry people with funny voices into the area, and if so, will they go away after a while?

    Basil on
  • subediisubedii Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Basil wrote: »
    I can has kwestion.

    How paranoid are the lead recepticals? What kind of logic and method do they use to call for reinforcements?

    In general if someone spots you they'll shout for re-inforcements to notify anybody nearby. Sometimes they'll run and try to get help as well. There are places where they'll also send up a signal flare or similar to notify others that something's up. If you're not in cover they can spot you from a fair distance away, Snipers even moreso.
    Will the detonation of the explosive barrels bring a small army of angry people with funny voices into the area, and if so, will they go away after a while?

    Depends on where you are and where they are. If you're in the middle of a crowded base, then yeah, it's probably going to be coming at you from all sides. If you're in a forest and there's nobody nearby then even with a fair amount of noise, nobody's going to come. Be aware though, there are usually small patrols of soldiers strewn throughout the forests and places, and you're rarely even going to know about them until they come looking for you. In general though you shouldn't have too much to deal with in those circumstances. If you clear an area of soldiers it's not like they re-spawn or anything so you can have a party if you want and nobody will come.

    Basically, if there are a lot of people in that area, they'll come have a look, if not they won't.

    As for the soldiers, they'll generally check out disturbances, and patrol around where they heard them. Some might return to their previous posts after a while if they can't seem to find anything, but not always, at least not in my experience.

    subedii on
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Woo what a day.

    Just some stuff I wanted to say to people thinking up Orders:

    Don't worry about unexpected stuff too much. As in, if you think it'll disturb your current Orders if someone unexpected comes along, then your Order just needs a bit of work, a few backup plans. Later Scenarios will involve situations where you don't know everything and need to have multiple backups, so this basic scenario with that really obvious road is just to get people already thinking about all possible angles that enemies could come from. Be calmly paranoid, basically. I know this is contradictory, but it's really how this will work.

    Stealth: I realised this probably needs clarification. I have a negative penalty associated with stealth, but it's not that big. It's just there to discourage it, not rule it out. It's definitely not as big as death.
    If you figure up an awesome plan that might require, eg kill this dude then stealth over to this area, then yes that might be a small score reduction....but if the results are completely awesome, it's going to more than make up for it. Don't be afraid of it in your orders, just don't get into a habit of relying on it. I will recognise clever tactical use of it. It just needed a metagame con to balance out it's massively powerful pro.

    Oh and I plan to run around 20 scenarios. Been planning fiendish scenarios to tax your brains ever since I made the op. I also plan to throw bonus objectives that score higher points in to some scenarios, just to spice things up.

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Alright guys, I wont be taking a big break like that again. You guys ready to give me Orders? I'd like to have them by Sunday morning my time and it's 12pm Saturday now. I'll run through them on sunday and post up the results sunday night.

    PM or post in the thread, your choice.

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • OboroOboro __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2008
    Alright. It's not hard. It's not a hard situation. It could be harder. It might be hard for you. It's your own fault though, let's make that clear -- it's not hard, and I'm not being hard on you. This one's yours to lose.

    Two fellows in the boat are having a good time; leave them to it. Fellow on the beach, fellow by the jammer? They're in cahoots with the boys on the boat. They're waiting their turn. Leave them to it. Guy by the shed? Terrible sense of humor. Orders 'Hawaiian' whenever they phone in pizza on the airlift. Long story short -- they don't like him. He doesn't get to ride in the boat.

    ((The sound of a lighter across the channel.))

    Well. Put him out of his misery then. You're going to have to come down off the cliff, so don't forget to switch your suit into Strength Mode to try and ease the impact. Don't go ... don't go breaking your legs, alright? This isn't hard. You're going to want to make your way down left-forward-facing of the jammer from your current position, since the cliff seems lower there -- sweep your way through the brush, going into Stealth Mode if necessary until you're right-forward-facing of the jammer. Just keep on going. Find that fellow by the shed, the fucker with a piece of pineapple up his ass; you're going to nick him hard and fast with your rifle.

    You can do that for me, right? It's not a hard shot. My wife makes a shot just like this one on the range all the time. She nips the testicles right off the dummy. You're a good shot, right? This isn't hard. You're going to want to do this quietly, so attach a silencer if you've got one. No matter how quiet you are, though, this is going to get messy from here -- do me a favor, and keep your eyes on that boat.

    Now, before you do anything else, ask yourself this: did I piss off the boys on the boat? If you did, just ... well, don't. They'll scamper off to get help. They're not going to leave that boat to fight, oh no -- it's too fun. They'll play grab-ass in that boat all damn day. You don't want to wake them up. So, keep your eyes on that boat.

    Once you've established yourself in that shed, you're going to need to move left-forward-facing of the waterfront towards the jammer. If you're still utterly in the clear, you can probably just go into Stealth Mode and make it from where you stand. More likely, the fellow loitering there and waiting for his go on the boat is going to have to be disposed of. Unfortunately, things will get dicey here no matter what.

    If you have the opening to take out the jammer before loosing Hell, go for it. Otherwise? You have two targets on foot and two on a funboat that'll snap to attention pretty damn fast. Pull out something fast-firing and wicked -- you're going to be burning ammo here, so probably not your SCAR. Go ahead and put yourself into Armour Mode, and begin strafing towards the hut, opening fire on the target you'll be passing on your way there.

    He should go down before you come under fire; you have two priorities, now, and it's your own job to sort them out. You need to get into the hut, make sure it's clear, and hunker down in there in order to take out The Boat Boys. You also, though, need to nix the man on the beach before he radios down a patrol -- is he in sight? Nix him. He's out of touch, and the boat is bearing down on you?

    ... well, you fucked up, then. This isn't hard, soldier! Time it. Before you shoot the first fellow, make sure his beach-walking buddy is on his approach nearest you. You need to take them both down ASAP, and then move into the hut. In the best case scenario, our friends in the boat will have to get out of it in order to take you down -- and you can handle two men on foot, can't you?

    I can't help you with that part, but Hell. It's not hard, soldier.

    This isn't hard.

    Oboro on
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Mission Complete

    I messed up a few times....

    Speed mode threw me over the scanner because of the ramping rock. I was all wtf?

    Straight after, trying to kill that guy by the hut, just wouldn't die. Happens sometimes with cover.

    Only problem with the order was the friends that rock up, but eh. I wanted that to be a surprise.

    Nobody else gave me any Orders. Can I just ask how many people want to give Orders but can't because they've played before? Because at this point, I'm throwing open the gates. No restrictions.

    Just try to pretend like you don't know whats coming I guess. :)

    Gonna update the rest of the level by tonight, no more scenarios for a while until I get some more people willing to participate. If nobody wants to play after a week or so, I guess I'll just do a normal Let's Play.

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • subediisubedii Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    For future reference, it's actually armour mode that helps negate falling damage.

    subedii on
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    It was a good guess though. I mean improving strength in your legs might help take an impact.

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • Zen VulgarityZen Vulgarity What a lovely day for tea Secret British ThreadRegistered User regular
    edited March 2008
    So much reading for a LP.

    So much.

    Zen Vulgarity on
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    Crysis Mission 01

    From the end of Oboro's save. Was able to play a bit more aggressively with that stupid boat dead.

    Sorry about the bits of choppyness, I need to reboot my machine before recording a video. Don't remember it being that choppy while playing so might need to tool around with my bitrate a bit.

    I tried to inject some sardonic humour into the situations where Prophet is still giving you "tutorial" advice.


    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • BasilBasil Registered User regular
    edited March 2008

    I can't watch it yet, but I cheer anyway.

    Basil on
  • subediisubedii Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    So much reading for a LP.

    So much.


    Tell me how to play this game. I have semi-realistic guns and a super suit.

    subedii on
  • The Black HunterThe Black Hunter The key is a minimum of compromise, and a simple, unimpeachable reason to existRegistered User regular
    edited March 2008
    ARMOR mode for falling


    The pistols have double shot, not triple shot ;)

    Otherwise, its nice to see a different play style, my run through would be all
    "Run down that fucking hill then grab him and put a new door in his house! then kill his two buddies with a boat motor! fuck yeah! then snipe the boat bastard!

    The Black Hunter on
  • MorninglordMorninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    You should watch the rest of the mission 01. I miss a shot on a guy, then out of mild frustration pick up his friend and throw him at the guy I missed in strength mode. Dodge that! :D

    Morninglord on
    (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.
  • The Black HunterThe Black Hunter The key is a minimum of compromise, and a simple, unimpeachable reason to existRegistered User regular
    edited March 2008
    I love grabbing guys, then leaping up and throwing them down through a roof

    for when I just can't be bothered maneuvering through the door.

    The Black Hunter on
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