Stolen from the Marvel Board.
The thread starts off normally enough but a small
notice of some art swiping snowballs with a second
swipe which causes Mack himself to come in and
defend himself. His lack of credit towards Maleev did not go
unnoticed though. While Mack did come up with a plausible
excuse for his 'homage', Maleev's response seem, to me, a little
Maleev later
forgives Mack but at that point it's too late. The snowball keeps
growing and
growing until the question becomes 'What part of Mack's work ISN'T traced?'
posts again but doesn't really address anything that's been posted. Like
blatant tracing. Maleev also
weighs in again. Whether his comment is for or against Mack is up for debate.
There's a lot of talk about the cover art and whether or not Mack owes something to
Ben Watts and there's a lot of talk about whether or not anybody should care, even after a copy of
Marvel's policy is posted. Apparently somebody at Marvel cared because somebody from Bendis' forums reported that the cover
won't be used.
Things become even funnier when Oeming comes to Mack's defense by
posting exactly what Mack should be doing, but isn't. As if there's no significant difference between that and
this. Oeming doesn't really respond to that. Instead he calls the people calling out Mack a
keyboard mob and isn't heard from again.
The rest of the thread is pretty boring. Another
trace is found and analyzed and the rest is summed up
Of course some of them were pretty blatant, so there you go. I loved seeing Oemings examples of producing his own references photos, that was definitely interesting.
It made me laugh that one of the people was bitching about him using the same image multiple times, considering that happens in every. single. book! I mean, I hate that they do it but it's like you might as well call out every single comic book artist on the face of the planet.
I'm already sick of this whole thing but I'll repost this for completeness sake.
Anyway, I think it's all pretty pathetic, and I cannot believe that there's anyone in the comic industry (fans or creators) that could even begin to condone what he did.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
I did too, until I learned that the hero Echo is copying is Caitlyn Fairchild from Gen 13, a Wildstorm book.
But again he says explicitly in his post that he picked poses from all his favorite superhero artists, not specifically Marvel ones.
Regardless, yes this story is old considering the cover was solicited months ago and the preview (which includes a Maleev referenced Daredevil) was released weeks ago.
Mack has given his side and has said in hindsight it was a bad idea, so feel free to think whatever you want.
For someone like Greg Land I can understand wanting to call him out, because his art theft is jarring even to someone who doesn't know he's done it. It doesn't work in the comic because he put no effort into it. But this? The stuff he's drawing looks good on the page. It works.
That one pic of Daredevil even has guidelines that show it is a freaking trace... the lines intersect the picture at the exact same place each time. that's one hell of a coincidence, no?
But hey, if you don't care, fine. I don't particularly care. But don't go accepting such a pathetic explanation in light of the evidence. Have a little more self respect then that.
Honestly, I don't know if it's a trace or not, it might be. My point is that there's zero reason for anyone to care about it. So you found a comic from 5 years ago that looks similar. Ok? With the volume of work these people put out, it's pretty much fucking inevitable, especially with people that go for a more realistic style.
so you think he took the daredevil cover into photoshop, shrunk it, then printed it out so that he could trace it?
Again, it seems you are engaging in a game of intellectual dishonesty with yourself.
Here, try this. Go draw a guy. Just a guy standing there. Now draw the same thing again. Now, put them side by side and draw three horizontal lines through the figures at random points.
The odds of these lines going through the exact same point on both pictures is amazingly small. Even though you are the artist that drew both. Now imagine how small they would be with two completely different artists.
The fact is, he is CLEARLY a tracer. The pictures do not "look" the same... they ARE the same. They are the exact same fucking picture.
Just accept it, then move on to whether or not that matters.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
except they are.
It's amazing that, in this day and age, artists think they can get away with this stuff (and they've been trying for a long time).
Greg Land
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
He's the one that does the porn-faces, right?
except they aren't.
There is no denying that the pose is pretty much identical, but that does NOT look like a direct trace from one page to the other. There are plenty of differences, and the similarities are just the pose and the fact that it's the same character both times. I think they are reaching with the Wolverine one, he isn't even really in the same pose (it's not a crime to have people standing upright you know).
And if, as he said, the intention was to mimic classic poses from other DD artists then that explains why he "stole" the pose as closely as possible. It wasn't a good idea, at least not without acknowledging it somehow, but I do accept that explanation and actually think it's an interesting idea.
That said, if I'd known this was old news I wouldn't have bothered posting. This is the first I'd heard about it.
This stuff has been going since before the book came out, he waited until release day and then spoke his piece.
Let me know when your brain has found a rationalization for this.
No, really... I'm all fucking ears over here.
Edit: Bale, photo referencing is only okay when you own the photos, or at least don't trace the exact image before drawing stuff over it. What Oeming does, or Tony Harris, or a shitload of other artists is vastly different from stealing another commercial artist's work (in this case a photographer), dressing it up a little, and calling it yours.
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Most are from the same issue of Gen 13. He didn't even try to find other's to "reference".
Photo referencing is one thing, completely tracing an image with little to no changes from the original and then claiming it as original or as some sort of "homage" reeks of a complete lack of integrity.
And jesus christ, from what I can tell he completely copy/pasted an Adam Hughes comic, completely. There were more panels lightboxed then not. He got paid for that, he received monetary compensation from deliberately stealing someone else's work and then claiming it as his own.
And then he has the audacity, when caught mind you, to claim it as a "homage".
From the examples given it's obvious the only amount of effort he spent on the book was cropping the images stolen to fit various frames.
Think about it like this. Adam Hughes spent time establishing the panel layouts, creating a fluid movement between panels, first using roughs and then more detailed drawings. Then he most likely set up models, took his own photo reference, researched other reference elements (backgrounds, objects, etc) and created established drawings from those. In his own unique style. He then got paid for this time and effort.
David Mack, simply copied the finished product that Hughes did, something that most definitely took less time and effort, and also got paid for it.