Has anyone considered how much Rush Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" may be affecting the democratic primaries?
I thought it was crap, until all the guys in my office went out and did it; are all McCain supporters but voted democrat in the Texas primaries.
(Full disclosure: McCain backer, but would prefer Obama to 4-8 years of Clinton soap-opera drama, voted my party in the past primary)
I wonder if that's why so many dem leaders want this wrapped up ASAP. Since the Republican nomination is done and you've got all these hardcore republicans who don't really need to vote in their primaries, why wouldn't they do something to make their chances better this fall?
You may very well be getting skewed primary results because of it since the hardcore right *want* the dems divided and fighting all the way to the convention. If Obama was behind, they'd be going for him.
Just like a vote for Nader was a vote for Bush, a vote for Clinton may very well be a vote for McCain.
I don't know what's worse, the ruthless trick or
falling for it when his "secret plan" is out in the open. It's like he's saying "Hey, guys, here's how I'm going to split you in two and here's how I'm going to do it, try and stop me..um...oh...wow...that's cool. Man, you're really ripping into each other, hey, keep fighting guys! Please! No, Miss Ferarro....you and Mr. Wright go ahead, I'll just stand over here AND LAUGH MY FUCKING ASS OFF."
You may want to tell your undecided friends that this guy:
Wants them to vote for Hillary. Tell them why, not because she can win, but so he can drag the convention out as long as possible to make the dems loose in november.
-I owe nothing to Women's Lib.
Margaret Thatcher
The only thing dragging it out at this point is Clinton.
took out her barrettes and her hair spilled out like rootbeer
edit: I had a friend who wanted me to go vote huckabee because he was such a joke. But I believe in actually voting for decent candidates on either side, you know, just in case people go the other way.
but they're listening to every word I say
Yeah but what people do is based on what people think. Thinking informs action which is why propagandists like Rush Limbaugh are dangerous.
Listen to his show. Just once. Seriously. That's what his show his show is like every single day. To say his listeners are programmed is an understatement. It is impossible to have a meaningful conversation with any of them on any topic Rush has been over.
Gonna throw up the o_O here...
People have different beliefs, morals, and principles, news at 11!
I listen to Rush, but don't agree with him on most points (for the same reason I listen to Howie Carr, Michael Savage, Alan Colmes, Sean Hannity, Free Talk Live, and others - to get different points of view). Most of the listeners are not "programmed" or any such bullshit. They simply have different points of view than you do.
As for "Operation Chaos," meh. I really don't think this is having any effect aside being a joke to hear about on the radio, and the hilarity being even greater since the media is running away with it. I was tempted to vote in the Democratic primary for similar reasons, but ended up sticking with my guy out of principle (Ron Paul, for the record).
The OP makes note of the thought that "hardcore Republicans" (?) want to keep the election close, and keep the party members fighting themselves as long as possible. If anything, if this whole "Operation Chaos" thing is true, and they really are purposely voting for Hillary en masse, this is more likely due to poll results. Most polls I've seen put the match-ups with Obama>McCain>Hillary. So you'd want your guy going up against the more easily defeated person, and since Republicans have little reason to vote anymore, aside from standing on principle, I think this is more likely...
I could be wrong, but I beleive you would need to pick people with diffferent view points to actually get those different points of view.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Hah no... Rush and Hannity are conservative, Howie Carr a little less so, Michael Savage is fucking crazy, Alan Colmes is liberal, and Free Talk Live is a Libertarian broadcast. ;-)
Edit: I was just throwing names out there for shows I've listened to - I'll listen to just about any talk radio that's on the air when I'm in the car or otherwise bored.
Wow, the fucking vitriol in here...
Notice where I mentioned that I listened to these people to get differing points of view? As in points of view that were different than my own?
Again, o_O
Alan Colmes is a self-professed moderate, isn't he? I absolutely despise it when people call him liberal. I'm a liberal. That man's not a fucking liberal.
He is as liberal as they let them get on faux news.
but they're listening to every word I say
The whole idea is that Hannity and Colmes is a seesaw of debate between a man on one end, and another man in the middle.
that's not actually a bad thing though, because often, moderates will sound more reasonable than those on either end.
the problem with colmes, i think, is not that he's not liberal enough. the problem with him is that he's useless and he fucking sucks.
i haven't watched the show in a long time though so maybe he's changed.
That would be useful if any of the people you listed actually offered honest, non-propagandist opinion.
Which they don't. Rush certainly doesn't. He's not sharing a point of view unless you consider a dishonest construct of reality to feed his listeners/viewers a "point of view," which I really don't. Not to the degree that he distorts anyway.
Just because they're spewing shit doesn't mean it's a "side." Sometimes there aren't sides. Sometimes things are just so. Some people think Intelligent Design has a place in our public schools. This isn't a side of an issue, but rather just a whole bunch of dumbshits fucking the country up.
1. appear somewhat responsible for something that would have happened anyway
2. cultivate this 'haha we're fucking with you sort of image and
3. (the most important thing) just possibly get some people who were going to vote and be actively involved in their democracy to decide not to bother.
I wonder how much they pay him to be the fool on national TV and how his family can ever respect him.
Something scary I learned long ago is that most of the time there is no cognizant dissonance where it should exist for most people. You might think Colmes secretly despises his life as a right-wing marionette, but he probably sees what he does as bringing balance to the force. His family, likewise, probably thinks he's such a trooper for being on t.v. and giving that Hannity what for.
I guess if he thinks he's giving it his best then that would help him justify his employment at FNC, as long as he doesn't question just how good his best really is compared to others.